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"No chin, no right to speak."
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File: 1714106569806.webm (2.68 MB, 854x452, 1657664796501.webm)




wtf, i was using those organs. rude


File: 1714114325213.mp4 (749.9 KB, 232x226, stepan_bazinga.mp4)



kali ma


all posted at exactly 3:02:00
god wtf is wrong with the servers lately


Much better:
>one of the first mega robots ever
>mad scientist - Dr Hell - discovers mechanical monsters from ancient Greece
>Dr Hell kills everyone in the archaeological expedition, except Professor Kabuto from Japan
>Professor Kabuto manages to get home and builds a mega robot to fight off Dr Hell attempt to conquer the world
>Dr Hell manages to have Kabuto assassinated
>Kabuto's grandson, Koji, pilots the robot, Mazinga Z
In the last decades, we have been existentially sabotaged by mediocre and stupid entertainment. Let's bring back some quality stuff.

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