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VGH…the Berber ovvned saharas of NVRTH AVRICA

I'm a pure Berber. Like 100% Amazigh. I piss Berber, I shit Berber, I inhale Tamazgha oxygen and exhale 100% Berber Carbon. And no, I'm not wh*te passing, I look like the motherfucking couscous-eating, kilim-weaving donkey-fucking Berber I am. I descend from a fossilized Massinissa sperm that penetrated a Dehya egg in the middle of the Atlas snowy mountains. The fertilized egg found its way into the womb of a Barbary lioness, hence my name, Aghyul.

Every morning, I shove through the lines of whitoid researchers camping in front of my door who keeps begging me for a small sample of my pure Berber phlegm, I've seen them fight over my pure Berber shit but I never give them a chance cause I always flush the toilet fast.

Whenever my Berber wh*te cells is patrolling my pure Berber bloodstream seeking out strangers or undesirables if they capture any, ANY intruder, be it an arab, turk or kang virus, they don't fuck around, no rubber bullets, no Miranda warnings, none of that shit, they whip out their military assault rifles equipped with night vision and laser scopes and they shoot the motherfucker and dispose it straight into my Berber colin.


Holy gem

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