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File: 1713907678664.mp4 (3.53 MB, 638x360, chihuahua argument.mp4)


tiny whiny chihuahua represents:
chubby chihuahua represents:
oportunist thief chihuahua represents:
the bone represents:

pls make a metaphor using these chihuahuas arguing over a bone

also, what in the heck is the solution to the new 3 + 2 equation?!?!?!?!?!


>incel armies
>the pope


incan civil war and spanish conquistadors


File: 1713939439056.png (317.22 KB, 659x411, 48e01de9a5e2f445.png)


saw one of those funny dogs today


Whinny Chihuahua: Middle Class
Chubby Chihuahua: Working Class
Thief Chihuahua: Bourgeois
Bone: The surplus value

Unique IPs: 5

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