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Both Facebook and Google utilize advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems to gather and analyze vast amounts of data from users, enabling them to infer political views and values to some extent. Here's an analysis of how their AI systems could accomplish this:

Social Media Analysis:

>Facebook: Facebook's AI algorithms can analyze users' posts, comments, likes, and shares to discern their political interests and affiliations. For example, if a user frequently engages with posts or pages related to a particular political party or ideology, Facebook's AI can infer their political leanings.

<Google: Similarly, Google can analyze data from its social platforms like YouTube and Google+ (now discontinued) to understand users' political preferences. Comments on political videos, subscriptions to political channels, and interactions with political content can all provide valuable insights into users' political views.

Search History and Behavior Analysis:

>Google: By analyzing users' search queries, Google can gain insights into their interests, including political topics. For instance, repeated searches for news articles, political candidates, or policy-related information can indicate users' political leanings.

<Facebook: Although Facebook is primarily a social networking platform, its AI can also analyze users' behavior within the platform to understand their political preferences. This includes interactions with political content, joining or following political groups, and participation in political discussions.

Natural Language Processing (NLP):

>Both Facebook and Google: NLP techniques can be employed to analyze the language used in users' posts, comments, and messages. Certain linguistic cues, such as specific keywords, phrases, or emotive language commonly associated with political discourse, can help infer users' political views and sentiments.

>Google's YouTube: Transcripts of video content, as well as comments left by users, can be analyzed using NLP to understand the political ideologies and opinions expressed within the platform.

User Demographics and Interests:

<Both Facebook and Google: These companies collect extensive demographic data about their users, including age, gender, location, and interests. By correlating this information with users' online behavior and interactions, their AI systems can make educated guesses about their political views and affiliations.

Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition:

>Both Facebook and Google: Utilizing machine learning algorithms, these companies can identify patterns and trends in users' behavior and content consumption. By training their AI models on labeled data, they can learn to recognize signals associated with certain political orientations and predict them in new data.




>Fedbook can tell you're a commie if you like dank commie meem pages or a nazi if you like flat earth pages
>Scroogle can tell if you're antifa if you watch chapo or that you're a MAGA chinlet if you search for troonj-ACK memes


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Oh well then we're fine then. Before they had competent people making actual programs for this, now they're just gonna throw it at some AI for RNG with a legit-enough-for-investors looking output. Eventually they'll just get the AI to "predict the training data" and not need to waste resources actually getting that telemetry.

The mechical turk saved us all in the end.


File: 1713987816059.png (385.72 KB, 543x591, Political Trumpass.png)

bourgeois attempting to "infer" political views will always fail because they're trying to "infer" based on a non-dialectical, non-materialist, highly idealist presupposed bourgeois false dichotomy that people are either "liberal" or "conservative" and either "Libertarian" or "authoritarian." This is why first world communists are frequently inferred to be liberals based on their "social values", and third world communists are frequently inferred to be conservative based on their "social values." Inferring people's political views is also sloppy because people have syncretic and evolving views. 15 years ago I was an idiotic liberal who said everything I thought on facebook. Now I'm a communist with zero social media presence. If they go off of who I was 15 years ago based on my social media presence alone, they will conclude that I have bog standard hegemonic opinions. They would have to know way more about the inside of my mind which they can't do yet.


Its not about knowing at this point but about targeted influencing.


Google and Facebook have sophisticated algorithms and extensive user data that allow them to target and influence people based on their political views. Here's how they can do it:

Ad Targeting:
>Google: Through platforms like Google Ads, advertisers can target users based on their search history, browsing behavior, and other factors. If Google's AI detects that a user has shown interest in certain political topics or candidates, advertisers can tailor their ads to appeal to those specific interests.

<Facebook: Similarly, Facebook's advertising platform allows advertisers to target users based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors, including political affiliations and interactions with political content. Advertisers can create custom audiences composed of users who have engaged with political pages, events, or posts.

Content Personalization:
>Google: Google's AI-powered services, such as Google News and YouTube, personalize content recommendations based on users' interests and behaviors. If a user frequently watches or engages with political videos or articles, Google's algorithms may prioritize similar content in their recommendations, potentially reinforcing their existing beliefs or exposing them to opposing viewpoints.

<Facebook: The News Feed algorithm on Facebook curates content based on users' past interactions and preferences. Users are more likely to see posts and articles from sources and pages aligned with their political views, as well as content shared or commented on by friends with similar views.

Echo Chambers and Filter Bubbles:
>Both Google and Facebook: The algorithms used by these platforms can unintentionally create echo chambers and filter bubbles, where users are primarily exposed to content that reinforces their existing beliefs and opinions. This can further polarize users along political lines and limit their exposure to diverse perspectives.

A/B Testing and Optimization:
<Both Google and Facebook: Advertisers can conduct A/B testing to optimize the effectiveness of their political messaging. By testing different ad creatives, messaging, and targeting strategies, they can identify the most persuasive content and delivery methods to influence users' opinions and behaviors.

Data Analytics and Insights:
>Both Google and Facebook: These companies provide advertisers with extensive data analytics and insights to track the performance of their political campaigns. Advertisers can analyze metrics such as engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversions to gauge the effectiveness of their messaging and refine their targeting strategies accordingly.


ChatGPT thread
ChatGPT response


>think about something like fixing plumbing in house
>ad appears on phone
Many such cases.


end goal of theirs? and more hot pictures?


She looks like a somewhat westernised and cougarised version of the legendary Hitomi Tanaka - please no one pretend to ignore who she is. This AI has perfectly understood what people really want. It must have been trained on the "tittytainment" concept.

For the win.

If you've been talking about it, then your phone is just eavesdropping on you 24/7 and showing you an appropriate ad. Scary and definitely a huge privacy issue, but not necessarily related to AI.

>end goal of theirs?
The usual: profits, profits, profits.
>and more hot pictures?
I second that! Bring them on!

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