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>smooth af even when you just smoke it out of a bowl
>mentally stimulating, but no paranoia/anxiety
>relaxing but won't knock you out

For me, it's Northern Lights


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Hell yeah brother. Love that strain. If you like NL make sure to try Jack Herer too. It's a hybrid of NL and Shiva Skunk. Sativa men are men of culture. Durban poison is one of my faves too.


I thought northern lights was indica?
Will try that hybrid though. Had a Durban poison vape cart two years ago, I loved how it just shut me up and put me into "get laid" mode. Felt like the sigma weed strain


Northern Lights? At this time of year! At this time of day! In this part of the country! Localized entirely within your bowl?!?


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You're lucky, all I got access to here (in my corrupt shithole country) is CBD, THC-B and THC-JD vapes (picrel)
And its very likely they're going to get outlawed pretty soon like they did to THC-O Delta8


Huh, guess you're right. I think I was confused since Jack Herer is a "sativa dominant" hybrid whatever that means.


I had no idea Roland made DJ controllers, seems dope with the integrated drum machine/sampler.


what's that thing on the left?
anyways I've never cared about strains, probably a holdover from when it was illegal and you didn't have options. Currently have berry smasher and special haze


I just bought some D9 THCP. They say it's like 33 times stronger than regular Delta 9 THC.

Hopefully because I have never done any of these other cannibanoids that gives me a real THC high.

It's funny as shit that they're getting away with selling D9 THCP when it's literally D9, not even D8, D10, or HHC or some shit.


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Start huffin' Jenkem boy, we gotta get through 200 of these bottles!


Where I'm from it's called a "dugout." Inside is a fake metal cigarette (the "bat"). You pack the bat by sticking it into the bigger hole, and to the outside world, it looks like you're just lighting up a cigarette


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We call them one hitters in America, never seen a device that goes along with them tho. You should use an all ceramic one instead of the lead filled metal ones.


It's a nice little thing, cheap and some nice options for the drum machine.


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oh ya now that you mention it we have those too though they're made out of wood and have one of these >>526880 in them. picrel. Personally I can't smoke weed straight- I need a bong and tobacco mixed in to take the edge off of both the taste and the high. Sometimes I'll stick a bit of weed on to the end of a cigarette if I need to blaze in public


>. Sometimes I'll stick a bit of weed on to the end of a cigarette if I need to blaze in public
I drop a dab on the front and let it melt down the cigarette.


that sounds a lot more effective. Aside from a single instance many years ago I've not smoked anything but flower


Can you sing us another song?



Is it possible to regain the capacity to smoke and not get anxiety and paranoia? I miss enjoying weed :(


Im in the same boat as you and idk if theres a solution aside from getting your tolerance up by smoking far more than you should. Im basically in a vicious cycle right now where Im smoking less cuz my tolerance is low cuz Im smoking less etc. Literally will put a few granules of flower in my bowls and still get uncomfortably high


NTA but me too. Another thing I think, I used to live in a state with legal weed and I used to blaze it everywhere and anywhere right in front of the police. Then I moved to a state where it's illegal and I got arrested and now I feel like I have that background paranoia.
>Just because you're paranoid
>doesn't mean they're not after youuu…
Even visiting my home state I still had some of that background paranoia going. I dunno maybe it's just the other factors but I feel like getting busted for weed gave me some kinda PTSD.


>Im basically in a vicious cycle right now where Im smoking less cuz my tolerance is low cuz Im smoking less etc.


I stopped smoking nearly a decade ago. Hash hits a bit less but all I can tolerate is a tiny hit. Also being a bit buzzed helps.
I guess similar situation. I grew up with paranoia for a bunch of shit lol. I'm chiller now, maybe I can try smoking weed again, maybe go to the park and try it.


THC-B vape has a funny feeling on the skin. The effects are more of a body high than a head high. At most time feels a little slow and it's sort of numbing. At larger doses (more puffing) it kinda starts to become easy to zone out.


I decided to completely stop consuming weed a few days ago. It makes me complacent, stupid, and lazy, it fucks up my relationships with my friends, and it prevents me from getting a job if I need to unless I abstain for 8+ weeks (I was testing positive after 7 weeks clean last month). Yes, it completely negates boredom, but at what cost?


being stupid lazy and jobless are goals you should strive for and not things to be ashamed about. but liberate your mind with psychedelics and enjoy your life to the fullest without relying on working for other people and getting your livelihood from the charity of people who enjoy having control over you.


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>but at what cost?
Idk man. Depends on who you buy it from I guess.


I have 130k in student loans (100k private, 30k federal), I work or go to prison, and I will take my life and as many pigs with me as I can at the threat of incarceration. I wasn't a smart 17 year old and my parents weren't any smarter.


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I WILL NOT escape the monotonous cycle and try to reach further enlightenment. Truly weed ruins relationships and makes people antisocial. We must recognize the DEA as the true revolutionary vanguard.


damn. you should flee to cuba


I'm not telling you how to live, I'm telling you I don't like being stoned all the time. I can't moderate, I will compulsively consume. I want to fucking read books and learn what the fuck Marx and communists specifically theorize, but I can't do that high. I'm doing it for me, dude.


he'll get deported back if he goes to cuba, he should flee to russia, russia didn't deport edward snowden when he had to escape the US

china would be better though
>and I will take my life and as many pigs with me as I can at the threat of incarceration


Good for you, dude. You should repeat that story in every leftist platform and space so we can resurrect straight edge culture and have stoners become even more alienated.


Keep consuming bourgeois poison


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Weed = Bourgeois Poison
t. Christian Neocon


Smoking weed gives.you.cancer


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>bourgeois poison

Go eat brownies then moralfag


>Quit poisoning yourself
>Neocon opinion bad because neocon
Smoking anything can give you cancer but weed has a link to psychosis.
Che and Marx consuming bourgeois poison doesn't make it any less of a poison. We know much more about the dangers than they did.


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For anyone lurking. Both those anons are lying retards. Weed is good. Educate yourselves on here:


Do what you want, but don't lie to people. Weed isn't good for you nor is it harmless.


Can't take mild edibles without getting intense paranoia. I start questioning basic things about reality like the tenuous relationship of language to the actual signified and I freak the fuck out. It's just not a fun drug. I just don't see a reason to force myself to try to enjoy it.


Every substance has its pros and cons. Even salt. Once you have researched what 'drugs' really are you will begin to see how the discrimination against drug users has been an artificially created injustice through culture wars rooted in religious moralities and pseudo-scientific claims.


I hope 420chan can come back so I won't have to read fucking soberfags crying on a thread about weed


Whoa. I had no idea the synths were popping off in popularity around the world.
Have you ever smoked grade A flower? How does this stuff compare to analog marijuanas?


THe plastic in your food wrappers makes you sterile. The additives in the food in that wrapper makes your body experience inflammation. The chair you are sitting in contains materials that are known by the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm.

So what are you going to do about all of this doctor?


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Anti-drug petite bourgeois are adorable, y'all don't even understand what you're talking about. If you've never met them, most straight edgers and teetotalers are aggressively reactionary, and annoyingly good in a fight. Go break into your parents weed box and chill out you pampered idjets


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I got some Thai sativa, never had it before. I like it a lot, weed is the plant that gets me through life, it makes me feel real.


Moat of the drug sellingers and producers in america are petite-bourgeois. Commercialization of drugs is utterly bourgeois, at the proletariat's expense. See Communist China, which outlaws commercialization of drugs. You are lumpen or you are petite-bourgeois


Same brother same.


weed allows me to limitlessly binge debate and theory reading for years, every 4 days i just take fat fucking rips and it all resets baby. i get all my motivation back like that. i remember trying to study this hard before i had a release valve and i would go batshit insane


Proof? And what's that got to do with doing drugs? Most of my food and possessions were purchased from bourgeoisie. Also, I don't have y'all's dumbass position on lumpen, I grew up around them and know first hand they're less reactionary than most proles. There's no point in your post. And besides, it was crusty old union boys that got me into weed anyway, it was always uptight cunts in suits in new cars telling us to sober up, if you knew how ironic you sound right now you'd be red as a beat.


>Have you ever smoked grade A flower?
>How does this stuff compare to analog marijuanas?
Don't know. I'm only using these on picrel because there aren't many other alternatives here. I don't have the real thing. This is the only reason people take synthetics, because the real thing can land them in jail and fuck up their life. While these tend to come and go as the old scummy lawmakers catch up to them so they can prohibit them when they learn of their existence.


And by fuck up their life I mean in the consequences of getting arrested and having it on permanent record. Not the usage itself ofc.


Chinese are hypocritical on this issue with how liberal they are on alcohol


the war on drugs is highly arbitrary everywhere


Another great export from the west

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