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not here to start any arguments about the dprk but kim il-sung was kinda very hot


>kim il-sung
>ho chi minh
what's with popular socialist leaders and being hot or dripped out?


>what's with popular socialist leaders and being hot or dripped out?
It's a good way to become popular.


>leaving out che and fidel
Shame on you.


it was just a representative example, i would never forget about our heroes


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>not here to start any arguments about the dprk but kim il-sung was kinda very hot


Bros, am I evil if I think Rotha Linton Orman is hot af???


She looks like a cute twink with tits, so that's perfect to me.


I don't see it


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yeah, id smash. nobody compares to fidel tough


Of course she was a closeted lesbian. Whats up with fascists being closeted? Does self repression lead to them turning into barbarians or what.


No she is a boyish woman. Stop making up nonsense categories. Stop it.


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Fucking semantics. I would agree with your terminology as well.

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