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"No chin, no right to speak."
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siberia archives

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idk why the site is redirecting here so im just gonna post screens


>Huffying Airhorn gas
Man I remember this
>That Internet Explorer screencapture



'member jenkem?


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I'm still not exactly sure why 420chan got taken down. Is it because of kirtaner's hacktivist shenanigans?


File: 1712077155848.webm (1.19 MB, 640x360, airhorn.webm)


holy shit i never seen that webm before let alone any footage of people actually trying that. wow


refugees welcome


File: 1712248914332.gif (1.82 MB, 640x360, Slobodan Drink.gif)

Does anyone remember this one thread with an anon who grew buzz buttons (Acmella oleracea) so he could drink more vodka to impress his normie friends and ended up getting hospitalized?


nah i just have some screnshnots from fbi.gov about this dude who ate a bunch of boiled Amanita muscaria


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Found the proto- le pol face while doing archeology on the /nc/ board threads archive


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File: 1714417440870-1.png (81.85 KB, 1181x280, nc leftypol2.PNG)

Leftypol crossover thread on the /nc/ board of 420chan

Unique IPs: 10

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