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File: 1713147858788.png (Spoiler Image, 4.59 MB, 1920x1779, 1711048669950-1.png)


Coomers will fetishize anything unless it involves consensually convincing a mature woman into allowing you to get her pregnant. Dog girls, catboys, transgender goth women, but no pregnancy fetish. Typical politicians - all cock but no cum.


File: 1713148086635.jpg (Spoiler Image, 94.46 KB, 640x480, cock-354004_640.jpg)

picture of my cock


you see the problem with pregnancy fetishism is that the same people do not also have a fetish for changing diapers and having kids is like 5% pregnancy and 95% changing diapers


iromy is changing diapers is only five percent as well.

The 95 percent is just driving kids to and from school or afterschool clubs.


Year 1: never sleeping
Year 2-4: Preventing kid from accidentally committing suicide
Year 5-12: school shit
Year 12-18: school shit + asking kid not to commit suicide.


File: 1714563077185.png (Spoiler Image, 822.12 KB, 843x734, cock kills cop.png)

bruh, your cock is pathetic.
Look at mine.


holy fucking shit I kneel…


this is why people who choose to marry and procreate dont really deserve sympathy.
Also 12 to 18 is why I annoyingly criticise the romanticising secondary schooldays.

Also youre forgetting spousal fights. Those are just as bad.


All that would be solved under socialism


We should stop giving free sympathy to middle class semi-lumpens for breeding.
And make schools vocational


I don't totally disagree. I think elementary school shouldn't be vocational.

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