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"No chin, no right to speak."
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siberia archives


A rightoid finds himself being bored
He takes to an obscure left wing board
Low effort thread, obvious bait
"Is coffe bad? I think it is great!"

"No it is not". Libsocs all hop.
Unless it was made in a co-op!
"Or sourced from Russia", the Ziggers all chime
Eager to prevent a new NATO crime

The dengoid enters the thread once again
Tho show the anarkiddies his 5 year plan
For achieving socialism in the far east
"Trust me it's hapooning, two more weeks!"

The trot inerrupts him, he wants to be first
To find himself the one being cursed!
The tankie just woke, from his US bed
"Muh cia muh ukraine! Icepick to the head!"

But its the mautist who who has the most scorn
Opening his folder with alunya cuck porn
"Cope and seethe!"He says with a sigh
The sparrows and mice! Billions must die!

The anarchist recoils with pain and then shock
Seeing his mascot impaled on a cock!
It doesn't stop there the autism spreads
The illegalist enters, "schizo take meds!"

The thread then gets saged by the mods
Moved to siberia, away from gods
Shay posts about cum, in a thread now silent
In a patent backed by fauci and science!

The feds pack up, as do most
I wonder why anyone bothers to post?


Quit smoking cigarettes


Umm ackshually it gives you le based testosterone and makes you a smegma male, haven't you read the SCIENCE?


Man this poem is great i loved it man


I wrote it as a cope for slurring most of my posts cause i'm high half the time


The dengists won


It's joevermore


Kaaaaaaa malos avoti neudo!


Join the cool multipolarist kids! Join the good guys!


is there any soviet vibe rap beat ?


2024 be like comrade vladinir putin


That is bordiga, but is that the "read bordiga" meme? Was that what the meme was? I can't remember.


Yeh I was right.

>this meme is 7 years old now


it's not a meme you really should read bordiga and also hate wolff posters for the fucking liberals they are


Stop talking like that.


Namefag, did you actually got arrested by the police? Did you died? We miss you.

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