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What‘s more important to you: Happiness or truth?


if i could push a button: happiness. truth without power is absolutely meaningless, knowledge brings you nothing without the capacity to put it into action. if i could be equally unhappy but un-learn almost everything i know i would do so immediately in the hopes that whatever gaden path i'm lead up next will be better.
if you look at what i actually pursue: truth.
deciding whether this is because i'm a deeply committed truth-seeker, or just permanently trying to maintain a state of depressive realism is left as an exercise for the reader


Orthogonal. That's like saying, what's more important for you bridges or listings.


through knowledge of truth we can achieve true happiness!


>truth without power is absolutely meaningless
Never thought about it this way. Good point.


Knowledge is power.


Knowledge of truth is a form of power but that are other forms of power. So you could overall still be weak with a lack of other forms of power and in that case truth could be a detriment psychologically if you don‘t have the power to do something about something negative you grew conscious of.


Happiness vs truth is a false dichotomy.

Imo, happiness is more something that comes from seeking truth.

Truth seekers whom spout nihilism and glorify suffering amd angst as wisdom are shallow.



Truth 100%
Happiness is useless
The worker doesnt want bull and a lot of talk that gives no bread and meat
The worker will not die for the decrepit reactinary ideals of the old world order.


Elaborate. What happiness have you found in truth?


By truth, do you mean omniscience? Or just finding out that your wife is cheating on you?


Hapiness is just activating some chemicals in your mortal Brian. Truth is eternal, is the way that the universe comunicates to us, the way that we can conect with the universe, eternal, omnipresent and onipotente. Truth is the world of the absolute, happiness is the shittier nothinburguer of individualism


>Hapiness is just activating some chemicals in your mortal Brian.
That‘s the case for any brain activity.


I wouldn't be happy if I knew I didn't know the truth, and my primary means of finding happiness is tinkering, as an infant, moreso as a child, and especially as an adult. So if I was an amnesiac I would simply seek the truth again for the sake of my own happiness.

An animal in a cage without enrichment isn't happy, it may not be scared, but happiness isn't solely a lack of fear.

Fucking tinyboard isn't letting me upload The Way Things Work by David Macauly. Ya know, the one with the mammoths? Guess I'll link the IA for it, it's not the updated version tho.


Yes, every brian activity is just meaningless individualism in the greatir schiming of thingis


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They don't contradict each other. The more you understand things, the more capable you will be of finding happiness that doesn't require you to lie to yourself.


>if you look at what i actually pursue: truth. deciding whether this is because i'm a deeply committed truth-seeker, or just permanently trying to maintain a state of depressive realism is left as an exercise for the reader

Depressive realism is just inverted optimism.
Alot of the nihilism/negativity you see in truth seeking is more posturing than genuine jadedness.

They say idealism more a trait of youth but from what I see, idealism seems to be more an post-youth thing.
Its always the elders whom are forimng reactive formations against a cultural happening.


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We live in a society.


Damn, not even the table of contents. Can't have shit in Detroit.
Alright I'll catbox it. I need to buy a sticker one of these days.

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