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>no bjd doll to brush hair
>no bjd doll to buy cute clothes for
>no bjd doll to take outside and take nice slice of life cute pictures
>no bjd doll to secretly kiss on forehead when no one is around
Why do I even go on?? I will never be able to hoard all the commodities I crave!!!!!!


consoomer + porn addict + soy + reddit thread


Just for you I'm bumping this gem


become the doll by buying the anime face mask or whatever stupid


Was gonna suggest 3D printing until my brain registered the hair issue. Unless doll hair is easier than I think. Would you have to thread it though a bunch of holes or what?

Top result on mojeek for "3d print doll with hair" is a dead link to someone that supposedly managed it tho.


So why can't you buy it?


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One does not simply buy a bjd doll.


Just ask your dad to buy you one.


But that's far too embarrassing!


The need for cuteness in our lives!


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Eat shit weeb lol


>state mandated bjd doll

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