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why the fuck do europeans and crackers in general refer to themselves as the "caucasian race" while putting actual caucasians in the "eww brown people" category?
most of them dont know shit about our culture and the yankeestani among them probably arent even aware of our existence, but for some fucking reason these mayos, who would die of sunburn experiencing an armenian summer, think of themselves as the "real caucasians" instead of the actual people living there.
like wtf?


The mog is real


it comes from some stupid interpretation of where noah's ark landed in the bible
also it's a pseudo-biological theory and has nothing do with with actual caucasian culture


lmao this makes it even more absurd. why would noah, a dude from the middle east, be white?


Nah pretty sure it is because some race autist though Caucasians were the whitest people by his own arbitrary metric so y people came from there or something


its the same stupid shit as calling themselves ayrans a


same reason why anti-semitic doesn't refer to the hatred against jews and arabs and pheonicians and canaanites and egyotians and akkadians and assyrians and punics and nvbian bvlls


I've had chinletdies tell me before that the Caucasus wuz originally inhabited by white people n shieet before they got replaced by brown bearded mountain climbers which is very ironic since the bearded mountain people are literally Iranics a.k.a Aryans. A lot of right wing anthropologist presented the originial PIE hordes as ze blonde beast but looking at how other Aryanic peoples looked like my pet belief is that the whole blue eyed blonde hair phenotypes were actually from native Europeans before they got massacred by the Aryans which explained why the rest of the Indo-Europeans do not look remotely like scandinavians


y do crackers have pink skin like a poosy or butthole


Thats unironically how it went, steppe people are brown, the sun is bearing down on them all the time, theres no trees to give shade. Whitey would’ve died of skin cancer.



>refer to themselves as the "caucasian race"
>why the fuck do europeans
Only americans do this.


Lmfao, arm*ians are seen and see themselves as le white aryan crusader westerners


White people are subhuman apes.


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white people aren't even real. they're a fake anthropological category made up by the british to encourage pan-european identity under british imperial hegemony. the truth is race isn't real either. Every person has their own unique set of genes. Measureheads btfo.


I think I heard in an HBomberguy video it was because some guy was horny for a skull he found in the caucasian mountains. So necrophilia.


link pls


Not hbomb, thought slime.


The reason is that in the 19th century the Caucasus was thought of as the place of origin of the "white race" or at least of the original Indo-European language. It's nonsense, but somewhere, especially in Burgerland, the idea got currency and the current use of "Caucasian" as "white" or "of European descent" is a leftover of that. Curiously, for many years, every time I hear some bloody Burger film with someone being described as "Caucasian", I've been thinking "Are we sure they're talking about an Abkhazian, an Adygean, a Circassian, an Ossetian, a Chechen, a Georgian, a Dagestani, a Kabardian, an Azeri and so on?".
A somewhat similar thing is the use of the term "Latin". In Burgerland, "Latin" is short for "Latin American", i.e. someone from a Spanish-speaking country in the Americas. Even though Brazil too is "Latin" speaking - Portuguese comes from Latin as much as Spanish does - and so is Haiti or other French islands in the Caribbean, and I'm not talking about Quebecois, Acadians, Cajuns and the like. But then an Italian or a Portuguese recent immigrant or their descendants are not "Latin".


i am become burger, destroyer of language


I'm from Western Europe and I've traveled in Armenia and Georgia recently.
Both are beautiful countries with very friendly and hospitable people, great food, great wine and cognac, and I especially enjoyed partying with Russian expats in Tbilisi.
Only problem was the roads in some parts, but that's a minor complain.
Armenian women might be the most beautiful women I have seen in the world so far, and the public fountains available everywhere are awesome, I wish we had this quality of water here.
Georgians are a bit silly with their obsession about joining the EU and NATO, but it's understandable and I can't blame them. I just hope they can eventually find a way to develop without being too dependent on either the West or the Russian government, both are vultures who only want to exploit them. I also hope Azeris and Turks will stop bullying Armenia one day.
I would have stayed more if I didn't have to go back to my job, I was living the life there. I miss it and might come back one day. გაუმარჯოს / Կենաց.


>It's nonsense, but somewhere, especially in Burgerland, the idea got currency and the current use of "Caucasian" as "white" or "of European descent" is a leftover of that.
<mentions the Circassians but doesn't know about how the meme became popular

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