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File: 1714336134801.png (152.31 KB, 350x350, a real book title.png)


Would you read this book?


read that book? uygha i didn't even read das kapital


Sure, throw me the PDF.


How many times do you think this exact type of book has been written?



>linking an image on an imageboard


whats up with millennials with their promotion of awkwardness as comedy?


Blame the jannies for gutting the tor node.


and incompetence as nbd


it's better than allowing spam raids I guess


the jannies were right to do it. people were spamming CP in the wee hours where it wouldn't get cleaned up until someone woke up


No, I would never read a book about feminism


Not recently, it's because of the soyspam that happened a week ago. It's pointless RN, because half of that was just VPN hopping outside of Tor.

>Would you read this retarded auto-biographical 'comic' about some libfem
Why waste my time? Even /siberia/ threads have given me more than any 'book' like that.


Bait? No, it could not be, this must be sincere…


I rarely notice any cp and >>>/meta/23574 doesn't get bumped that frequently. Tor has always been the first point of attack during a raid, yet after it is disabled most spammers still have enough ips to demand mod attention.

If anything torspam serves as an early warning for any raid. Nobody benefits from gutting the tor node except our enemies.


>I rarely notice any cp
because of actions that were taken. cp, porn and gore were spammed pretty regularly. intermittent image posting on the node is fine. the glow prefix isn't.


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>good at feminism

you can't delete all posts by IP with the tor node, making any spam on it more tedious to clean up


what is nbd and what do you mean by incompetence as the millennial definition of it?


File: 1714342728525.png (104.8 KB, 356x238, 1714339960.png)

<leftypol actually figured out how to link images/etc like people do on IRC, probably after many tries
<actual character development
Now you just need to know what a pastebin is

>probably live mod reaction in music form: https://files.catbox.moe/jsuarf.ogg

in my opinion I think a textboard is better than an imageboard, it is compatible with command-line/TTY browsers without having to constantly use mpv –profile=low-latency –loop –vo=tct –really-quiet –fs <link-to-image-or-video-or-audio> and people can just link stuff instead of uploading

and if someone wants to post a crime, they would probably get reported by whatever third party they used to link the image, like actual police involved as it should
what node? there's thousands of them hosted by volunteers around the world for people to be able to use the Tor network


>>527977 (correcting myself)
the command got butchered somehow, it's:
 mpv --profile=low-latency --loop --vo=tct --really-quiet --fs planet_wisp.mkv


it'll happen to you too zoomie. youll be married to a 30-something quirk chungus brunette and stare listlessly out your window while wearing your faded and stained Jujutsu Kaisen tee shirt and petting your child replacement

I have already reproduced and have abandoned caring about my childhood fiction franchises so I am 2 steps ahead of the strawman comic


>jaded pre-middle aged adult thinking hes older than he actually is and projecting his individual fate of senescence onto their junior


This unfortunately is what some Gen X/Millennial couples are like.


imagine having any romantic attraction to begin with, couldn't be me


Given it's a comic, perhaps. I'm in that weird middle generation between millenial and Z but maybe I'll find intrest in it anyway, SabrinaOnline started well before my time but the jokes in the early years still land for me. (I haven't got that far into it yet.)


>his individual fate of senescence
but my individual fate of senescence doesn't match the comic and I'm just teasing anyways. Have fun out there!


all nodes dumbshit


nodes that you waste MY bandwidth to shitpost with??
contribute, right now pls help the network:
>points airsoft gun


>>528033 (me)
>points baguette


please stop with this sub-geberational cohort bullshit.

Theres less difference between millennials and their juniirs compared to boomers and Gen X


I know, but there's still enough of a difference that it can be difficult to get a handle on both millenial and gen-z specific stuff, which there's still enough of to be awkward. I bet the gap between Z and A would be even smaller.


Only if you read these books with me.


>and if someone wants to post a crime, they would probably get reported by whatever third party they used to link the image, like actual police involved as it should

POV: The police knocking your door after posting Leninhat copypasta :'(


File: 1714428136348.jpg (94.19 KB, 800x566, 118871 stare anime.jpg)


> a textboard is better than an imageboard
No, because links 404. Like it just happened


>no one reposting the actual image


that's because glowanon used a temporary file storage service(https://litterbox.catbox.moe/) instead of a permanent one(https://catbox.moe/)
like, this one will forever exist: https://files.catbox.moe/kqsfg7.ogg world of goo ost, in that place where there were a bunch of clouds indicating the height of the mountain of goo other save files made but now it's all gone
I was reffering to crimes like CSAM, that should be an exception to get police involved




and also linking a video/image is better than actually posting on leftypol, because leftypol has a file size limit of 40MB and catbox(the permanent version) has a file size limit of 200MB, and the temporary version has a file size limit of 1GB

technically you could selfhost a file storage service to get unlimited file size
nah, even though I run gentoo(the best system in the world) and stuff I'm not really into tech tbh, I'm more into famitracker and utau, even though both are hard to learn


>leftypol has a file size limit of 40MB
The limit is actually about 80mB


wait really? they must have increased it I think?
catbox is still better though


Why do you keep spoilering random sentences? It's really annoying!


le surprise box newfag


I've been on imageboards for a literal decade by this point. I know that that is indeed a way people use spoiler tags, but I've never seen anyone do it in such an annoying way.


It's been increased for a while now


im not calling you a newfag im saying using spoiler tag like a surprise box is the newfag behavior


nice, but still not much tbh


>I was reffering to crimes like CSAM, that should be an exception to get police involved

Well, we are not the ones who set what is an exception and what is not. That is the point.


oh I didn't thought about this detail, guess I was definitely wrong all along


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Yeah, what you said sounded pretty silly XD, third party intervenience would be horrible, accounting this is a leftist imageboard where ppl fantasize about going full Robespierre.


the average british swerf/terf would unironically agree with the first 2


Most people are bad at parenting.

Unique IPs: 20

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