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Why do Poland and the Czech Republic hate communism so much?


poland, czechoslovakia and russia have been severely christcucked for centuries and christians are the fifth column of the bourgeoisie.


Czech republic is one of the most atheistic countries ever, Slovakia is the (nominally) heavily catholic one.
Hungary is the funny one here, really highlights how politicaly illiterate general public is, "Yeah, the country went to shit since right-wing took power, still gonna vote for them though".


Sex with mommy


the influence of Catholicism lingers. even if "god is ded", the spirit of Catholicism lingers over the language, culture, customs, etc. so that even the opinion of the people is affected.
<Public Opinion
as you see, while most secular-policies have been passed into government, i.e. no gay/race/etc. discrimination, no job discrimination, and so on, but no gay marriage, which outside of considering the stance of the Catholic church, would be quite odd. the logic continues that this line of thinking iterates to communism.


This is from 2009, during the financial crisis when the socialist party collapsed and went for the full technocratic neoliberal austerity bullshit.


Because they're literal nazi shitholes

And no, I'm mot joking, even Italians risk being lynched and stabbed by some skinhead for "looking arab"


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Then why did Poland import ~20 million people who look like picrel into the EU?


Because Poland is full of reactionary bourgs that came back into power during the fall of the Warsaw Pact

Czechoslovakia is because of Prague Spring and the glowie provoked coup the USSR and other Warsaw Pact countries repressed.


>Czechoslovakian communist party leadership sees that the party is loosing public support
>they undertake reforms to restore it
>Soviet leadership OKs them
>leadership of neighbouring Warsaw pact countries throw a hissy fit in fear of reformist sentiments spreading
>Brezhnev caves in and orders invasion
>half a century later a historically illiterate retard summarizes the situation as "glowie provoked coup"


polish socialism had some unique economic failures, a cia funded popular coup, an unequal relationship with the ussr, and historical circumstances that made soviet-style socialism and its geopolitical alignment easy to portray as a symptom of russian imperialism


They never had Communism




i thought they were given clear redlines they immediately crossed

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