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why is she so cute bros?


It's the glasses.




Bipod or not, the recoil will hit her glasses pretty bad.


Who is this girl Anon?


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What a retard. She was working jobs and doing shit for years before she decided to hire a killer and had the money to hire one, so she had the skills and money to literally just fucking disappear, her parents would never find her if she just left for another city and never looked back and she would have been better off for it, instead of rotting in prison for the rest of her life. Moron.


yeah that or she could have hired a killer THEN disappeared.


There is no point in killing people, she was the moron for, even as an adult, just staying under their control instead of doing ANYTHING else.


yes, she was a moron for staying under control instead of doing anything else.
like killing her parents and disappearing.


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>killing her parents and disappearing.
… I feel like you're vicariously fantasizing about this. Get help.


I'm not vicariously fantasizing about killing my parents and disappearing nor am I vicariously fantasizing about killing her parents and disappearing
I am however vicariously fantasizing about her killing her parents and disappearing.


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>I'm not vicariously fantasizing about killing my parents and disappearing nor am I vicariously fantasizing about killing her parents and disappearin


Fellas, do I have fascist brainworms if I really enjoy videos like this where the criminals get fucking destroyed by the interrogators?


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I watched some, it was quite fun at the time, too bad i hate cops nowadays .


kinda? the professionals doing this do it to innocent people a lot, but most people really hate the serious criminals like murderers and rapists.


the demon has great taste in music


those interrogation videos are quite iteresting.


i'm the opposite, i hate watching people squirm and break under pressure even if they absolutely deserve it


same tbh, for me it's because I grew up getting blamed for everything so I reflexively identify with the suspect


i like that shit too.
i watch for the high complexity, high emotional intensity situations the defendants have found themselves in.

sometimes it's comical the shit they try and pull to get away with it

i think youre normal anon
if anything you are educating yourself on law and the judicial process, in some capacity


this channel does have an extra layer of kinda bullshit psychology, though
sometimes the commentary can be helpful but tbh picking apart the way someones sitting or if theyre stiff with social anxiety doesnt make much of a difference in the grand scheme of things, especially when the evidence is simply over fucking whelming. I think its very similar to watching the trial and interrogation footage raw

the dude does a good job summing things up and saving us time, and on top of that he also curates the content to find the most sensational cases. maybe its normie shit but i think youd have to be pretty hardcore to have a vendetta against this content. it would be like hating the channel The Button on youtube

just a personal preference ig but it doesnt make you a bad person remotely


reminder to never talk to the police


yeah I probably need my daily dose.


Spread those cheeks my balls are full your instincts: correct

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