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siberia archives

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i would like to begin to use the internet less soon, so i'll dump some images from my folders here, then someone who cares for some reason can save it, or not. some pertain to /leftypol/, 4chan or 8chan. if you want i can take requests to see if i have something.
pics related are imkampfy's breakdown after codemonkey (ron watkins) turned /pol/ on 8chan into a global board on account of kampfy's horrible moderation quality (since he was the board owner). not really that interesting in itself.


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>things you could do with text on 8chan
>image making fun of 8chan
>brownpill meme about a notorious 8chan spammer
>codemonkey shitting on kampfy


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>picture of ron watkins in a mao zedong shirt (wtf lol)
>screenshot of /leftyb/ board configuration from 8chan
>hotwheels saying everyone asked for /leftypol/ to be deleted from 8chan
>hotwheels visiting /leftypol/ (half fake i think)


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okay i was a little presumptive to say im an "oldfag", im not in terms of 4chan but maybe IN TERMS OF 8CHAN, sort of, not many will pertain to 4chan most likely, plus who gives a fuck about 4chan anyway


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i'll be bakc later, im just literally gonna leave and come back sporadically dumping whatever/whenever so yeah


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/a/+/pol/ tard realizes a mangaka is communist or something


epic oldfag thread


not very much but i must post to give myself peace of mind


Ngl it would be baller as hell if someone wrote an Isekai series of a reincarnated leftist waging total Marxist revolution against the feudal order of a fantasy world.


I think mangakas and otakus might go more right wing in the future unfortunately due to something there's a thread up on /leftypol/ right now about, the JCP going on an anti-hentai spree or whatever.


It's called Disco Elysium


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some just about /pol/


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old /leftypol/ screenshots. im not even gonna reread them, you guys can do that.


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theres blogposters in my screenshots, it's over


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i am obligated to share no matter how dumb it may be


This was unironically posted in 8/pol/, maybe 7-8 years ago


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the 2015 anime detournment screenshot was too big to post so get it here: https://imgur.com/a/D4ZHnZ1


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Oh hey, that molyneux greentext was me


This shit's boring, no wonder you want to stop using the internet.


I was looking for that image on culture a while back


The brown pill brings me back


cool story


sorry do you want some subway surfer with it?


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lmao Is this real? dear god


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