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I was working with a group and for one of my slides on the use of hydrocolids for disabilities and difficulties swallowing was changed to "(dis)abilities" by another group member. and so what is your take, is there a need to redefine this term? and what constitutes a disability, are mental ones included? and if mental illnesses are added what would be the threshold in order for it to categorize as a disability?


Words are man-made tools to describe the world as we perceive it, and to patch over differences in said perception from person to person. They mean whatever people agree they mean, and that's it. Any attempts to find the "true" meaning of a word are at bottom idealism, and not worth seriously considering.


Disability is mostly dependent on context, but basically amounts to when somebody can't do what most people can. Whether this requires special accommodations or not is another question that again depends on context. Having some kind of inconvenient medical condition doesn't make you disabled unless the inconvenience interferes with your ability to function (without intervention or accommodation - it's still a disability even if you manage it effectively).

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