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"No chin, no right to speak."
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File: 1714034130942.png (98.05 KB, 1072x1060, Soy bingo.png)


Its time for some soy bingo!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thinking anime is pedophilia is the only thing one that applies to me.


>you're UNCLEAN if you don't shower literally every day of the week
this burgoid meme needs to die


LMAO. Stinky filthy motherfucker. Take a fucking shower.


i took a shower yesterday, i will take a shower tomorrow. there's something wrong with you if you develop an all-encompassing body odor and greasy hair after 30 fucking hours.


>you don't have to smell to clean yourself
>we can smell you
fuck off with your religious cleanliness obsession. amerikkkans really are a breed of puritans


how do you know he's american?


an important mark of humans is the ability of FORESIGHT. people use deodorants because they might sweat even without intense labor. normal people don't opportunisticly shower every day when they can just shower the day after and maintain the same level of cleanliness. that's what people with ocd do.


apparently brazil is the most hygienic country in the world


see >>527021 is why op is 99% a burgerbrain. it's a country full of purity obsessed people with dried out skin. i bet your mom also wiped each piece of furniture with disinfectant daily, because having ocd is apparently totally normal human behavior to you.


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I mean having things all clean and tidy feels good though
even though my apartment is currently vidrel again(video related)
couldn't find the vid on youtube so I had to record it using ani-cli
> >>527021 is why op is 99% a burgerbrain
more like brazilbrain
it's not, I live there. the cleanliest country in the world is probably china


the environmental storytelling of the chinlet seethe behind this is interesting


>the cleanliest country in the world is probably china
LMAO, you should take a look at one of these markets where they sell live animals for cooking, and tell us this again.
Singapore and Switzerland are the cleanliest countries in the world, and also the most boring ones.


>where they sell live animals for cooking
wait wtf live animals? wait…. logically this makes sense if you want the meat to be as fresh as possible like 1 nanosecond of freshness. I should take a look at this though
>Singapore and Switzerland
gonna look at them, but I am still 100% biased over china lol


>tor users may not upload images
boo! I'll post my result in text form:
also who the hell showers every day, especially if they're not going anywhere?


stupid formatting


brazilians, 2 showers per day, can confirm
>I'll post my result in text form
you could send a link to the image like people do in IRC servers


I want to take a shower with Teto!



 _ _ _ _ _

>tor users may not upload images
Uhh, Tor sisters… our response?


You VILL take ze bath.
You VILL use ze soap.
You VILL scrub your arse.


_ _ _ _ _
Thanks for the format. Perchance, fellow Tortosie, are you Agent Kochinski?


The notion of daily showerness needs to die, yes, but "burgoid" made me kek. What stan do you live in where you don't have access to showerable water?


porkies wants to take your boysmell away. don't let them


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That anon is just European probably.


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>Data mining thread
Whatever, it's harmless. I'll bite.
Sometimes I rock a ponytail when my hair gets on my nerves and a good gumshoe has to keep up with the latest lingo. I nearly put myself down for the bottom right corner but I had a think about it and came to the conclusion that I don't get offended as much as dissapointed. If someone keeps using slurs for the sake of it, I think it says more about them than anyone else.


This is a coal so dark 50 kids have to die mining it


>Le wetmarket
Have you ever been to a butcher bro? Literally the same thing. Wetmarkets are bad not because they market itself is particularly dirty but because the meat sold are procured from unvetted wild animals.


Yes, pics like https://blog.whitecoatwaste.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/cats-wet-market-china-wide.png and https://resize.indiatvnews.com/en/resize/newbucket/715_-/2020/03/esdj5l9xyaeryyz-1583681062.jpg show that China is certainly cleaner than any open-air market in Zürich or Copenhagen, 中国最好.
Cleaniness is soy and gay anyway, for tourists afraid of everything and who will never enjoy life outside of their little gated communities.


>datamining thread


Sharty culture is basically just thinktankisms masquerading as memes, huh? Like seeing it all together like this, it feels obvious, but kinda sad about it.


Eating dogs & cats is legal in Zürich and Copenhagen (gigabased)


should I tell glownonymous how people link images and etc on IRC? I feel like I probably shouldn't enlighten the imageboarders.


File: 1714058435835.png (114.47 KB, 1072x1060, soy bingo checked.png)

i didnt get it
imagine the smell


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someone made this fred already in the past and i still have the image i used


Oh hey, I had no idea chihuahua poster is vegan, thats very cool.


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not as soy as i expected


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Got dangerously close ..


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I want to kill myself.


Why is that?


Very broken individual.





Why not?


In what way?


I can't form or maintain relationships of any kind.


Are you a transhumanist?


same tbh




I'm sorry.

Not a reason.



How come?


I'm not qualified to answer that.


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What even is the point of killing yourself? If you feel like life is over for you then why not act like it and do whatever you want? If nothing matters then you can do anything.


ding ding ding you won the soy bingo!


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i mean people say that all the time but someone who's suicidal already tends to feel really pent up and anxious. they internalize their suffering. if they had the energy to do cool shit like stealing, they wouldnt wanna kill themselves


I have no real desire to do anything.


Drink the Ayahuasca or try shrooms. You have nothing to lose trying either.


try going into social places and events, such as learning a new martial art for example, you'll meet new people there, as long as you don't fuck it up you could potentially form new friendships that way

going into events of any kind, filliating oneself to organizations, voluntarily contributing to projects you have expertise on, or even filliating oneself to a political party is a way to meet new people too

I feel your pain, it will pass


>>527129 oh hey, my frends are also soy enjoyers that's very cool :3

>>527138 do NOT do it. you should LOVE yourself NOW
>>527143 because:
uno: life is an extremely rare thing, and when you die it's joever, there ain't no afterlife
dos: u'r feeling awful right now, but it CAN be fixed, and life can be AMAZING and when it gets fixed u'll be really glad u didn't end it
tres: mom will be sad
cuatro: chihuahuas


It won't pass by itself. And clearly that anon can't socialize so why are you telling him to meet people? He should drink the Ayahuasca and unlock his mind and potential. It literally makes people change their character after experiencing it. Same with shrooms. It's clear that people like this are at a stage of despair and depressive anhedonia. Ayahuasca and shrooms both have the properties to change that. All this skepticism is retarded.


Then why is it a problem that you can't form relationships? Since you don't want to form them anyway.


>>527169 (me)
*affiliating, my english is bad sometimes
>why are you telling him to meet people?
I mean, it wouldn't be bad to try, what if everything goes according to plan?
>He should drink the Ayahuasca and unlock his mind and potential.
have no idea what that is(only drug I used was weed), but probably a good idea to try tbh
>It won't pass by itself
it won't, but it's not forever
>people like this are at a stage of despair and depressive anhedonia
it is all a matter of trying to resting when things get this extreme


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>have no idea what that is(only drug I used was weed), but probably a good idea to try tbh
Ayahuasca is an extremely potent psychadelic brew, that gives your life a new experience like you've never had before. I have seen countless testimonies of suicidal people and depressives turning their life around after trying it once despite all the skepticism. Psilocybin mushrooms also harbor the same potential. Going through ego death and coming back strengthens a person and makes them better.


I'll take a look at this drug, if I get interested I may get a few


Your advice is good and would work for most people, but unfortunately I'm too far gone at this point.

Thank you chihuahua poster.

I know right, it's a paradox.


wish you the very best glowanon, ファイト!!


>unfortunately I'm too far gone at this point.
Drink the fucking Ayahuasca, it's clear you don't wanna change with just go-getter attitude advise. Its just too much effort and too much mental strain. Change your mind with just a few sips of Ayahuasca or just a few psilocybin mushrooms.


>just a few psilocybin mushrooms
dang you must get the good stuff. I've found anything less than a quarter doesn't do much


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it's called bazinga


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The lack of decent beard used to bother me but now I go clean shaven more often.


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File: 1714114073614-1.webm (4.48 MB, 490x360, Read a Book.webm)

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> Has told someone something along the lines of "educate yourself" or "its not my job to educate you"
Telling people to "read a book" counts for this.


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it's joever


nah "read a book" is just the pretentious way of calling someone dumb, "its not my job to educate you" is just passive-aggressive tumblrcore


>showering little is soy

anyway i got only 2 squares lol


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even with that concession, i'm just not soy. what am i doing wrong, sisters.


If I don't believe women are superior but I believe any kind of masculinity is bad do I check the case or not?


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With one exception, almost the complete opposite of me.


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I used to shower every day when I had manual labor jobs but when I started working an office/wfh job I stopped showering every day. I exercise every day but it's very light intensity cardio and weightlifting over the course of a couple of hours, because I have arthritis, so I don't really break a sweat. Back when I showered daily my skin would actually get very dry from all the soap. Now I showever every other day, so 3-4 days a week in stead of 5. I don't think 5 is really necessary. I always shave my entire body when showering. I'm also vegan as of very recently, less because of animal exploitation and more because it's supposed to help with inflamation, autoimmune disorders (like arthritis), and significantly lower your chances for various digestive cancers.

I'm fairly muscular and medium weight (not skinnyfat).

I think my voice is high pitched. My wife and others say it is not but any time I hear a recording of myself I disagree.

I grew my hair out long when my wife got pregnant with our first kid after having it short for most of my life but I wear it in a bun more often than a ponytail. My hairline is receding a little bit in my 30s but I don't have any significant bald spots.

I have a small chin but no trouble growing facial hair. I don't have the fullest beard in the world but it's hardly pube/soy. I keep it too short for it to look pubey.


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<imagine a guy in your head to get mad at

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