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When my people take over in a bolshevik revolution, only those capable of manual labor will eat. All of you psuedo-academics, women, foreign H1b visa types (looking at you pajeet), sportsball fans, concert-goers, and consooomers better have a plan to make it to your daddy's vacation home in the Maldives because we will be coming to redistribute all (yes all) of your property. The farther you are removed from colonial American stock, the worse it will be for you. Get back to your homeland to work HR and endlessly consoom elite capitalist products because the future is not looking bright for you here.




File: 1714365753474.jpg (36.95 KB, 457x343, encouRage.jpg)

Least fascist anarchist.


> All of you better have a plan to make it to your daddy's vacation home in the Maldives
You know, frankly, I love the beach.


wow, how did you know I was a pseudo*-academic indian woman named Pajeet on a visa to watch football with live music at half-time? this is uncanny.
it's ok though. im literally about to take over the US in a jacobin revolution. we're still out here.


Saying this while posting Conan is awesome


File: 1714367311177.png (789.19 KB, 637x982, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1714367459839.png (162.09 KB, 640x418, lol.png)

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