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How common is this thing? Is it truly bad?


my dick no please stop


It exists, but is mostly thrown out by uyghas seething when someone points out they do nothing but bitch about (insert media) instead of finding shows/movies/games/etc that appeal to them.


why her asscheeks asymmetrical? is this AI?



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Toxic positivity is when you try to put a positive spin on a bad thing, or refuse to acknowledge problems because it interferes with your vibes. Or it's especially when you try to stop other people from recognizing bad things or just removing anything that's not "positive" from being around you.


Look at the resolution.


Random but is Marie Kondo like Jordan Peterson but more [something] friendly?


>shilling a Breadtuber who cosigned Infrared out of all people


resolution? what does that have to do with anything. you can arbitrarily upscale resolution using resolution enhancer AIs, especially for that style of art where pixels are already smooth


>argument bad because person bad


Marie Kondo is only Jordan Peterson insofar as they both want you to clean your room.


Lots of AI image generators have 1024x1024 as the default resolution.


true but people can also choose to make images in that resolution


Highly unlikely to be a real image now that AI images outnumber any previous real ones, though.
Also 1024 has been chosen for a very specific maths and computing reason.


>cosigned infrared
what do these terms mean?


>AI images outnumber any previous real ones
lol their training sets are going to turn into a circlejerk soon


I'm talking about any potential 1024x1024 real images that existed before that, not all real images.
Though yes AI images outnumbering all real ones could happen in the future.


http is going the way of usenet


it's when Americans smile all the time even when they aren't happy


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SÉX with Chel Dorado


you can clearly see the artist tag


>make AI image
>slap on watermark


Her legs are crossed, which is an inherently asymetrical position, the cheek would be less compressed, though not by that much. The artist overcompensated a bit is all.
Their DA: https://www.deviantart.com/reiq


I met a girl who looks like a 3d version of her.
I already fell in love with her, now the problem will be how can she fell for me too.


>can she fell for me too


Don't listen to that "no" anon. You just gotta make her laugh.


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Is this fetishizing colonialism / imperialism?


I don't think it goes further than pretty woman makes pp hard for most people.


what if it's a healthy equal relationship between a native american woman and a european man? i'll even throw in a few times where the girl pegs the european man because it makes them more equal somehow, is it kosher now?


it does but subconciously


>I don't think it goes further than pretty woman makes pp hard for most people.
what pretty women? the aztec woman.
what pp? colonizer pp.
this is white male fantasy.


White males are perfectly capable of lusting for all races


but this isn't a modern, cosmopolitan setting.


Well ok but they're in latin America pre colonisation who else are they supposed to lust after?


the aztec men, who else?


anyone but the llamas, if you know, you know.


wouldn't that still be colonisation???

mmmh, fluffy and warm


>Lamas had syphilis, natives didn't have syphilis, Columbus had syphilis and brought syphilis to Europe.
do the deduction, detective


from googling it seems to me the jury is still out on where syphillis came from, some even say it was in europe first


to be fair the spanish guys in the movies were lawless vagabonds who stowed away on the ship by accident, not conquistadors. the conquistadors are the villains in Road to El Dorado


>cosigned Infrared out of all people
Idk in the past, but not now, unless you consider mocking "cosigning".

The only "red flag" you can point to his usage of wojacks, which (I guess) he uses since his video style is powerpoint + mild usage of his persona with different poses.
Plus (maybe) him being baltics leds him not being as pressured ot stop using them.


he used to browse leftypol. also he doesn't edit his videos. He hires at least two different editors. One of the editors is tagged at the end as "GarconTheGuy" and the other editor goes uncredited and sometimes leaves notes/easter eggs in the video.


Fuck people that won't let me hate myself


Hating yourself can be rational. I'll never understand the circular logic of loving yourself unconditionally.


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I am a gamer that lives in first person perspective. My capacity to do things / create is bound by my ability to maintain myself in all aspects, including mentally.
There is no utility in having opinions about the self. An artist that hates their brush is thinking solely about their brush, and will not paint as much as one can fully register the brush as a tool in their hand, thinking at it only enough to use it.
What else can love of the self be then, but enthusiasm for utility and optimization? To love oneself in the sense that a Linux user loves their desktop environment.


Good point, love in one's creation almost, think Marx talked about this


I'd say it's decently common but I just find it more annoying than anything. I hate when people try to find a fucking "silver lining" in every situation. Sometimes life just fucking sucks and when they try to point out how "strong and resilient" you are it's even more annoying since it implies some kind of agency or willingness to be in that situation. I fucking hate it.


It's actually canon, considering that the show all but outright states (and almost even even depicts) the fact that she was fucking Tulio.

You should remember, like the other anon said, that Tulio is a lawless vagabond and con man and she is a petty thief who was about to get executed for sacrilege before they started their god con, so their relationship is hardly one about colonialism.


It is exceedingly common in business settings and ads campaings. So of course it's bad. A healthy degree of optimism should be expected among comrades or any decent human being. Being positive about working 45 hours a week or being able to consume bare necessities is just a big joke with no landing.


>ai art not brown at all


>business administration major
>manages a pizza hut
>preaches gospel of betterment and positivity
>signal-boosted by porky
Such is the state of the PMC pizza hut influencer bourgeoisie.


Its very common especially in youth-oriented media.
Especially Christian media


Its especially bad when people romanticise/glorify hardship as virtue.


the movie parodies the colonizer trope about white men as gods, because it's by a combination of coincidence and a scheming advisor that miguel and tulio are taken for gods.

also el dorado is in the amazon, not aztec lol.


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I'm coming around on AI slop porn


Modern Christian media is especially bad about this. Don't think any bad thoughts ever. This is a new thing too, you don't have to go very far back to see Christian media acknowledging problems in the world.


Matthew 5:27-28 - "Whosoever, then, looketh on a woman to lust after her, that is, so looks on her as to lust, and cast about to obtain, he is rightly said to commit adultery with her in his heart."
Thinking of people sexually is committing sin, same as thinking of murdering people or of stealing peoples' things.


1. The word "toxic" is cringe.
2. Positivity isn't "toxic." It's just spooked.


This thread is literally pic rel


Define "modern".
Anything within the past forty decades is "modern".

Alot of the obnoxious euphemistic positivity found in Christian media can be found as far back as the 1980s.

Alot of Christian media back then was more fear porn. But it was positivistic.


You're not supposed to want to sin, but that's not the same as refusing to discuss or acknowledge anything bad in the world.

Recent by the standards of a 2000 year old religion.

There's tons of 19th and early/mid-20th century Christian songs that acknowledge the woes of the world.


This is a better version.


title is also inaccurate considering the japanese where also two years deep into invading china


it always gets replies


The full cartoon is here >>528620
It's not saying that there is peace on earth so much as there should be peace on earth.


Christianity as a religion died around the time of the Protestant Revolution.

Also, Christain songs from the 18th/19th centruy while they did acknowledge real world problems were atill kinda positivitic although never the same obnoxious level of postmodern Christian media.


Toxic positivity is used semi-consciously as an unfair moral compass for young people.

Stranger danger and school shootings have really revved it to the forefront.

Kids arent allowed to to vocalise sadness or skepticism without being considered cringey or delinquent.


Christian songs were only "positivistic" in the sense that they promised that Satan would eventually lose and all believers would have rewards in heaven.


This is a Chel thread now.

Post Chels.


"Cringe" as a label is toxic.


Do you happen to have any Chels yourself?


CRINGE is a toxic label or TOXIC is a cringe label?



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why does this all look AI generated?

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