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Have you ever esperienced nocturnal emissions since you learned to masturbate?




Yep. I abstained for 90 days one time. Now I'm back to >1 a day because I don't have a good reason to abstain.


Serious question: Is siberia actually addicted to porn?
vote here: https://strawpoll.com/1MnwOeMMjn7


If you are, you should seek professional help, right now.
You can vote with Tor if you don't want your IP logged on that question
Think twice before potentially typing some deranged coomer conspiracy theory eyesore


Yes. It's the worst, I masturbate every day before going to bed just to avoid it.


File: 1713976127288.png (28.82 KB, 859x401, ClipboardImage.png)

Most useful piechart.


Yes mostly when I was younger and one a couple months ago I'm 38


I only aware of them when I don't coom for awhile


cumming is good for your prostate and masturbation isn't an addiction unless you do it more than once a day


The evidence for that isn't conclusive, diet is the #1 thing for prostate.


>>526756 bet u'r the jellyfish guy rigging the animal election

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