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many such cases



buddhism comes from india tho


That's a pissing receptical tho.


Oriental toilets allow for more optimal & natural shitting positions, but they do result in increased splatter if the shit isn't that solid and cohesive.


>Oriental toilets
terms is amusing to me when we don't call regular toilets occidental toilets or western toilets


this also makes up a lot of china bad clickbait


is tor image posting supposed to work? for me the site froze on posting, twice and only the text of the first attempt got through https://a.uguu.se/ZPFjTJkP.png


Mods blocked Tor image posting on /siberia/ for some reason, I think because of spammers


ive never seen a person soyface for those floor level toilets


almost like most people here live in the west


but i did see weaboos praising it for cleaningness


are you thinking of bidets?


I like them because sitting on public toilets is gross


Fucking Kek.


Westoids just need to eat more fiber


I've never seen anyone berate near/middle eastern toilets


Doesn't more fiber result in less solid shit… you know, like how Americans expose their shit diets by talking about Taco Bell causing them diarrhea, which is the result of the sudden introduction of fiber into their system after a long deficiency of it?


Nobody needs fiber.


Maybe for you after you softlocked yourself out of it, burger.


Why do we need to consume something that messes with nutrient absorption?


Lessening nutrient absorption is something most burgers would absolutely need tbh.


Nah, most burgers need to stop eating soy,grains, and vegetable oil.


Stop spreading this myth. It only prevents the absorption of carbs (ironic), and it delays the absorption of glucose which prevents a "spike" and instead spreads its blood levels evenly across a timeframe after eating.


Fiber stops diarrhea


its the exact inverse

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