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how would you reach your communism in 8 steps or less?


1) We should improve society somewhat
2) We should keep improving society somewhat
3) IMF loan
4) Shoot nazis
5) dodge CIA gunman
6) Turn on printing machine
7) Hide from nuclear holocaust
8) Profit


I can do it one step
1) kill everyone who isn't a communist


1. fundamentally reject everything that has been done so far. pretend it does not exist. total year zero. no more arguing about what marx said, if physicists were as bitchy as communists i'd advocate the same solution: forget it all, research again, and let's see if empirical reality tells us that apples fall from trees. theory to be divided into two branches: pragmatic theories of how to meet short term aims, and longer term attempts to understand economics. both to constantly be checked against empirical reality. theory without praxis to be seen as utterly shameful unless you're pretty badly disabled.
2. accept that the working class at the present time is effectively powerless, and that the problem to be confronted is not how to awaken the working class to their latent power, or how to organise them all into a stupid vanguard that doesn't do that and does do fuck all, but to build that power. in particular, how to build leftist organisations and institutional knowledge within those organisations of how to be anything other than completetly fucking useless. the average leftist today couldn't run a lemonade stand. (and people want lemonade a lot more than they want shit newspapers!)
3. as with theory, the solution here is simple: start again and let empirical reality be the judge. run organisations of some practical use (tenants unions, unionisation drives, etc) because unlike a LARP party where you can fall back to "we have the correct line on …", you have to succeed at something. a tenants union that gets everyone evicted has undeniably failed, a trade union with no members has undeniably failed. i would even go so far as to suggest some organisations take a leaf out of the book of late capitalist firms and set targets for themselves, and be honest whether they've succeeded.
4. truly ruthless emphasis that leftism is orthopraxy, not orthodoxy.
5. a basically skeptical stance towards electoralism, with any moves in that area focused at the local council level where a direct relationship with constituents can till be remained. elections have the advantage that they offer another material test of organisational capacity (can you sell yourself to voters?), but they have the disadvantage of mostly being a waste of time once you win.
6. separation of organisations, so that the failure of one doesn't bring down the whole edifice. your tenants union may endorse a trade union, but they should not be on and the same union. each organisation should have a simple defined purpose so that good deeds in one area cannot "cross-subsidize" another - if you're a good tenants union and a lousy trade union, stop being a trade union.
7. accept that this is the best you can come up with, but it's pointless because you're not skilled or charasmatic or interested enough to put it into practice yourself and certainly not personable enough to sell it to others. LARP parties, ineffective unions, and electoralism meet people's emotional needs even if they're useless for building a better world. ultimately, this is the capitalist's victory. No communism, but if you want to feel like Stalin you can register your own little stalinist party and march around with a flag every may day.
8. once you've finished unionising every tenant in hyrule, THEN we can talk about communism.


1. Increase taxes and transfers to reduce the political and economic power of the bourgeoisie and improve the living standards of the poor.
2. Full unionization of the labor force with sectoral bargaining a la the Rehn-Meidner model.
3. Publicly-owned social wealth fund that provides dividends to every citizen, growing over time, serving the triple purpose of providing a basic income that grows over time, a disincentive for wage-price spirals in sectoral bargaining (since workers now have a vested interest in investment and economic growth), and a way to spur growth in particular sectors (for example, the government could choose to invest in green energy to mitigate climate change and cultured meat to reduce animal suffering in factory farms)
4. Full employment
5. Universal at-cost co-operative housing, abolition of zoning restrictions, a land value tax, and give housing to all homeless people.
6. As productivity increases and society becomes wealthier over time, increase the size of the public sector to provide more and more universal services
7. The workforce participation rate continues to decline
8. The above two trends result in a slow transition to a post-scarcity society where everyone has access to the fruits of wealth, with the universal dividend and the menagerie of universal social services allowing every member of society to live and thrive comfortably. The labor force shrinks to zero until fully automated luxury communism is achieved. Money still technically exists, but most people don't even know how much they have, and it basically only serves as a cap on how many resources an individual can requisition from society. All productive forces are publicly owned via the social wealth fund, so there are no more class distinctions, as the output of society now belongs to all, and no one is locked out of the common prosperity.


Organize workers and peasants
Overturn bourgeois property relations


>IMF loan
I hope it's a snatch and grab and you have no intention of actually paying them back or carrying out their "reforms".


sit at home goonning while waiting for the rate of profit to hit zero


You will become a fascist. Fact.


shut up professor Norman Finkelstein


1. I would use capitalism as a vehicle at this point.
2. Put all resources on AI and nuclear weapons.
3. Genetically modify population to cure fascism.
4. Put population in nuclear bunkers.
5. Force nuclear holocaust on the surface.
6. Wait for 100 years.
7. ???
8. Communism


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