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"No chin, no right to speak."
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Unironically how do you counter redscare arthoes when it comes to bants? They seem like they have the most power in any encounter with them.


i have not encountered and will not ever encounter such people. easy.


log off.


Ask them if they will let you suck their toes.


post gemdom at them


I don't understand any of this


read baudrillard, chenso man, and chairman mao. lurk until you get it libtard


Move from twitter to fedi or cohost or something.


You're just weak.


Counter their arguments; and also explain that capitalism will try to present communism as terrible as possible and instead you should research into the topic by reading books, plus talk to people in communist spaces/groups (but also remember that they're people and there's only so much labor and time they have to educate a random person), instead of word of mouth – since remember, it's cheap to lie, and expensive to say the truth
Call her a fraud that hasn't earned the title of artist, nor hoe.


Women can be pretty savage went it comes to banter, it's true, and not just arthoes, but good old babushkas too, and everything in-between.
You don't have to be confrontational and go harder on the bants all the time, it's not an imageboard, you can just admit your game is weak and blush or something.
Try to understand better how they see the world, why their banter is so biting, why does it hurt when they verbally put the lemon and the salt on this wound you didn't know you even had, generally they make fun of an embarrassing truth that is kept hidden.
Still keep in mind they can be fucking hardcore, female bullying can be more hellish than the blunt force of moids in some circumstances. I think it's a self-defense mechanism and people don't grow up that much after high-school. Disarming people with banter is a good way to disarm nasty people with bad intentions in this savage society.
Good luck, you will always fail, but practice makes perfect.

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