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File: 1713966851840.png (29.7 KB, 646x1575, 1713966297990539.png)


>he's from a low t country


>more info at testosteronedecline.com
Sounds like a legitimate source to me


>he's from a low t country


>i'm from a low-t country
i would seethe if i was still a guy


brb going to czechia for a femboy bf


I love how Americans love to depict asians as effeminate yet every single east and south asian countries have higher T-level than Yanks


File: 1713976724072.png (2.99 MB, 1908x1146, ClipboardImage.png)



uyghurs (as I like to call them, I'm based btw) can't swim lmao


It's because this is average for both men and women.


white people take trt and pay for fancy gym subscriptions to get bodies not as muscular as those. I bet even camaroonian toddlers have 12 pack abs


these dudes are professional models from france


File: 1713979853618.png (735.16 KB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)

Working class strength>>>


women in east asia are high t?


File: 1713982005545.jpg (73.51 KB, 471x600, temur1-1.jpg)

>Uzbekistan on top
Central Asian chads, I kneel.


>no slovenia


I reverse image searched the image and couldn't find anything about them being models. Do you have a source for your claim?


you might wanna go to slovakia next door instead tbh


Do you have a source that they're not?



>Denmark high
>Sweden mid
>Finland low
OP, you have 24h to defend these results scientifically.
If I don't return to good reasoning and data by tomorrow I will literally remotely access your computer and delet that image from your drive.

Time starts now:


Also Britain is mid


File: 1714018593445.mp4 (6.81 MB, 480x360, tango de la muerte.mp4)

Uzbekistan better soon develop something more sexual/sensual than reggaeton.


Finland isn't that rich.


Surprised Brazil is so low. Don't they have a huge machismo culture over there?


weird thread. is this a raid?


fascismo actually
a culture of extreme misogyny/transphobia doesn't mean a culture of strong man, in fact they are weak as hell, they can't stand capoeira(what I practice) or any other good martial art like muay thai, easily defeatable opponents.


>fascism is a culture
hurr durr


that's not what I meant dingus, I meant that machismo is fascist


thats an even dumber definition of fascism


lol now you're just trolling at this point


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Capitalist cvcks fear the Prole-bvll

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