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>Watching video-essay on YouTube
<"In his book, Capitalist Realism, writer Mark Fisher said-"
>Immediately close video


>getting triggered by people you disagree with
extremely useful attitude and not sad and pathetic at all


Never said I disagreed with Fisher, just that it feels like CR is the only book eceleb leftoids have ever read in their lives.


Breadtube is fucking terrible now. Same themes, same exact academic references, zero insightful shit.

Will be interesting to see how they analyze the Gaza War/genocide aftermath though.


>Breadtube is fucking terrible now.
'breadtube' was a shitshow of grift from the getgo


Genuinely never seen this happen. I've clearly avoided this breadtube thingy ya'll agorithmfolk whine about.

Use an RSS reader and hide the suggestions panes with uBlock, only sub to stuff you find off-site.


Let's be honest: it's a shit book.


Ghosts of my life was better as a piece on sociology


>expecting youtuber trash to be anything but cultural critic shit
i mean you kinda asked for it

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