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 No.506441[Last 50 Posts]

Aether wins his 50/50
Previous thread: >>491697


>making the new one 2 posts early
very cheeky


Special hello today for all the gays, theys and Shays named:
Lucas, Lukas, Łukas etc
Alexander, Aleksandr, Aleksandar, etc
Mohammed, etc
Noah (shout out to all the trans men named Noah)
Matteo (Mathew, etc)
Viktor / Victor

I hope y'all babes have a great March. I love you, *muaak* 😘


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I'm a h*tero male and have been reading about how female attraction works recently. It's all very convoluted and caused me a lot of distress.

So I have decided that I want to be gay. How do I get started?


I'm sorry you can't do that

Look at some gay porn on pornhub and/or rule34 and see if it does anything for you, if not I'm afraid it's not gonna happen. You can try femboy stuff too and you might luck out and be finsexual.


>I'm sorry you can't do that
Have you always been gay? Were you not attracted to women at some point? Was there anything you changed to become gay?


You cannot become gay. You can however become bisexual. Or everyone is always already bisexual.


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Hum well, I dunno, I think I looked at female porn first but pretty quickly I was jacking off to boys too especially Tails. It took a long while to realise I might like boys in real life too, but only boyish/femboyish ones cause I'm not really into masculinity.

So I guess for me the gateway was furry, so yeah maybe if there's a fetish you love, try consuming femboy content related to that


>have been reading about how female attraction works recently.
lmao. Please tell me this is some "sigma male" or PUA shit.


Can someone explain this? I recognize the boymoder, but who are the others?


pretty sure theyre all boymoders and femboys


Maybe disconnect a bit from the internet….


Is anyone else really intimidated by guys? There's this really tall kinda muscular dude at my work that keeps being kind of flirting but I can't tell how serious it is, and I'm too autistic to make it serious. What do? Also he seems kind of just narcissistic possibly, so my reaction is kind of push and pull tbh… but he's good looking


The solution to your problem isn't to become gay it's to find like a tomboy who has a more masculine sexuality or a woman who just finds you attractive for whatever reason.


Nah you don't even become Bisexual. You just realize that you were always Bisexual and repressed it b/c you also liked the opposite sex and thus thought "I can't be a gay! I like girls!" whenever a remotely gay thought entered your brain.


Just enjoy it and don't think too much about it then?
There's some guys that intimidate me but most guys I feel comfortable around or I'm doing the intimidation hehe


If you were always bisexual but had some inciting event that "activated" it do you retroactively become a bisexual from birth? I don't think sexuality is predestined. Saying everyone has the potentiality to be "bi/pan" is not the same as saying everyone has to be that.
And if you are lying to yourself but you yourself believe it, is it really a lie? That's stretching the definition here.


>You just realize that you were always Bisexual
the born this way liberal shit is incredibly stupid how did queers get psyopped into believing this shit lol


It might be politically useful (if you are on the defensive). It's kinda what regressive usually do, muddy the water.
I say offense, offense, offense. But you know no one listens to me.


we didnt learn from dipshits trying to discover the gay gene in 2000 to own the homophobes so now were repeating history as a farce


Because the alternative is that it's a choice or that it can be fixed. Remember forced conversion therapy is still a thing.


The alternative in the eyes of society. Of course born this way is ultimately a conservative/liberal idea.


You DON'T become gay you retard, do you think guys will simply choose to be ridiculed, humilliated, ostracized and risk having their skulls bashed by some homophobic straight moid over who gender they fall in love with and are sexually attracted to?


Being gay is not immutable. For some it is a choice to a degree.


>Ppl unironically thinking sexuality is a choice
kill yourselves

Also, no such thing as a "bi" exists, they're either closeted gays or straight assholes having to sex femboys and trans over being rejected by women, and they'll always use the two former as nothing but a cum dumpster, a """"bi"""" asshole will never treat gay guys and women as equals


It is not a fucking choice, kys, anything else is liberal/reactionary/religious talking point


>When the anarchist has liberal conservative dogshit takes

Bi people exist. Being queer is primarily not a choice but one becomes queer, and is not "born" queer.

Keep coping lib.


>Being queer is not a choice


And bis don't exist

By claiming sexuality is flexible you're justifying homophobia, conversion theraphy and other fascist garbage against the community


>the anarchist has liberal conservative dogshit takes
Posties and traditional anarchists: *vanish from existence due to a logical paradox*


>By claiming sexuality is flexible you're justifying homophobia, conversion theraphy and other fascist garbage against the community
No, you're doing this. I'm not doing none of that shit. Also "the community" lmao, no such thing sweetie.

By claiming sexuality is not flexible, you're claiming our sexuality is rigid, inflexible, and determined. Literally what right wingers do to cis-hetero-sexuality, you're just 10% more woke and include a few more sexualities.

Not even surprising you exclude bisexuals, your entire rhetoric is near identical to homophobic right wingers because you're both liberals.


Sexuality is a spook. People fuck whomever they happen to like at a given time.


Claiming sexuality is flexible/a choice/ a lifestyle is justifying homophobic judeo-christian talking points that we're just funs who choose to sleep/ fall in love with men, it's justifying every discrimination, verbal and physical abuse and conversion theraphy garbage


>you're claiming our sexuality is rigid, inflexible, and determined.
Because that's exactly what they are you dumbass

>Literally what right wingers do to cis-hetero-sexuality
No, they say there's only cis-heteros and everything else is d3g3n3r4cy/mental illnesses


Cisheterosexuality is a form of fun, they don't go far enough.


>>506689 (me)
Ultimately, the only people who don't have fun are asexuals. Which makes sense if you think about it.


>Also, no such thing as a "bi" exists
Guess what the B is in LGBT retard.


Obviously it means "bionics"


>people still on this "bi doesn't exist" nonsense


>quit having fun because then youll prove the scary right-wingers right
thats sad


stupid false dichotomy

oh joy its the ancom maoist faggot shitting up another thread yet again


>Also, no such thing as a "bi" exists, they're either closeted gays or straight assholes having to sex femboys and trans over being rejected by women, and they'll always use the two former as nothing but a cum dumpster, a """"bi"""" asshole will never treat gay guys and women as equals
U do realize that women can be bisexual too right?


Guys guys I made some new friends today for the first time in years! And I mean friends who didn't run away when I mentioned suicide, not aquaintances with extra steps or comrades who I emotionally distance myself from to maintain professionalism. They were a trans catgirl, a gay trans man (who is gigachad) and a LOVELY non-binary individual who is always there for me.


While I don't think we're neccessarily born gay or straight or bi, or at least I don't think it's strictly genetic, I do think that a lot of the radical queer pushback against 'born this way' is the bi's getting ahead of themselves and trying to unversalise their own experience. Sure it would be nice if free of heteronormative class society everyone was bi/pan but I don't think that's true. MY own lived experience of being gay and never having been attracted to women, aroused by women, etc makes me feel like there's nothing that could've happened to me in my life that would've made me otherwise.
With time the proportion of homo and bisexuals in society will continue to grow for a while, bu tI'm certain it will plateau eventually and a solid plurality if not majority will still be strictly heterosexual.


Nobody is denying that some people are "born this way." The problem is that whether one is "born this way" is unclear unless you get your genes scanned since your sexuality is part of your subjective experience. Not to mention that sexualities are too broad: to some physical traits one is attracted more and to some less. I said that sexuality is a spook not because we all should be pansexual (that just a false dichotomy). What I'm saying is that there is no reason to cling to your sexual preferences like they define who you really are, that's what insecure straightos do. Rather, love who you wanna love, and let the dice of nature fall where it needs to. Don't think, look.


>They were a trans catgirl, a gay trans man (who is gigachad) and a LOVELY non-binary individual who is always there for me.


<They were a trans catgirl, a gay trans man (who is gigachad) and a LOVELY non-binary individual who is always there for me.


>They were a trans catgirl, a gay trans man (who is gigachad) and a LOVELY non-binary individual who is always there for me.


YOU are a cute catgirl, or a gigachad gay man, or a lovely non-binary individual who is always there for their internet pals!


How you act now will decide whether I lube up your asshole before our gape session later. Think carefully about how you respond.


You don't make friends in a day, you nurture them through meeting with them many times. Good for you though :)


… why would we need to lube up my arse? The plan is to use a dildo. On you.


If he's not up for it then you can use the dildo on me a,a




Alright O.o


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(can we stop the erp desu)

By the way, do you guys ever think LGBT communities can get really cliqueish? I don't just mean d|scords but real life support groups and such as well.


I was just kidding but if anyone including S poster is ever swinging by the south and wants to borrow some drugs from a depressed loser twink then you know where to find me
Definitely, a lot of it devolves into that purely because of strength in numbers though. I think its a survival strategy but it doesnt help that it makes cishets suspicious about the cliqueishness. The jews of early 1900s europe had a similar issue iirc


>do you guys ever think LGBT communities can get really cliqueish?
Yes. And it's hard to find queer groups and communities that are healthy. There's so much trauma in queer circles that it tends to result in unhealthy relationship with drugs, sex, and each other.

There's also an issue in gay circles that relationships can be very superficial, transactional and based off of appearance. So it creates a feeling of competing for attention, clout, etc, making relationships unstable. It's not easy, but you just have to put in the work to find queer people that support you and vibe with you.


>do you guys ever think LGBT communities can get really cliqueish?
lol since always especially after aids


What are the opinions on kink at pride on here? (Please keep it civil for one time for fucks sake.)
Kind of feel like the fight is ongoing but the war is over, considering neo-puritans got their separate "pride" events.

Reportedly, yeah. The one blessing of living in the middle of fucking nowhere.

That's just relationships in general.


>the bis getting ahead of themselves and trying to unversalise their own experience.
Well, once the whole gender ideology collapses we'll be the only ones left. Anything else won't even make sense anymore. I mean in a true Orwellian style, it will just be nonsense we can't even understand. The pans will inherit the earth. Monosexual? Alright, you only had "sex" once. Intersex is the period between two sex acts.
>Don't think, look
I smell demisexual erasure. Also don't tell me what to do.
>What are the opinions on kink at pride on here? (Please keep it civil for one time for fucks sake.)
I don't care about it, Pride whatever. But how about I slap you around a bit?


start with femboys


This tbh
Like when i read about old rulers having sex with their male slaves i don't think they're gay or anything, they're probably on that femme boy grindset
(I'm so fucking sleepy right now i have no idea wtf i'm writing lol)


homosexuality is a choice. (a based one)


No, because I have issues with all of those talking points while still believing that it's not a predetermined thing. Here's the real crux: If I do not believe it is an issue, then why should I care if someone chooses to indulge in it? And I don't believe it's an issue. The homophobia is the real issue, and it's not dependant on the question of choice.


>I smell demisexual erasure
Wut? How does that relate to what I said in any way?


Think about it


I'm just suggesting you to act more spontaneously. I'm not telling you to not use your brain, this is physically impossible unless you kill yourself.


>I'm not telling you to not use your brain, this is physically impossible
False. Liberals exist


>False. Liberals exist
Yeah, funny joke, anon.


I appreciate the compliment


Being gay was not a choice from me, I've been attracted to the male form from puberty onwards. In the same way you likely didn't choose to be attracted to women.


>But how about I slap you around a bit?
Pssh, as if you could. **Can you??*

Watch out, you're going to melt some brains.


Made out with a lesbian as a gay man this weekend. lololol
Just to clarify a bit what some anons are saying by criticizing the "born this way" narrative. We're not saying being gay or straight etc is a choice. We're saying people become gay, become straight etc, like learned behavior. It's similar to the argument by Simone de Bevouire (no, I won't look up how to spell that)


So I can teach a child to be gay?


>Also, no such thing as a "bi" exists
ok lol whatever you say dude


being marginalized, stigmatized, socially murdered, etc on top of being a minority tends to do that to people. sad but true.


Physically, yes. I mean, I normally don't do this sort of thing.
Paranoiacs have enemies too.


If you had the knowledge and means to do so, yeah but only to a certain degree. Parents are only a part of a child's formation, society in general takes up the brunt of it. Don't say silly liberal things please, like implying parents teach children how to exist.

Further, one's own proclivities play a huge role. To put it another way, look at how gay people are socialized into being straight. Going so far as to get wives and rear children. There's no inherent reason why it couldn't go the other way.


Only in a couple decades it won't be anymore. What is money? What is gender? Shit's gonna be so cash.


Inshallah. That moment when you can't be gay or straight anymore because it is nonsensical. Praise be.


Also, what a banger ❤



Damn, ahead of its time.


whenever i see this op i always think its lumine and aether kissing wtf op


Black transwomen are remarkable creatures.


how so?


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I am attending a protest for Police Out Of Mardi Gras in solidarity, although for all intents and purposes I am not a part of the LGBTQommunity, nor close to anyone who openly is. The point being, I don't have personal experience with their plight; apart from my theoretical anti-state position and historical awareness of police as enemies of Pride, my closest link to the issue is that I know a previous co-worker was beaten by police for filming them assault someone at Pride about a decade ago - not exactly personal experience!

As somewhat of an outsider, is there any etiquette I should be aware of when allying myself with their struggle in solidarity?


I think treating queers as people is more respectful than constantly apologizing to them about your privileges like they're some Gestapo or something.


You're just a pathetic poser, jumping on the bandwagon 'cause you got nothing better to do. Bet you're just a closeted queer trying to suck up some attention. Get the fuck outta here with your fake-ass solidarity.


Of course, and the anti-idpol position of that essay nails it, but I am forced to accept there could be people there who are cautious of outsiders and entryism abuse (unfortunately two of the five biggest socialist orgs here, including the biggest, often get uninvited from social justice events and union events for being parasitic pests who just want more recruits, so it's unfortunately not irrational to look at some allies with skepticism)


It's no wonder they get the boot from social justice events and union gatherings—they're about as welcome as a herpes outbreak at an orgy.


>often get uninvited from social justice events and union events for being parasitic pests who just want more recruits
That's how almost every political ideology works though?


>That's how almost every political ideology works though?
Orgs can grow without being parasites, even if they are there to expose people to their beliefs. These ones are real fuckers, straight up sabotaging other orgs and changing phone numbers when people who signed a petition won't respond to them. People in our org can literally recruit on college campuses by saying 'we're socialists and we're not [org name]' and get people excited to talk, that's the level of shit they are.


Ah. So they're unironic Jehova's witnesses but secular?


Pretty much, and [nominally] trots.
Basically just recruit students, so no real worker power but lots of presence in protests and actions. A group about a tenth of the size or less actually has people in unions who can organize worker actions in tandem with protests, like worker Israel boycott actions. The cancer strategy, growth for the sake of growth, just doesn't work.


Recruiting students is like pissing in the wind - all show, no power. You need workers, not a bunch of college kids jerking off to their Marxist fantasies


I exclusively recruit hooligans


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literally nothing wrong with this. a combative segment of the working class.

(i can't find it right now, can someone post the huge green and orange antifa banner over a hundred celtics crowd members?)


Yeah but what do you want out of it? Hooligan groups have internal divisions as well.
Just stop being dogmatic. You just get the right tool for the job. Jeez, it's not that hard.


hooligans and lumpenproles are the fuel.don't underestimate the power of the unruly retards, elitist prick


Look I'm not whatever you want me to be. I'm the ultimate chimera and a boddhisattva. East-west elite-subaltern, it doesn't matter.


Critical support for the Japanese delinquent gangs against the nationalist yakuza lumpenbourgeoisie. The best yakuza boss is a dead yakuza boss.


>arguing against something I didn't say or do
You could learn a lot from your own pragmatic attitude, comrade.


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>You can learn a lot from your "own attitude"


shut the fuck up, you leftcom white south african ceo of mcdonalds egypt.


ill correct them: youre too dumb to learn from your own values.


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building a support base and taking a primary position as a party in whatever issue is good akshually (even if they are trots and cover for pederasts and rapists, their strategy is sound). it's just leninism
kill every cpusa demoncrat dengshit NOW!!!!!


I just don't need values. You already know what is the right thing to do if you are a reasonably functioning person endowed with empathy. Wu wei and so on.


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Same, lol


how is ur taste in nonbinaries?


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Quite different, pic related.
i don't have a proper image editing tool


Why is there so much gossip and drama in the alphabet community? I’m really turned off by it. It’s hard to date within the community itself




Absolute chad, Daoism is the second best philosophy after egoist nihilism.

Stirnerites and Daoists should unite against humanists and Abrahamic religions.


This anon has ascended beyond binary gender signifiers, must be an actual buddha.

I do wonder: if gender is a human invention, is this kind of sexual preferences a standard amongst non-human animals? Or do such things as height or the color of feathers contribute to the choice of sexual partners?


Female birds being attracted to and wooed by the elaborate performances and plumage of competing male birds is roughly equivalent or a predecessor of sexual preference. But I think for it to truly develop you need large and fairly cosmopolitan societies where people can be 'spoilt for choice' effectively.
I'd expect a small uncontacted tribe to have very different and more limited conceptions of sexual attraction due to the comparatively very limited number and variety of people around them.


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I don't understand.


conservatives say shit like "you want a violent revolution but cry over pronouns" as if i wouldn't be 100% willing to temporarily go off hrt if there were a revolution tomorrow and it temporarily disrupted my supply. it would suck but i'd endure the dysphoria in that situation.


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The term "gender ideology" comes from the Catholic Church apparently


Damn this uygha is my oomfie



whos the trans gorl i talked about montage theory with a tiny bit on here? i miss u


PhilosophyTube is a rapehon.


here's A survey by a reactionary fake researcher (j michael bailey) who claims women may have no sexual orientation and trans are all autogynephilic if you wanna shitpost on it https://northwestern.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3ghtzQuKzbcYyTY

He was involved in something called a "fucksaw incident" so i gave my race as gusano and gender as fucksaw


Trans women are mostly autogynephilic lol. Why are you moralizing about it? Cis women are mostly autogynephilic too. The problem is people saying it’s wrong to be an autogynephile, not the condition itself


fucking anyone uses this word, and ironically enough it's a moral judgement itself


>moralism is when morals
not how it works


Women are autogynephilic? You mean they're sexually attracted to themselves? But how about men then? Do they want to fuck themselves too? Because I've never seen such a thing.


You've never seen a gay man?


It's too long lol. I tried to fill it with junk data


Does it mean wanting to fuck yourself? I always thought it meant getting off on the thought of you being sexy and shit. Like erotic narcissism or something.


> if gender is a human invention,
Girlypop, if gender isn't a human invention then who the fuck invented it?


The latter is correct: erotic narcissism. Most people are autogynephiles/autoandrophiles: men going to the gym, women putting on makeup — the hedonistic pursuit of vanity afforded by capitalist development in a post survival world.


Well, conservatives equate gender with sexual demorphism. Although that does not explain clothing and haircuts because humans didn't have gendered clothing before civilization.


I know, I know. This might sound crazy but sexual dimorphism was also invented by humans.


Wish this thread had more casual conversations. You got the entire rest of the website to yell at one another, do you really need to indulge that stupidity in here as well?



Everyone is fucking stupid but me


i would tell those girls huggy each other :3 🌼




That's hard to do when you're coming down from meth pills (called yabba over there), stims stronger than coffee or tobacco seem to just make people awful


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Autogynephilia is basically the same idea as the hysterical neurosis described by Lacan, which he considered to be connected with women and femininity vs the obsessive neurosis being the masculine one. Hysterica and autogynephilia are characterized in their respective frameworks by primarily orienting your thoughts and behaviors around satisfying the gaze of another person.

I don't subscribe to any of this, but it's an interesting parallel between the two theories.


>be every group of humans ever
>make all kinds of art and decorations, some of which survives to this day (beads etc)
<humans didn't have gendered clothing before civilization
big doubt
gender fulfills an important social role and you will not be getting rid of it as long as sexual competition exists


>an important social role
yeah. oppression


t. uggo


post chin


Yes, I am ugly, so what?


Gender is just the sex of your brain's body-map.


being ugly is not a form of oppression


It just paint a huge target on your back tho…


Again, grindr makes me feel fucking miserable. Also no matches on tinder.

God damn it. Being gay is pretty nice (homophobia aside), but being demisexual and gay is like being marginalized in an already marginalized group. Fucking hate it.

>gender fulfills an important social role and you will not be getting rid of it as long as sexual competition exists
Gender expression is currently not even binary in the west. Whatever sexual competition and gender might be they are historically contingent.
One can imagine the lines of gender being deeply blurred in the future, as the present is already in such state.


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Oh ma gawd look at this fag whining about not being a whore


What are you talking about? Nobody claimed that it was.


What's the problem? I wish I could be a whore… I really do 😔 I feel like things would be easier. Instead, in hyper specific on the men I find attractive and on top, I really only want to have sex with them if there's some type of bond between us, real or imagined.

I fucking wish I could simply go to the local sauna and fuck whichever hole offered itself. I've even gone to the saunas several times with the intent to be a slut, but the whole thing is completely unappealing and simply not arousing.


>Gender expression is currently not even binary in the west
I didn't claim that it isn't. what I claim is that abolishing gender is a fool's errand, since it amounts to abolishing sexual competition. gender does change though


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My problem as usual, is other people's stupidity. Why wouldn't you want to be demi, it sounds great. Pretty much everyone is demi to some extent. If most people cared that much about casual sex there would be more of it. Your ambition is stupid.


Your image was very funny.
>Why wouldn't you want to be demi, it sounds great.
Why would it be great? The conditions in which I feel aroused and comfortable are more specific. It is worse because I can't do something as easily as others, namely hookups.
>Pretty much everyone is demi to some extent. If most people cared that much about casual sex there would be more of it.
Sure. Most people want to at least know the name of their hookup. I still don't understand why this would be somehow better. People who aren't demi can have sex with both hookups and people they know/love. I can only do one of either.
>Your ambition is stupid.
It is. What can I do? Most gay guys (honestly men in general, gay or not) seem to not be demi and fuck anything with a hole or a dick.

How do I fill that craving for intimacy when it seems to be incompatible with most gays I meet? If you want to "be demi" then just get to know your hookups more. It's literally not an issue.


Watch Hontrapoint's newest video.
There is only predator and prey. There is no love, there is no easter bunny and there is no queen of england.


this assumes binary sexuality, and that the main role gender plays is to enhance sexual characteristics

both are objectively wrong. Go "doubt" somewhere else.

P.S. sexual dimorphism was much less pronounced in ancient humans, sex is a product of gender. Gender in the real, historical sense - gendered (birth caste based on genitals) labor division


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Why do I keep seeing people who hate fujoshi but never anyone who hates on straight male enjoyers of yuri? What's the difference?


Very true, very true


This. Im a rare cishet male whom enjoys yaoi. I even jack off to yaoi art.

I wish I was born into a yaoi reality where I could be a bisexual bishonen rather than this reality.

Heterosexual romance is exhausting


Timmy Turner wears red. Also pink used to be a masculine color.

Also notice that Denzel Crocker kinda sounds like Orochimaru?


Dunno man. I love the former and hate the latter.

Yaoi is by and for hets. It's not remarkable at all.


In case of straight men, that gets subsumed into general criticism of fetishizing lesbians.


Am gay, not horny. We exist, etc. etc.

>Watch contrapoints
Never do this. Fuck that cunt.


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<intersex people have always existed and continue to exist
<many animals exhibit homosexual, bisexual, and even transgender behaviors
<clownfish can literally change their sex on a whim

why are reactoids forbidden from studying the very world they claim god created?


>why are reactoids forbidden from studying the very world they claim god created?
Because people are so stupid to think a universe of trillions of galaxies centers around some stupid arbitrary beliefs in one part if this one?


Mostly woeful post, but I'll add my favourite gay animal: the mourning geckos and their lesbian reproduction.
Nature is beautiful and fascinating.


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I'm 30 and after some (unrelated) therapy i'm feeling weird baout my sexuality and/or gender.

Am i just being stupid? Shouldn't i have figured that shit out ages ago? :(


Source? i want drama


It's a baseless rumor. There is no source.


No proof? Even better! Now I can just accept it as fact and not worry about it.


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I can't find any data or studies on this so I have to stoop down to asking on this thread:
are you either pleasured by or at least not turned off by smelling your body odour?

Also specify if you happen to be straight trans or bi.

(I swear I have good hygiene btw. I just noticed this once and I'm now interested)


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>snails are hermaphroditic and have a showdown at high noon to shoot sperm into each other


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there are lots of interestingly queer reproductive behaviors in invertebrates. banana slug SEX is t4t

>Banana slugs begin their mating with a few vicious love nips. Then the animals curl around each other, forming a bright yellow yin-yang symbol. Next, they insert their penises. (Remember, they both have one.) In some cases, one slug provides sperm and the other slug receives it. More often, the slugs swap sperm. Copulation can last many hours. Then, in most cases, the slugs withdraw and part ways.

>Heath caught a couple of slugs in the act. He noted the biting and the insertion. And then Heath observed something puzzling. As the slugs were withdrawing their penises, “one of the animals turned its head and commenced to gnaw upon the walls of the organ,” Heath wrote. The biting was “unusually vigorous,” he added, “and within a very few minutes the penis was entirely severed.”
>Scientists now call this phenomenon – slugs chewing off of one another’s penises – apophallation. […] Studies show that when apophallation occurs, both slugs often end up penisless. And, contrary to what Heath believed, slug penises do not seem to regenerate.



>>512383 (me)
Just to clarify why this is related to the thread: my hypothesis is that people attracted to the same sex would perceive their own BO the same way a heterosexual does to the BO of the opposite sex, alongside of course the BO of different people from the same sex (the latter is established scientifically).


The term fujoshi literally means rotten girl or fun girl. Same with fudanshi which means rotten boy. There is a kind of implied obsession it seems. I am unclear if the terms revolving around yuri are meant to be derogatory or not but most Westerns dont know of hime-danshi and hime-joshi since they havent been around so long. And the tropes in BL and yuri are kind of different from eachother. Im no expert though since only started watching both more recently.

Im kinda the same.


Apparently a new word filter had been added since i was gone.


Why did you change the name
you mongoloid
You think I wouldn't say
30 is too late loool
I had a little bout in my mid-late twenties
You know nothing major


The exploration of gender and sexual orientation is a life long process if you're willing to engage with it.
>t. Gay cis man.
Gender is highly historically and culturally contingent, and our sexualities are highly informed by our context too. Despite being attracted to men, my attraction to men is still mediated by societal norms.

Also kissed a lesbian the other day lmao. And the nature of my sexuality has changed as I have aged as well. It is truly a fascinating and rewarding experience that unfortunately many of us are forced to not explore. Even queer people feel pressure into "deciding" their "queer identity" (L, G, B, or T or what have you) once and for all.

As if gay adults don't sometimes date someone from the opposite sex, or as if old people don't realize they're gay at an old age all the time, media warps our experiences, universalizes the individual and individualizes the universal.

Also just a reminder that queerness, the liberation of queers, the liberation of women, the abolishment of gender as a class, and the class based oppression, and class society are intricately related to each other and inherently bound to each other. You can't have the abolishment of class society without also eliminating queerphobia. Not because it's the "right thing to do", but because they're inherently linked.

Keep this in mind when exploring your sexuality :)

Good luck!


am straight transhumanist, my BO smells like food, it makes me hungry


I have several BOs depending where you smell. My armpits smell like testicles, like nutsack. And yeah it can be a bit hornyness-inducing, ngl.
Gay cis man.


>The jews of early 1900s europe had a similar issue iirc

waiting for (the second least retarded) spurdo flag to comment before I decide if I think this is insightful or not


been noticing this recently. I wonder how much is insecurity or whatever

then again I was even worse before I decided to be a faggot so maybe it's being more critical of lgbt people and projection


I only like others' girlsmell



WOW the wordfilter catches spaces and punctuation smh


filtered. take meds alice


LeftyPol is eternal students but with no educational background.

Alot of you are more idealist than the alleged college student



Consider: Auto-vore


Why are you glowing, anon-san.


I'm motherfucking Godzilla


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Which way, /tiberia/?


This is so much brainrot aaaaa


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> 30 is too late loool

To be fair, I was to busy doing substance abuse 24/7 for like 14 years so it has been not that long since I actually can hear my thoughts.

Thanks comrade, I appreciate it.


A trans woman walks into a bar. Two men, a conservative and a communist, are having a heated argument. She snaps her fingers and they look at her.
<O hi you two :3 On social media there's this political meme making the rounds right naaaoow, it's about what person trans women need to be, and gueeess whaat the various factions have like all their own takes and I wanted to ask–
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" They shout in unison.

She wants to leave, but just as she is at the door she sees another man glancing at her.
"I heard everything. One guy is a conservative, the other a communist. What did you expect. I'm a liberal, by the way."
<They think they are opposite, yet to me they are narrow-minded in the same way. It's like the political opposite poles are actually bent towards each other like a horseshoe, dontcha think?
"Yeah, sometimes."
<You heard everything. You did not yell at me shut up. What is it that makes the liberal mind more open and adaptive? I say you are not hateful like those other two.
"I say at that moment I had beer in my mouth."


There are numerous cases of men coming out after 40 years of "happy" marriage.
Here's a little tip, that a lot of morons here would do well to drill in their heads: you are not special. Positive, or negative.


Same as

>Also specify if you happen to be straight trans or bi

Are you that retard who keeps screeching about gays secretly being bi?


Both of these things are the worst I've ever seen. Twitterfags need to be hung.


>Why did you change the name
Because at some point you become old and tired enough to realise these ebin chan maymays are trite at best and petty besides.


blackpill to swallow but realistically you wont pass unless you had a deficiency that makes you look young or effeminate

that being said if it makes you happy and the people you love are willing to play along then do it, do it, do it. You don't want to be 50 and feeling this way or it's gonna be even worse hellish agony. Do what makes you happy and fuck the rest of the world.


you're a homo harry


>Are you that retard who keeps screeching about gays secretly being bi?
No it's because both categories could potentially not have the reasoning I provided in >>512439 apply to them. Ideally I need very faggy fags.
I don't browse this general often and don't know about whatever notorious shitposter you're talking about.

Also I expected someone to accuse me of biphobia instead of the opposite lmfao.


Not that person either but I'll bite.

Gays secretly are bi. All humans are. The belief that you have a 100% success rate on sexual attraction to whatever gender you've picked is silly. You have no way of telling for sure whether you're essentially homosexual, only that you are functionally homosexual.

Case in point if you had never seen a man or a woman in your life, you would have no reference as to why your dick got hard for some people and not others, but you would not naturally chalk it up to some platonic ideal of homosexuality that innately exists in your head. No, instead you invested in your above average attraction to "the same sex", the same way heterosexuals invest into their socially sanctioned attraction to "the opposite sex", and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.


Whatever. If you agree that people can be relatively more homosexual or heterosexual than others, then it makes more sense to rely on the ones farthest on either side of the spectrum when gauging the differences between them. That's why I added that notice to the question.


The poster I'm referring to seems to circle generals on /leftypol/ and occasionally screech in /GET/.
Also, if you want homos just mention homos! That's why there is an alphabet pileup, you know, to avoid these kind of confusions.

Yes Anon, we all know about the Kinsey scale (etc.)


Im not that anon but they were pretty vague. So not much can be made out of it. We dont know their biological sex, what they currently identify as in either gender or sexuality or what they think they may be.


But I endorsed them and told you to watch it.
Things do not exist outside their context.


the first 2 are parodies of the 3rd one, which is completely unironic, if i have that right
twitter trans girls are a different breed..


These garbage post-modern lib talking points that sexuality is fluid kinda validates homophobic arguments that we're all funs who choose to lay with men so go fuck yourself

I know I'm gay since I was 6, and I have 0 desire towards women, in fact the vulva kinda disgusts me


Oh so you aren't sure? It's just a vague feeling? You are like a little baby. Everything kinda disgusts me. I'd still fuck your mom just to say I did.


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Hypothetically speaking, would you have sex with a guy if he was a full-package futanari (aka both a penis and vagina) but with a flat chest and masculine personality or would your aversion to vulva prevent you from doing that? Of course this is porn, not real life, so your response wont determine what people think of THE GAY COMMUNITY


>twitter trans girls are a different breed..
you have not seen 4chan trans girls


It is indeed a garbage post-modern lib talking point, but not for the reason you state. Sexuality as fluid is only controversial if you're don't process what is being argued. What it actually is, as you point out, meaningless since what people actually do is not captured by vague abstractions.

You're not going to win over any of the gays by posting girls with dicks. Reducing homosexuality to a sect of part-objects is one of the most grating and oft-repeated assumptions (projections?) there is. It is masculinity specifically that is attractive, not any one part object.
To put it in terms you can understand: manpuss is hotter than girldick.


Not him, but my brain responds to vaginas the same way it responds to infected wounds.


Impressively gay.
>manpuss is hotter than girldick
lol how is it possible to be this wrong.


I'm just wondering, how many people here want the general to be on the main board?



who cares lol


Main board is homophobic, in fact, I'd rather LGBT be its own board instead of being forced with /siberia/ straggots


Pushing back on the main board's homophobia is worth it I think


Do you mean /dead/?


lots of channer trans girls are on twitter now, alongside the tumblr refugees, which makes for a weird terminally online trans melting pot


Assuming souls are distributed randomly, being either male or female, it just makes logical sense that troons people are the only ones with confirmed souls. There is an equally large group of cis people with souls, but that comprises only about 1% of the cis population. This is a FACT.



Jaw too wide


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Even if we concede LGBT rights are somehow tools of imperialism (something that the excerpt provides no examples or explanations of mechanics for), its one that can be made utterly impotent simply by not discriminating against LGBT people, so one way or another, advocating for them is the correct choice.


If you read the article honestly, it just says that the rainbow flag is a wedge issue the Americans use against their enemies, if they have a "homophobic" enemy such as Iran, they wave the rainbow and feminist flags, if they have a tolerant enemy like Cuba, they fund evangelical churches to go against things like the family code. It doesn't say that gay or trans people are imperialist in and of themselves, you're not automatically a comprador or a traitor by crossdressing or having gay sex.


reactionaries have gotten really good at coopting language and driving wedges. "ackshually a coalition between lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, queers, intersex, asexuals, and other minorities is ahistorical and colonialist" sounds obviously ridiculous when you expand it out like that. And this political coalition is not an "NGO" but a real organic thing. The idea that it's "ahistorical" is true only insofar as previous forms of class society all over the world prevented this coalition from forming by oppressing people. It's like saying the proletariat is ahistorical before capitalism. Well yeah. Duh.


>Anonymous blog that attacks the PSL and Uhuru Movement from the "Left"
I choose a third option - glowing garbage.


there are much better ways to criticize petit bourgeois reformism and this aint it


The article is an honest analysis from a bourgeois source. What it says is largely true: the west does use gay people in their information warfare and propaganda as much as they can. This is expected. The reaction is also expected: the average Arab or Russian definitely won't get less homophobic after seeing picrel. It is what it is, unfortunately.

Of course, their analysis is wrong because they're not Marxist, but an "anti-imperialist" who believes that Iran is a based revolutionary group.

LGBT is just the way gay people organized their struggle in the west, and pushing it elsewhere makes as little sense as pushing the specific Soviet government everywhere in the world. Western gays often had to use the media in weird and pretty disgusting ways, such as lesbians becoming a porn genre for men to consume all of a sudden. The rest of the world doesn't have all that much to learn from them, and it will probably just be acceptance of gay marriage with little fanfare or fearmongering - just like in Cuba.


the problem with LGBT is that its an interclassist movement first and foremost


True. It is really problematic but it has brought a lot of reprieve in the west because of it. The proletariat is largely powerless. It was neoliberal bourgeois reformism that brought us the modicum of dignity into our lives from previous decades.


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I must choose my words carefully, for the laws of this lands prohibit me from speaking freely, but it's okay to be het. You can like girldick, it's not gay.


Correct. Mods will ban you for this.

This "modicum of dignity" you are referring to is just a gilded cage that gets smaller by the year. Not to mention that the security we've had has been increasingly fleeting too. No more half measures.


>No more half measures.

ok and do you have a 'do communism' button to press that you've been hiding until now?


kinda lame gotcha when you look at the shit politicians are doing to trans people in so many democratic countries (no scare quotes because democracy is exactly like that)


Yes, let's do nothing instead. Surely things will improve if we pray hard enough. Hell, let's fall on our swords for the precious bourgeois that gave gave is a sliver of physical safety when it was convenient and pulled their hands back the moment it got difficult.
Don't act like there is nothing you can do. Wrecker tier defeatism.


Who said do nothing, that doesn't mean the LGBT movement, bourgeois as it is, isn't useful


Was not disputed. What I did dispute is that your precious acquiescence was not a ploy, and robbed the broader movement of its edge and left us in our current, feckless state.


If you are for reforms within capitalism and treat communism like a 'brand' then clearly you don't have a pressing need for communist society, ergo you must be in possession of reserves, ie, petit-bourgeois.


I think you're talking past each other for no good reason.

Queer bourgeoise progressivism is obviously good for queer people but ultimately is a fickle progressivism as we've seen and not only that, makes queer people political fodder.

Surely black people in the US were used as political fodder in more tragic-comedy ways than trans people today, no? The whole "I can't be racist, I have black friends" seems to be the hilarious tail of overt racism and using black people as political cannon fodder. Idk, food for thought.


You're such a bitter obstinate fuck, and I know damn well that you never do any activism or anything yourself, just sit on here and shit talk others with your fucking bullshit


The petit-bourgeois have a long history of using the proletariat as meat shields in their interclassist movements, queer "liberation" isn't the exception.


You're right I don't do activism, I organize with workers instead.


I don't believe you.


It seems my superiority has caused some controversy


>Queer bourgeoise progressivism is obviously good for queer people
It's good for QUEER BOURGS. And even they suffer from dominant BOURGEOIS culture, much like the bourgeois are the first victims of alienation.

>talking past each other

No. This is very clearly an ideological conflict, and the acquiescence cunt is wrong.

That's rich coming from someone who so clearly has neither experience nor knowledge.


Reading diagonally it seems one is saying "Girls just wanna have fun", the other is saying "Prioritize (communism or something)". Well, you are both wrong. No I will not elaborate.
I'll get my jollies elsewhere.


>Girls just wanna have fun
thats a strange reading of liberal reform


Being generally unconcerned and comfortable? It was very off the cuff but it's a liberal attitude in two senses of the word.


The entire dichotomy is idiotic. Pointing out that acquiescence is insufficient doesn't somehow imply it has been useless, and it definitely is not a puritan stance.

Can you please read what's actually been discussed, rather than coming in with sweeping conclusions.


No I will dichotomize you as much as I want. What are you gonna do about it? Get your little queer friends?


They are BIG queer friends, I will have you know.
I'm the little one. c:


"Reading diagonally" aka not reading at all it seems


Why don't LGBT have their own board? Even 4chvds have it

We deserve to be among our own without straight moids shitting our threads with homophobic rants


I don't get what are the benefits of having a LGBT board compared to what we have now


Not having straight moids infesting our general is a decent start


I don't think we need a new board, and I don't support this sort of queer zionism (I'm being hyperbolic ^-^). But I think a thread on /leftypol/ would be very advantageous and I articulated why on /meta/.


I presume the "Moids" you are referring to are, in general, those "Glowing anonymous". They probably use Tor because they were already banned. Of course is not only they, but they glow for a reason. All people of leftypol should not "take the bait" for internet trolls.


uygha made a whole thread whining about trans people not letting him feel like a special boy anymore and is now pretending "straight moids" (anyone who disagrees with me must not be queer, obviously) are the wreckers LOL


you got destroyed in a genuine argument and are pretending it was actually bait all along hours after the discussion ended, sad


not even gonna touch the utter retardation that is thinking everyone posting on tor is a ban evader lol


I am not that anon, why are you using Tor


because i dont want leftypol.org in my isp logs retard


The more you speak the more you sound like someone that got banned


meanwhile youve sounded like a no-theory brainlet from post #1 lol
what kind of comeback is "youve been banned on an imageboard" exactly?


You sound like someone that wants to waste peoples time in a imageboard. I mean, you just need to be normal to not get banned. Again, why would people care about your isp logs. I mean, look at /meta/, see all of those glowers complaining every single day? See those other glowies that post gore everywhere and get away with it?


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ive got banned for literally posting marxist theory and i dont mean fucking stalin or "trans people are counterrevolutionary" bullshit. always on the tor node though so i wait the ban out like a good boy

>why would people care about your isp logs

lol and im the glowing one


>>ive got banned for literally posting marxist theory

Thank you for your honesty anon, you are, in fact, a good boy. Pic Hazbin hotel reference, i presume


What are you catty bitches up to now?


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how do you feel about it?


I do not.


nobody cares what you believe


Okay, long post:
I'm not even sure if this should go in the relationship general or not but here goes. I broke up with my gf in October, as I realized I didn't want to marry her. I made the right choice. I felt that I must live on my own and become my own person before if and when I ever do that. I moved out and have been doing that. I thought I would feel free and excited about my life, but everything feels….off. In the last year together, I thought I had relationship-OCD. Since the breakup, now I've been questioning my sexuality. I think I'm bi, but those feelings only bring up immense dread and anxiety. I have and do enjoy hooking up with women, but recently I would get intrusive thoughts that I'm just playing pretend. I feel like such a fraud. I feel that my sexuality is and was something that I felt the most confident and most myself in. Now it's scary and confusing. I'm scared that I'm unable to fall in love. I'm scared that I'll always be somewhat disconnected from people. In regards to my sexuality I've never even looked at gay porn. I'll be honest and I haven't told anyone but I did some sexual stuff with a guy a few months ago. I would say it was interesting but I feel like it didn't reveal anything. It made me more confused afterwards. I just don't know anymore. I just want to get rid of the anxiety. I feel like who I am doesn't exist anymore and that I'm just a made up concept. I feel like I ruminate and get into my head which prevents me from enjoying myself and feeling pleasure. I don't know. Thoughts???


what is leftypol's thoughts on aroace people?
>aromantic/asexual is a person who does not feel any romantic/sexual attraction, basically, it is the complete opposite of someone who is biromantic/bisexual or panromantic/pansexual, which is someone who feels all romantic/sexual attraction.


meditate my dude, relax your mind


correct in its message that you need to make some effort to be who you are
the god nonsense is pointless though


it is pointless but it may be helpful for reaching out more religious people


Sounds like you're a bit depressed maybe and defintely could use a psyche.

We aren't psychologists and the medium is terrible. You should really get a therapist. I promise its worth it.

That said, you don't sound like a "classic" bisexual. It's normal to have some attraction to the same gender. A straight friend of mine pretty openly admits to downloading grindr and getting with a guy to see if he liked it.

As a gay guy, I experimented with men and women. It's OK to not have a definitive sexuality, but instead have it ebb and flow.

What you say about rumination is 100% accurate. Meditation, exercise, sleep, etc helps mitigate them.

The fear of never loving/never loving again, and the fear of always being somewhat disconnected is something I can relate with. I think maybe the experience of breaking up is still too fresh. I don't feel it now but I have felt it before.

I don't think you should worry about determining your sexuality but I also don't think it's your biggest issue.


I dunno what 'thoughts' should I have, good for them I guess.


>it may be helpful for reaching out more religious people
helpful in a useless endeavor is not helpful


Maybe you should try looking at gay porn and see how you feel about it. Do you wanna be the top? Do you wanna be the bottom? Or neither? Or are you not into it at all? You might learn valuable information.


then I suppose leftypol has passed the vibecheck test, I thought the replies were gonna be a trainwreck like in 4chan
yeah you're right


Thankfully when you're not reactionary you can just not care about a lot of stuff. Then again you become concerned about different stuff so I guess it balances out.



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This is one of the few things I could unironically praise Biden on. The rainbow flag flying over the symbols of the American empire can only be a bad thing for LGBT+ people in the world. Hopefully, there will be a pushback against reactionaries that tar LGBT+ people as pro-NATO collaborators.


No one is their own person.
>I feel like who I am doesn't exist anymore and that I'm just a made up concept.
haha hehehe
That's because it is.
You're fags
>It's OK to not have a definitive sexuality
That is not precise. It's normal.
"OK" means it's tolerable or no big deal. Normal means it's a universal experience.


>You're fags
but that's literally impossible by definition lmao


Let's say for the sake of argument, that you are repressed?
Like, what's the deal with having sex once in a while? Or romance?
What about friendship? You get enjoyment out of friendship but not romance? What about touch? Fooling around?


And why did you post a picture of a cartoon character alongside that?


And why are you included in the "queer umbrella" anyway? "I don't give a shit" is not a position. Never fucking post "by definition" at me.

I pledge allegiance to the drag
And the United Gays of America
To safety in public, from queer to trans


as a random poster I can tell from one look that you are a samefag schizo and probably the same guy that is spamming this thread obsessively every time I click on it

you are the lolcow my friend

I don't know what kind of delusion causes this kind of behavioural pattern but I would probably reconsider my behaviour if I spent this much time and energy posting that I enjoyed and felt was contributing to a wider project or community

are you even aware that like yes you seem like a mentally ill antisocial person like barneyfag or thingnoticer or some shit but it's not even a considerable portion of the interest to random people saying silly things and talking shit in siberia?


It doesn't matter anymore. You're late to the party.
Guessing "always on the tor node" is a brazen lie. And as all the good little informed denizens of this place now, I am always never wrong. But really, who gives a shit




fuck it


The cartoon character is aroace


Not while looking like that


Who wants to try next?


>Let's say for the sake of argument, that you are repressed?
I mean I never developed crushes on anyone, probably because everyone looks too generic for me? idk
>Like, what's the deal with having sex once in a while? Or romance?
there's nothing wrong with it, but like, I never found anyone attractive to think about this stuff seriously like everyone else. always thought people were just very close friends or "trying to be/look cool", like they were acting through a script/trend and I didn't realize they were serious about it, nor did I realize there was supposed to be actual real feelings. are they supposed to be feeling something?(I know they are but idk)
>What about friendship? You get enjoyment out of friendship but not romance?
yes duh
I always thought romance was just people being very close friends in a very weird/forceful way. that's what I used to think but logically doesn't make sense.
like, I'd rather play games with someone instead of doing rule34 stuff with someone.
>What about touch?
>Fooling around?
disgusting ew

kind of a nosey question anon tbh
he's aroace
>And why are you included in the "queer umbrella" anyway?
>Never fucking post "by definition" at me.
we just are by definition lol, look up the definition of queer


I am not the samefag, you can call the mods to check. I just saw the latest replies and thoght you guys were being annoying, speically with all this drama of creating a new board to lgbt.


Alright thanks for the info
>I always thought romance was just people being very close friends in a very weird/forceful way
Why not? Why the hell not. You are about as accurate as anyone else.
Intimacy is when you let your freak flag fly and the more you do it, the more intimate it is.

But still are cartoon characters sexy or not? Or just aesthetic? Or you don't know?


>That is not precise. It's normal.
>"OK" means it's tolerable or no big deal. Normal means it's a universal experience.
It's normal but people don't really question their sexuality. As a gay person, I can tell you I've done all kinds of sexual things with straight men that have never questioned their sexuality. It's really dumb to think of sexuality as some static universal thing, where you're either straight gay or bi. It's also dumb to think it's a gradient of some sort. Our sexuality is contingent on a bunch of things. I have a friend who's in a gay relationship despite not finding the other person sexually attractive because they're straight. Because of the circumstances of their lives, they got together and developed a bond that culminated into a relationship.

Many gay people have relationships like these as well, they call it "gay +1" which means they're gay except for that one person of the opposite gender.

It seems its your first time facing the ambiguity of sexuality and you're frightened by it. If you ask me, you sound like the most of my straight friends some of which sometimes do gay shit and just brush it off. You're giving it too much importance on what you "are". You're the same motherfucker you were a year ago. Just because you stop liking ice cream doesn't suddenly make you a different person. Same as suddenly liking men. You're still the same asshole. Fucking chill.


Ok let me problematize it for you. Nothing personal.
>have never questioned their sexuality
Everyone has. Or you think you are so special?
>dumb to think of sexuality as some static universal thing
Yeah like with everything.
>I have a friend who's in a gay relationship despite not finding the other person sexually attractive because they're straight.
Ok elaborate. Are they roommates? Is it like the "they're roomies" joke in reverse?
>means they're gay except for that one person of the opposite gender.
They are just fucking with you, the monosexual. Lol at least that's what I'd do.
>Fucking chill.
What, you wanna fight bitch-ass uygha?


What, did you just feel the vibes/tone of that post and thought "what I really need to write is <chill out>".
Like, maybe think before you leap.


>But still are cartoon characters sexy or not?
>Or just aesthetic?
yep just that


>Many gay people have relationships like these as well, they call it "gay +1" which means they're gay except for that one person of the opposite gender.

I think sexuality should be differentiated from romantic preferences.

People fall in love with others based on emotional compatability.
Often times, the people you fall in live with are independent of sexual preferences.

It can get tricky when they wanna get in the mood but you dont wanna because while theyre not ugly their bodies are not arousing to you.


Valid? Who cares? I genuinely don't get the hysteric reaction towards aros or aces some people exhibit.

Wisdom, but
>"gay +1"


it goes against people's beliefs instilled by society that you must be in a sexual or romantic relationship for whatever reasons and that you are expected to feel both romantic and sexual attraction, and someone not feeling one type of attraction or neither type of attraction is unexpected and it challenges people's beliefs that they once thought were absolute, that explains the hysteria.



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any update on this?


no one has ever accused a 4chan user of being smart or clever


>I wish I was born into a yaoi reality where I could be a bisexual bishonen rather than this reality.
Just go fuck guys nothing is stopping you.


Its not that easy isnt it.
Alot of homosex is just older guys whom are married with kids and theyre not all that good looking.
And even if I could score, they always have to cancel due to work or family.

Also, alot of IRL people, whether male or female, have horrible, shallow personalities, little to no skills/talents, and worse hygiene.

At least in anime reality, everyone is sexy, talented, nuanced/witty, amd immaculate.

TBH, I intentionally dont pay attention to faces. I only care about how nice their asses look.
If the guys wanna kiss me on the lips, its a no-go for me.


Ok, I also wish I lived in porn reality, but just go on dates with the guys/girls who look attractive to you and if you don't like them then don't see them again? It's not that hard.


>Remember when making fun of aids made you the devil?
Is the implication here that making fun of AIDS is less frowned upon now


Hell fucking no.

Waste money on strangers to make an emotional connection that will fizzle out by the next day?


>autistic child insisting they'll eat nothing but red M&Ms
>why am I malnourished


I mean it's not fatal anymore so idk, I guess it's less bad to make fun of

Lol why can't you just enjoy a nice evening/afternoon out and see what happens? You can say you want to go 50/50 too.


It's killing me to know this guy is actually for real.


>meet gay FTM on reddit for séxooo
>day later we are having wholesome casual convos
>he says my compliments helped alleviate a lot of dysphoria
>start to really like him

Help what do i do i dont really know if im actually bi and i dont feel like im attracted only to his feminine side. Hes just so cute he sends me pics cuddling in a plush nest on the bed idk what to do.


No one can help you now. You are already queer. Nothing personal, kid.


Disregard that I suck tdicks


Not me + seethe


Get out the party poppers, release the confetti, we got one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Forward contact info so I can plow.


Gay guy, I just want to suck a cock here, why is it so hard? People grindr either keep stringing you along or never have a place (they live with family and such)


I hate grindr and grindr people. You just have to be very patient and persistently on the app. Helps if you're under 30, really helps if you're under 28. The fitter you are, the better.

Consider not sending nude pictures. The moment you send pictures, a lot of the allure and mystery gets dropped. Provocative pictures can be good though, since they increase the allure. You can also go to gay saunas or gay orgy houses. Depends where you are is what will be more common. You can also try cruising spots.

I don't like anon hookups, although I do like giving blowjobs lol, so I'm not the best to give advice admittedly.


The only ones who go to gay saunas here are fat old men

I'm not picky I just want a guy on a similar age as me who doesn't look like a gremlin


Biden has proven himself to be dvginist mvltipolarista. this is an act of solidarity with the global sovth




Stop slut shaming.


It's social media, it can't be anything else.


imagine opposing trans visibility because some people are jerking off to it


There's nothing wrong with AGP


is this sex?


No one gives a fuck


Yes. Let's take a photo?


i just wanted to say i've finally decided to come out. i'm an auto-sexual gender-nihilist.


I'm fucking retarded


Is he hot??


Of course


I wish you luck. Is there a big city you could go to for the weekend?


Im fairly sure im bi but i don't like straight up şéxöö. I'm more into getting into extremely flirty conversations and cute stuff. I'm not sure i'm truly ace or just really autistic about sex but it just kinda feels vulgar to ruin a nice relationship with immediatelly slobbering over someones cock or plowing them.


You're just another adolescent cunt. Go out and experience life for fucks sake.


can I be gay if I dont like anuses


I can with a lot of confidence say that you arent more than one year away from 17 in either direction.


Maybe you're demi. I'm demi and this kinda describes me.


Yes. Also applies to dicks (and vaginas).


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I find the constant needless codification tiresome. Fucking autists.


I'm gay but asian (︶︹︺) So sad.


>>520808 what's wrong with being asian


I'm starting to despise demisexuals and I've never even met one in real life, in reality.


I was about to respond before i realized this was gay business.


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Whiny uygha
If anyone reads german this is the funniest shit ever.


Most gay people don't like asians. And most of those who do have implicit or explicit raceplay fantasy


>I made it the fuck up


>Most gay people don't like asians


Who are you quoting, however


I wish I wasn't demi. You have no idea how hard I wish it. It's fucking miserable and constant sexual frustration that can't be easily fixed since most gays seemingly aren't and the norm is hookups and anon sex.

I don't care if you hate demis. Just giving you my experience.
Most gays are Asian lmao. But I get what you mean, yeah.
The people that say this are the worst at having sex, needless to say.


And that's another thing. You only have sexual frustration. I have a lot of unused criminal energy. That's way worse. Any idiot can be sexually frustrated. Just jack off.
>I wish I wasn't demi. You have no idea how hard I wish it
That in essence is the problem. Stop wishing for stupid shit. Or accept it or something.


Is it really that hard to find a gay partner who is willing to wait a few dates before having sex?


>I have a lot of unused criminal energy.

Uuuh wanna grab a beer or something?


>I have a lot of unused criminal energy.
I KNEEL. Honestly can't even disagree. Truth be told, I wanted to become more slutty because I feel like my self-esteem was tied to my capacity to obtain sex. It's a toxic masculine trait but I can't just will it away. I was also craving intimacy.

Friends can only do so much with providing intimacy, particularly straight male friends are not good for providing it. And hookups don't really do it for me.

Kinda frustrating that I wish I could just suck random cocks and enjoy it, but I don't.
Kind of. Depends on a bunch of stuff. If you live in a large cosmopolitan city, then yeah, it's a bit harder.

lesssss gooo


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uh-huh. Well amusingly I have the opposite problem, in a certain sense.
No thanks, not right now. I already drink too much.


>Most gays are Asian
Wtf is that


Asia represents like 60% of the world population lmao



what is cruising?


Look for (gay) sex in (usually) public spaces. It's the ultimate form of anon sex. You go to a park, look for a guy, have sex there or nearby in a secluded area of wherever you are, then leave.

Sometimes people call cruising when you do the same but in private places made for that. Eg a gay sauna. In a gay sauna, you essentially go for anon sex. There's pads, dark mazes, stuff like that for people to fuck. You go, make eyes with a rando and fuck.

Just because you're there doesn't mean you're desirable btw. But usually there's somebody for every-body.


now that you mention it, I didn't like vaginas either until personally experiencing them and while they still dont thrill me I will happily eat folks out. Maybe I can acclimate to anuses too but my distaste for the female anus even after plenty of exposure leaves me doubting. For now I'd rather just give/recieve blow/hand jobs


Looks good on theory but in pratice it probably wont work. You cant change my opiniões, i am a well informed citzen


I agree that an inter-class movement cannot lead to lasting or sometimes even any changes (for proletarians), but LGBT is also the inverse, not a broad movement that spans beyond class but real ties of solidarity and community that are separate from class ties, but that can exist alongside classist proletarian organizing. Wherever there are specific oppressions not reducible simply to class, it's a progressive development for these people to organize against their oppression (even if this is at first fraught, because their oppression is tied to/reproduced by capitalism), and within communist orgs these groups should also organize independently on the issue of their specific oppression, but informed by an intersectional class perspective. Do you disagree? I think it's essentially a liquidationist view to be against LGBT as an organizational point in general.

>acquiescence robbed movement of its edge

to be fair, this is such a deep issue that is not solved with complaining to the people who organized for reforms and won them. It looks (and is) deranged.
The problems: 1) when reforms are granted, energy in the movement dissipates. This is a broader problem, moving to a recursive (activist, politically conscious, communist, etc) position from collective action. Interestingly, unions don't seem to face this problem in the short-term. Maybe the problem is a "movement" that doesn't come with specific membership, maybe it's that organizing communities is different from organizing workplaces in that people come and go more? Or there's no onboarding process for people entering a locale? Maybe the lack of long-term benefit (e.g. a union provides protections to workers, legal help, grievance mediation, etc. - in theory isn't this also everything a communist org should strive for socially? social/financial/housing protections, legal help, mediation (aka subverting the state by becoming an insurgent judiciary), etc.) 2) reforms can be won with little real power, only temporary influence via e.g. bourgeois gays, gays in media, influence campaigns targeting the right people at the right time, etc. Literally part of the (conservative side of) the gay rights movement was creating impermanent and shaky reforms by influencing elected officials via temporary means (e.g. pressure campaigns and as staffers advising certain votes at opportune times. [politicians are fickle and whoever whispers in their ear last has a large influence on them… liberal democracy is ridiculous]). This obviously leads to a quick decline in movement energy, while creating reforms which are easily rolled back because they rest on nothing real. In a sense the initiative was yanked away from us from above… and honestly this strategy has been long-used against socialists and continues to be a strong move! When this happens I think it's best to continue the grind but not fret too much… either things are better or they are not better for people on the ground, and if things are better either they remain good or they revert… Take it as it comes.

>petite-bourgeoisie using proles, also queer liberation

queer lib was meant to be the radical new thing that finished the job :'(
But so true anyways.

>queer progressivism is only good for queer bourgeoisie

Idk if this is true, since we're not getting beaten by cops in shakedowns of gay bars anymore. Honestly there's still a lot of violence, workplace discrimination, etc., but for otherwise normative gays, at least, things are so much better. But overall I think the trend is correct. Single issue identity politics always provides the most reprieve to bourgeois individuals (and in spectacle), while failing the average person they claim to help. But I'll challenge the idea that it doesn't help anything. Or idk, maybe more like I'm challenging that the existence of a single issue identity politics movement (or 'consensus' abt a movement) existing is enough to invalidate the movement as a whole. A more radical and challenging undercurrent accompanies these movements and they feed each other. The gains for working class people may be attributable totally to the radical movement, maybe this undermines my point, but basically they feed each other and when "the movement" as a whole dies down, gains have been made, some flimsy and some more solid, the most radical impacting the rich the most, while proles get a watered down version. Maybe we agree lol

It was reformism but often tied with revolutionary politics (like, some big people in gay organizing were communists), and using tactics that in effect work to bolster the building of revolution (changing hearts and minds, politicizing everyday life, working against bigotry that divides the working class, etc)

I think sensual pleasure and sexual attraction are wrongly tied together. When you love someone, and you can pleasure each other, this is positive and looks like a typical relationship but sexual arousal might be limited or be more masturbatory or due to other fantasies or simply being wanted by the other individual.
i agree


>these groups should also organize independently
look i only disagree because this simply is not communist. the moment you do this you are not organizing the working class as a single entity anymore. ive got more in common with a cis hetero walmart employee than some pb queer working as a programmer for mastercard lol

if you still want to do it go nuts but dont pretend its communist or "revolutionary" (hate this term tbh). the proletariat has limited time and resources to be fighting for lost and or useless causes


I agree. I was saying two things there and honestly I probably jumbled them together too much with that run-on sentence.
1) it's a progressive development for oppressed groups to organize, even across class lines, because their oppression is actively reproduced by capitalism because it benefits either profits or the class rule of the bourgeoisie. But it's ultimately a tactic that will fail, since the bourgies in the group will use the proles (by stabbing them in the back when the time comes) to gain concessions from those with power, concessions which strive to bring people who only struggle with that one issue (e.g. white cis wealthy but gay) into a more safe and secure position. And these concessions are flimsy because they were given not won, because that's the tactic that the bourg n p-bourg use, and they tend to lead interclass movements. As a communist I don't support this, I wouldn't advocate for this, but I still thing it's always a progressive development because it does still challenge capitalism, and it doesn't actually succeed, meaning that it gives workers who are even lower in society a chance to engage in hands on political action, build solidarity and a social setting to counter some capitalist ideology, while ultimately failing and requiring them to take more radical action. But again, yeah class based organizing is better
2) within class orgs we still have to organize with each other (lgbtqs or whatever) on the basis of our specific issues, which only we can speak on best, and about which only we are going to be the most motivated to solve. There's still misunderstanding and homophobia and transphobia and patriarchal attitudes among socialists, imo its up to us to organize to create a clear line about ourselves and what we need insofar as we are oppressed in specific ways and overall to advocate for ourselves, within class orgs.

>the proletariat has limited time and resources to be fighting for lost and or useless causes

yea, but sadly the proletariat is not yet a unified entity, and it will only be unified through fighting for lost causes as individuals grow in political education, before we all can agree on the one cause of full class liberation and rule. But I agree that us as communists should not be advocating for lost causes


I had a schizo idea about setting up some sort of mutual aid network for minorities in my country and using it to indoctrinate them into leftism. My org was not impressed lol


is a legal?


>petit bourgeoise queer working as a programmer for mastercard
Proles are petit booj.
Peak theory right here fellas.

There's "real workers" who are factory workers.
Petit booj, who program.
And the international bourgeoisie: Starbucks baristas

Usually no.
>look i only disagree because this simply is not communist.
The plight of queer proles is the same as any. Just because you don't understand how the state apparatus oppresses people based on arbitrary identities, doesn't mean it isn't a classed phenomenon. Black panthers organized around race and were Marxist - Leninist.

There is no inherent reason why queer proles can't do the same. In fact, they have in the past. You're just unaware.


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>The plight of queer proles is the same as any.
<this is why we should separate proles into neat groups and organize along those divisions
Utterly retarded.

>stupid tirade over people earning thousands being called petit-bourgeois

>bringing up le baristas twitter meme as if they are comparable to people in very cushy positions
The antagonism between the proletariat and bourgeoisie, ie, capital, stems from the fundamental existence of the wages system itself. A proletarian is reserveless, i.e. "has nothing to lose but their chains". Engels in his housing question comments on this a bit, when he says that a house owner is not a proletarian, or that the income of the petty bourgeois tends to rise, etc. The definition and description of what constitutes a proletarian is provided quite neatly across Marx and Engels' works, if only certain academicians would bother reading them instead of spinning fantasy webs of jargon addressed towards college students.

If being a worker and being a proletarian were identical, then 'workers in really proletarian conditions' would be a nonsensical statement.

Any communist worth their salt knows that 'worker' and 'proletarian' are not interchangeable categories, so what is the significance of talking about the 'worker', a category that tells us nothing about specific class characters and interests? I don't know why it's so hard for some people to understand that the immediate interest of someone with enough money to sustain a cozy middle class existence is to either prolong that existence or go beyond it by following big bourgeois aspirations.

Of course the person advocating for dividing the proletariat along lines that aren't class would spout this dumb bullshit too, because nothing says unifying the proletariat as one force than organizing around race or sexuality.


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half of internet leftists think anything short of plugging your ears and pretending racism is gone is "identity politics" and the other half think pointing out the obvious fact that oprah has more power than any working class white man in the world is "class reductionism"

as a trans woman, the most "marginalized people" on earth are the proletariat and thus who would lead a modern revolution


Lenin agrees, in his book "State and revolution" he explicit states that "equality" is tainted by social democrats. For real equality to exist in a communist society, the dictatorship of the proletariat must work not only to give equal rights to all people of the soviet union, but to guarantee everyone has a chance in society and destroy the "liberty" to oppress the proletarian. Inequality and a shadow of the """state""" still win exist in the early, lower stage communism, to enforce that the minorities repressed be given a chance in society, not ignored. Only in high state communism, the state will "wither away", and such contradictions will not exist anymore, as described by Marx, Engels and Lenin. In this stage, then we can safely say, there will be no inequality anymore.
Equality will never exist in capitalism. EVER


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Don't be so (ironically) reductionist. It's not that uncommon to be a leftist who has actually sensible views on gender and race, social media just encourages retards and trolls to clout chase by making bad takes. Go outside and go to an org and you'll find reasonable people.


I didn't notice you said 'internet' leftist. But it still counts, not even most internet leftists are dumb, the most popular and highly shared ones are.


You unironically fell for the meme that programmers make billions. You're the one dividing the working class lmao.

Also lmao at you seething and quoting scripture. Gay and black communists have organized around the commonality of their oppression. Cry all you want but it's a fact that the black panthers existed.


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booj london ngo co-signs terf review restricting trans care
what is in the water over there


R they using trans healthcare as an argument to abolish the NHS? Britain deserves to sink beneath the waves


The media radfem creeps will always be able to wield more influence than actual trans kids


Why the fuck is one of the biggest LGBT orgs in the UK called 'Stonewall' anyways? Do we have to ape the Americans in everything?


Stunning and brave


>Britain deserves to sink beneath the waves
Britain deserves to be turned into something between Airstrip 1 from 1984 and the city gulags from Escape from New York.


Ok AmeriKKKan


special olympics


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The study also refused to include any trans people as that would be 'biased' so they only spoke to detransers and TERFs lol


It just makes sense, back in prehistoric times all the cavewomen were nursing babies while the cavemen were out driving trucks on the steppe.


This, again, conceives class struggle and queer struggle as separate things. They are not: the queer worker desires the same things as the non-queer worker. More importantly for the discussion so far: the queer bourgeois desires the same as the non-queer bourgeois, which is the maintenance of the socio-economic system.

>the people who organized for reforms and won them

Reforms that actually benefited us were won by violence. As a direct consequence, or to avoid further excesses. Contra the myth of equal opportunity and political geniosity. Neither thing applies to us subaltern.

>queer progressivism is only good for queer bourgeoisie

My criticism of (queer) progressivism was that it is a bourgeois instrument. It helping non-bourgeois is incidental. More importantly, as already mentioned, it is a provision that falls away when it is no longer convenient to maintain. Again, exactly what is currently happening.

>I think the trend is correct.

Naive whiggism. See above.

>I'm challenging that the existence of a single issue identity politics movement (or 'consensus' abt a movement) existing is enough to invalidate the movement as a whole.

Not argued, by me or the other poster.

Also, a lot of the questions you raise about organizing are addressed, in detail, elsewhere. Notably by Marx. Even better: get involved yourself and you'll quickly find real and practical resolutions.

Your comment about gay communists seems neither here nor there.


It's actually isolationist. E.g. it is impossible to achieve queer autonomy within capitalism, as we have seen. Best we can do is militant, queer isolationism while being part of the real movement. Insert your favourite queer riot here.

Newton and Hampton at least saw the Black Panthers as part of the real movement. More importantly, Hampton actually put all this into practice by organizing non-black proles (e.g. the famous rainbow coalition).
Bonus fact: Newton considered "homosexuals" to be the most oppressed group in the U.S.


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what's wrong with conversion therapy?


What's right with it?


does it work?


Evidence strongly points to no.



its about praying away the gay, so no.


alright then


Lot of conversion therapy involves shaming, hurting, or otherwise torturing the homo. It's really not something to support.


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you ever notice how a lot of transphobic men have a sort of creepy white knight complex?


imagine sincerely responding to "what's wrong with conversion therapy"


And it worked.
What now, bozo?

Reactionaries have cooked brains (gender edition), what else is new?


>What's wrong with torture?



conversion therapy works pretty well at converting gay kids to dead kids


i injected estrogen popped progesterone pills dressed like a girl talk like a girl and i still dont like guys. anon, u cant make urself gay. confront ur demons.

ur a hetero male? i assume cis? suck it up bitch, you have it EASY



Literally just be assertive, without stalker-ish vibes or showing any signs of impotence


I'm glad transsexual is coming back. Transgender only led to political confusion.



Do men really hit the wall and turn into cavemen in their 30s? Fucking testosterone.


Well slap my ass and call me Sally


>shaming, hurting, or otherwise torturing
Yes and I'm really not against those things. But even I think conversion therapy is fucked up


I have a strange respect for gays because they are natural brahmin and i feel intimidated whenever i am interacting with them, like they can tear me apart with one insult or gleam of the eye. Gays have always been an elite sort and still rule many positions of power today. It seems the higher you go on the ladder the more chance you have of sucking a dick to get ahead.
As far as i can see, they have always operated in the priestcraft and they apprentice young boys to bring them up in the lifestyle. Plato reveals as such in describing socrates and the company he keeps. Ofc there has been many molestations in the church, and recently there was the dalai lama going in for a tongue-sucking. I even heard a story once from ireland of parents giving kids to priests as rewards for his place in the community.
I'm not really bothered by it. Its just the way the world works. I'm reminded of that short story by thomas mann, "death in venice" where the protagonist transfigures himself into the spectre of the old queen, haunted by pagan visions of divine joy in the presence of the young boy. He dies in his sight and rests in bliss. They say the oldest god is eros, and so all sexual love is given to his power.
Recently i have had my own visions of young boys and their signature vitality. An envious thing.
I saw last night an old classmate who was gay, he lurched over me as he passed by with his slender form. I could see his superiority and i felt ashamed. I have a strange fantasy of appeasing him and showing my worthiness. But then i think of that part of the great gatsby where gatsby is new money and tom is an aristocrat. One is not like the other. You cant buy your way to true nobility.
Sometimes i live in dread that i'll never be fabulous like the bohemian corporal was.


Deebly broblematic :DDD


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trans joker


I think you might be one of the gays anon


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I'm not gay. I'm just flamboyant like Der Fuehrer or Yukio Mishima or Henry VIII. Nobility is always eccentric.
But it also seems to come so effortlessly to gays.
The love of young boys can also be an aesthetic intuition, where our souls are attracted to beauty.
Although irl when i was younger i always instigated circlejerk sessions and mock sex play with my male cousins, so my taste was already marked back then as a youth. I am a potent creature.




Uhh. Okay then man. You do you.


Are gay wh*te people even really queer?


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In one of my dreams in which the harsh journey of October Revolution were going on, but this time it was different from the otl one, the red army was in a dire situation, and in addition, Polish army began to march to take advantage of the situation.

As the news of Polish invasion further demoralized the revolutionary goverment, there stood Nikolai Shchors on the horse stationed in West Ukraine, who was directly commanding a battalion constituted bunch of rusty armed cars and cavarly troops. He then started to march in a direction that the Polish generals didn't expect. Defeating all the small forces that stood in the way of his cavarly and armed units, he managed to enter the Warsaw in a shockstorm, a huge victory for the Red Army!

At the streets of the Warsaw, revolutionary chants were sung, the trumpets echoed the Internationale, most of the Polish people were secluded in their homes, gazing at the streets, shocked by the news. Some of them kept their silence and stood with blank expressions in ther faces, whilst the others would turn at the crosses standing in their homes, praying…

And, there were an old, iconic chocolate shop at the end of the colorful street of the Warsaw, as expected, some red army soldiers entered to taste how a chocolate feels like. The owner of the shop was silent and in fear, letting the soldiers take as much as they want without any resistance.

There appeared two soldiers who just got out of the shop, probably due to the harsh trip, their uniforms were soiled and their faces were covered with mild dust. One of them seemed as he was deeply exhausted from life, a corporal with a military mustache, was looking at the floor with empty, pure-black eyes. He didn't even take any chocolate. Unlike his gloomy energy, a youthful soldier was consuming a chocolate with passion standing beside him.

"Mhm, it tastes beautiful." Murmured the youthful soldier whilst binging on the chocolate. The gloomy corporal were drown into thoughts and kept his silence, until the youthful soldier suddenly embraced his shoulder with his arms.
"E-eh?" said the corporal out of surprisement.
"Mmm, I want to stay like this forever… No matter what happens, we will be together, right?"
The corporal again drowned for a bit, recalling the past moments, both of them had nothing to lose, they fought together and accompanied each other till this time, yet, there were no luck in dying. He was conflicted about what to feel about his comrade's presence, but, yet as if he had a strange urge to keep him near…
Getting a breathing out of the sea of thoughts, the corporal sighed.
"Sure, we will be together."
The youthful soldier's face became light red, as he closed his eyes and leaned into the corporal's shoulder.
No words were spoken from then, as if the mediation of words were no longer needed for their spirits to resolve together.

Soo, this dream of mine left me with some aftershock, as if I was under some kind of magic, my chest felt awkward, i can assure that I felt no sexual desire, so, is it still gay anons???


the anon cracked the code


this could be us


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repost this to scare a femboy


All true.
Now submit to daddy, kitty.


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Flattering, but no, no. In my life i've always been the groomer and the top. If i am like achilles then i need patrocles at my side.
I find the homosexual relation laced with egalitarian brotherhood, which serves its own purpose, but it was oscar wilde himself who spoke of sex as power, and the essence thus of the relation is drawing a signature to this power. This is why i think the contradiction of homoerotic humiliation occurs in the vicinity of the fraternal hazing, where it builds inequality as the social bond, and why its means serve an end (where the homosexual has his ends in the means - and which is why he is a sex addict).
Ive spoken before about this opposition between the homoerotic and homosexual, where homoeroticism barrs the intersubjectivity of romance in the sexual relation, while homosexuality affirms a (political) subjectivity in its annunciation.
This is also why every true gay must "come out"; this is the inherent leftism of the identity, of seeking virulent vox.
This is also why there are scarcely any "openly gay" right wingers, and why the contradiction of the homophobic homosexual sustains itself, by a "surplus enjoyment" in addage to the closetedness.
You see this all the time with "manly men" who mockingly dress as women at halloween; a strange but derivative subversion of the gay "drag queen".
But all this is also to say that in my dialectic, there is only straight and gay. Bisexuality is ideological, which is why its so common today (as a mediation that attempts to "ground" itself, but it has none).
So… i cant submit because im not gay.
Having sex with men (in content) isnt gay, but realising this relation in its sociality *is* gay (in form). This again, is why you can be "gay" as long as the no-homo code is enforced.
BROMANCE = straight


Le Roman straightness


holy hell if there ever was a use for the hide post feature


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I disagree that sex is inherently about power. It often is because of class society though. Honestly I'm not that smart when it comes to this sort of stuff so I won't argue with you. I can't really speak when I don't know what I'm talking about. But I do just want to say that a thorough re-education would do a lot of good for you. You're clearly very intelligent, you've done a decent amount of reading and you have empathy to some degree. The problem is you have gone down this spiral of idealism, leading to fascism, and you probably need it beaten out of you by red guards and then something better built on top.

You've stopped seeign the essence of things and instead you're just looking at patterns. It's a major component of mechanism and idealism, I think. Probably a large factor is your lumpen lifestyle, though that doesn't make it a necessity. Esotericism is just meaningless patterns. You need to see the material world, where people really don't like violence, people are kind, and where economic class determines shit, instead of just looking at things and not inspecting them, understanding them. Get into a really close relationship with someone, and fascist spooks will crumble away. If you think I'm just telling you to see how I see and not explaining my point, and you don't care in any other way, I highly suggest you take a look at shamanism (I mean the real kind, aka 'Tengrism'), if you haven't already. It might help you properly know the world around you. Because gay sex is just gay sex (though I'd admit, too much of it is also about power).

I believe in love ;)


Thank you for the concern
>i believe in love
And i find it hard to love
But thats also typical with my kind


might stop using this website in incognito mode just for this feature


Schizo shit but entertaining lol. I think you might be a little bisexual.


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Well, as i say, i dont really believe in the bisexual identity, because, like you say, i am a "little" bisexual. Now, ive heard this before from sex pests, about how theres a "ratio" to all this, where you have to work out the proportions of your attractions. This to me is pure ideology because it attempts to give wholeness to itself, by erasing the contradictions of the straight and gay categories instead of learning to live with them.
By anyone's standards, anyone can also be bisexual, since no one is "purely" straight or gay, but this is precisely dialectical (where the totality of a thing includes its own exception, as contradiction). So to the bisexual, everyone is "technically" bisexual, which is uncritical consciousness, but it also reveals the false transcendence of bisexual theory and praxis (as ideology).
My idea of a liberating (true) identity is in maintaining the contradiction (as either surplus enjoyment in the homoerotic, or in disgust for the case of the gay [in how he relates to his discursive attractions to women]).
I think what all us men can agree on is that women are dumb, and its no surprise that bisexuality is so common with women, but i'll attempt to parse out a psychoanytic explanation…
In psychoanalysis (again, my interpretation), the woman is an "object", where her place is the mother's, in orienting the precondition of our subjectivity. The feminine is "given" to the way of things. All things relate to Her.
Only phallic subjects are subjects as such (in prohibition to the mother, either in heterosexuality, by not being able to possess her, or in homosexuality, in the inability to *be* her). So, phallus is expressedly masculine (and so is the subject), since they both have their way in indirect relation to the feminine. The feminine here also becomes the "object" for the subject's desire.
In the case of women, their subjectivity is a self-objectification; a woman's self-relation is in herself being an object (which gays also approximate). In the case of lesbians however, their subjectivity is created by their own phallus, and so they become independent (by their failures to become their mothers, like the male homosexual).
This is also why its only generally lesbians who have a real presence in academia or any serious arts of reflection.
[…] and so on and so on […]
Here then the straight woman stands as the object (who can otherwise be transposed as a "commodity"), and so contains the very being of ideology; of the promise of wholeness and so on (and this is likewise expressed by women's empty subjectivity - a hegelian point - that the woman is a creature that is self-externalised. A woman must always be "loud" in her meaning. She must always contrive her feelings.
These arent "bad" things, it just is what it is.
So the point here is that bisexuality is taking the place of ideology, or of appropriating a simulated femininity (or castration) that attempts to essentialise itself (this can also get into the whole trans stuff but i'll just leave it there).
So basically, there are no bisexuals. There are only gays and non-gays (straights, of relative homoeroticisms). This maps itself onto my meta-political model too, where there is only the left, and non-left (the right, of whatever flavour).
after saying all this, its no wonder then why self-professed bisexuals get so much hate. I think the concept of "coming out" as bisexual sums up the absurdity of it all


>In my life i've always been the groomer and the top
This will be changed. You will be mine.


What about exclusively gay men like me?


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Well, all gay men are exclusively gay, since they are preconditioned with the self-possession of femininity in the mother, and/or by sexual submission to a man in their childhoods (where this is reproduced by appropriation throughout their lives, the same way porn stars love to act out their childhood traumas through fantasy - this isnt an inherently unhealthy thing, its just a coping mechanism).
The relationship of a gay man to feminine sexuality is *disgust*, while a straight man's relation to male sexuality is *curious* or fraternal (a het's relation to homosexual *love* is very different and hostile though, since it is implicit of a universal political subjectivity. I recount one story i heard of boys sucking eachother's dicks, until one went to kiss the other. The kid tells him "that's gay" in response. So gayness here has a twofold meaning). This is why theres no such thing as a gay man who has "become" straight or even "bisexual", since gayness is something whole in its givenness (like the identity of the mother), while heterosexuality is always lacking (since it is conditioned by a taboo to the mother, by a father figure - this is also why so many gays dont have fathers).
So bisexuality is the appropriation of homosexuality by a heterosexual in a liberal centrist kind of way, since bi-curiosity is an immanent factor of heterosexual subjectivity. This is also how the whole "trap"/"femboy" thing is possible in the first place, since it is expressive of bisexuality, which is inherently *heterosexual* as an excess, or in dialectical lingo, it is the exception which proves the rule by a constitutive negation (the same way no one hates a country more than the people who live there, yet their supposed hatred constitutes a type of negative patriotism).


>or in homosexuality, in the inability to *be* her
This doesn't ring correct. Proven by the fact that homophobia stems in part because of the inability of gay men to be "real" men, even if they try.

I think you're not far of the mark but your explanation is too balls deep into psychoanalysis that it misses any form of Marxist analysis. Just get into queer Marxist theory and drop this ridiculous notions lol.

By a little bisexual I mean that you have some interest in men (you're presumably a man), or the prospect of gay sex involving you is provocative, but it brings you some discomfort. That's what I meant. Whatever though. Not really relevant.
>So bisexuality is the appropriation of homosexuality by a heterosexual in a liberal centrist kind of way, since bi-curiosity is an immanent factor of heterosexual subjectivity. This is also how the whole "trap"/"femboy" thing is possible in the first place, since it is expressive of bisexuality, which is inherently *heterosexual* as an excess
This does ring true lol but bisexual people are ultimately mediated by society.

For me, a lot of the reason I don't like some bisexual individual's claim to queerness comes from this appropriation from heterosexuality that you describe. Bisexuals in hetero relationships who mainly seek, or talk about hetero interests. They are bisexual seemingly as a curious once in a while exception. Gay people with a similar dynamic towards women don't call themselves bisexual usually, but since they're already "in" queerness, then it doesn't matter that much, queer people thoroughly "in" queerness can and do move through sexuality more easily. Of course, I also know many bisexuals who are more in tune with their "dual" sexuality, and more "in" queerness.

I've even met cis straight people who are quite queer. Calling themselves straight but also readily flexing their sexuality, even going on dates with the same sex occasionally. As I've mentioned before, I have a cis straight friend who's in a homosexual relationship. Another cis straight friend downloaded grindr "just to try it". I think a big part of it is not being so balls deep into cis straight hetero (male) normative gender norms and machismo, true both for men and women.

Which brings me to gays who are ironically less " in" queerness because they subscribe somehow to machismo. Whether being "feminine" or "masculine" gays, they present more rigidity in gender expression and even sexual desire and expression.

Concluding, I think you need to tone down your psychoanalysis and replace it with queer Marxist theory. I think you'll have a better grasp of what queerness is, why it happens, how it's shaped, and what the "negation" of it is.

Not that psychoanalysis isn't interesting, it just has no material basis.


>This doesn't ring correct. Proven by the fact that homophobia stems in part because of the inability of gay men to be "real" men, even if they try.
I mean that gays (unconsciously) seek to become their mothers, not that society desires them to become their mothers
And being a "real man" to me is just how far you can tilt the scales of a phallic homoeroticism, where theres nothing more manly than being an athlete or a soldier (the pure space of the fraternal mediation of homoeroticism). The threshold between homoeroticism and homosexuality is precisely in its essential annunciation. Thats why calling something "gay" works so well against boys and men (women also do this all the time, they call men gay if they dont want to have sex with them). So homosexuality here is something necessarily socially-realised (as opposed to personally identified with). This is why the moment a closeted gay man comes out, he comes out flaming, because its all or nothing. And this chasm to me is precisely the line between homosexuality and heterosexuality as such. There is no middle path.
>Just get into queer Marxist theory and drop this ridiculous notions lol.
Ive never read something dripping with so much irony lol. "Queer marxist theory" sounds like a new boogeyman jordan peterson just made up.
Well, i think what im saying is that i dont believe in queerness. Its too pluralistic. Too postmodern. I prefer dialectics to multiple choice. The same way i like the left-right political divide and not the political compass.
>Not that psychoanalysis isn't interesting, it just has no material basis.
I mean, these are just loaded terms
What psychoanalysis does well is inhabit the narratives that society tells about itself. This is the space of our mediation. Queer theory by comparison seems to wish for im-mediation and so i find it anti-social. It breeds *sub-culture*, not *culture* as such.
but i also understand that the cis hets will always dominate culture, but thats just the way things go


Dude you shit near food
Opinion discarded


Food is shit
Shit is food
I'm just squaring the circle
Today its groceries, tomorrow its garbage
My art is precisely aesthetic in this way, by drawing in eternity into the temporal, in concept - the same way a painting doesnt fade over time
And now i have made a stain against private property's claims to sanctity. My rebellion is marginal but expressive.


>The relationship of a gay man to feminine sexuality is *disgust*
What do you mean? Care to elaborate with examples?


Well I'm gay but I do get turned on by foids giving hot guys blowjobs

Vaginal sex disgust me tho, I find the vulva disgusting


I have had homosexual fantasies of being fucked and sucking cock, but I really get them when I'm really horny. I have tried sucking cock but I but as soon I came, the guy I was giving it to was rubbing me off I felt completely turned off and disgusted to the point my felt dirty for a few days after ward even though he never came. I have heterosexual fantasies and real life experiences and never felt disgusted by any of it after I have cum, in fact a lot of the time I wished I had gotten more. I also cant watch gay porn but do watch straight and lesbian porn. am I bi or just weird?


dirty in my mouth that is


a hot chick said 2 so it must be trve


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comments are peak retard


youtube shorts comments are actual existing Fascist International


if u were gay u would be indifferent to vaginas
being either attracted to or repulsed by vaginas is a straight man trait


i always find it weird that gay men are indifferent and even sometimes despise vagina but lesbian women are transfixed with the phallus


gay men (at least ones that bottom) do analogize their anuses to vaginas thoughever ("bussy")


also drag queens (most of whom are cis gay men) allude to vaginas a lot lol. "serving cunt" and "cunty" come from them


what's crazy is the denial of intersex people. Like these people pretend that the whole reason they deny the existence of transgender identity is because "biology". They confuse sex w/ gender, and refuse to acknowledge any definition of gender other than the colloquial definition where it's treated the same as sex. Seriously, imagine a chinlet yelling at a file on his computer "you will never be a file" because he thinks files are only things you find in file cabinets and that is the level of intelligence we are dealing with. Then, if someone brings up a biological phenomenon like being born with both sets of genitals, or XXY chromosomes, which sometimes happens, they'll still think you're talking about trans identity because they've never heard of intersex people before. Then, if you get them to slow down and stop reacting long enough and listen to you explain what intersex is, they'll try to pretend it's just an edge case. But take their logic to its conclusion. If there are really only "two genders" then that means intersex people have to pick one of them, right? Then it follows that people born with two sets of genitals get to pick their gender not based on what genitals they have, but on what they identify as. Which proves that it's a socially constructed role and not simply biology. The very existence of intersex people destroys their contention that there are only two biological genders AND that you are always the gender that matches your genitals. Once those two assumptions are destroyed it follows that gender is socially constructed and people often choose to live a certain way that reflects how they internalize themselves. But they can't accept that. Instead they get everything confused and ignore anyone who tries to unconfuse them.


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I will tell you an interesting fantasy i have. Its about gay men having sex with women in some sort of animalistic (but platonic) lust.
I think sometimes about this gay guy i knew in school having sex with one of his female friends and it turns me on.
I have also came to the thought of having sex with a disgusting bull dyke i once knew in the same idea of her not being able to help herself (but again, in the platonic way).
It might sound strange at first but then i reflect on my own ideological heterosexuality, about how us straight men imagine we can always "turn" a lesbo, or how lesbians are just playing games. Maybe part of this is also the paternal desire to make your gay son straight or whatever.
But here the unconscious isnt "personal" but socially-mediated, the same way porn doesnt "create", but "reveals" our fantasies.
Ive heard AGP people have this same complex of wanting to be an object of male affection but having no real attraction to men. Do you also wear women's clothes when you cum to this (or imagine yourself as feminised)?
>I also cant watch gay porn but do watch straight and lesbian porn. am I bi or just weird?
I think whats interesting in general is how most young boys start with lesbian then move onto straight porn. Lesbian porn is voyeuristic, but straight porn is self-inserting. I straddle the line by constantly jerking off to the thoughts of other people doing things, which is a childish sort of "rule 34" consciousness. But my earliest memories of cumming were also imagining people in my school having secret lesbian sex with eachother.
im not attracted to lesbians anymore though
>am i bi
Well you dont like men so how can you be "bi"?


Bc like i say, both gays and lesbians fail to become their mothers, but the different sexes produce opposite reactions.
I think straight men can be afraid of, or hate women, but finding them disgusting only comes about from a break in the heterosexual fantasy, where the "Real" imposes itself. This can happen by exposing the mother's nakedness in youth, which can lead to homosexuality. But the guise of heterosexuality (and sexuality in general) is the mode of fantasy (where orgasm destroys the fantasy), and disgust can come in this way, but this already presupposes that we want to have sex with women in the first place. I imagine that even a scat fetish guy probably feels disgusted after he cums, but he still goes back to it the next time because his horniness has facilitated the fantasy.
The real hypocrisy of the essentialists is in presuming what a "chromosome" is in the first place. Idk what a chromosome is, and why should i? But the hegelian point would be that gender is the *meaning* of sex. Why is "being a woman" about having "chromosomes" or having a vagina? The social point is that being a woman is largely about obscuring this relation, of the ego to the body, which has been practiced since the invention of clothing (which is maybe why feminists constantly want to get naked in public). But this is where the gender-critical people and conservatives team up, to try to reduce gender down to sex, when it cant be.
i think the gendering of objects in some languages might point to this. Like how some still call a ship a "her", or how some men like to have sex with their cars. "There is no sexual relation", as lacan would say


I was waiting for a day to get a response only to go "oh…. it's nazi flag anon"


Well, is it not mostly true? Yes yes.. sex and gender are not 100% the same, I know intersex people exist, I can fully understand and respect non-binary and the like, but once you start having 100 genders with grammatically incorrect neopronouns cause of muh spectrum it's retarded. You're either a man, woman or anywhere inbetween. "Gender" in and off itself can be considered a social construct, so why do we conform to it by making it even more complicated than it needs to be?


You're so close…


Sex is the gendering of the body.


Hey guys just wanted to say since I got more testosterone in my body (basing this off spaced out readings) I've become a tremendous faggot to the point I went and had a bi threesome with a couple downtown who advertised "maybe bf can suck your dick" MAYBE buddy that dude could have sucked my dick with a blindfold on… hands tied behind his back… i should have done that. god im so fucking horny m


>>525162 (me)
I was already gay it's just been a while. Glad to be back everyone


> once you start having 100 genders with grammatically incorrect neopronouns cause of muh spectrum it's retarded
you're not even responding to the other post. you're just bringing shit into it that wasn't even said. you're supremely annoying.


what music do you listen to? I keep thinking about that anon who hates Lara Del Ray, and ever since that I can't stand her music


Are you steroids? Sounds really hot.


😭😭😭 was that me? What did the anon say about Lana?


No it's just the gradual effects of a healthy lifestyle, also I was really stressed out waiting to go to court with my old landlord (things went okay) which just obliterated my ability to sleep and focus.
Yeah it's the hottest thing I've ever done in my life and they were really nice and I didn't feel bad later. I sucked his cock he was so good looking hah I haven't sucked dick in like 10 years. I did something really autistic and asked them if they wanted to watch Barry Lyndon next time but I was just scrambling to think of how to immediately make plans to meet up again


Intersex people have nothing to do with transpeople , gender ideology, or LGBTQ please stop with this idiocy.


That's really cute and really hot. Don't expect to be called again though. People seem to prefer one off things from what I've seen.

Congrats on finally getting over the landlord situation. And congrats on giving head after a long dry spell. And congrats on getting your life in order. Seems like life rewarded you with a little head a wee threesome for persevering ;)


Explain? Makes no sense.


Yeah I'm not, I'm rly not, especially not after i gave em the "erm wanna watch le stanley kubrick kino???" after one final nut was yanked from my balls. I know the drill. I did a one time random thing with a stranger where I nutted too fast and instantly died (i deserve firing squad i know) and the girl waited 3 years to text me out of the blue. I'm terrified to meet up with her now but we keep texting about it lol


Intersex is about the sex binary(males and females failing to develop properly). Transgender is about gender identity, gender identity has nothing to do with sexual characteristics. Gender is made up, sex is real. To deny this is to be anti materialist.


Sex is not real, like genetics. To believe in either is to be anti-materialist.


1. what does the "I" in LGBTQIA stand for?
2. Intersex people demonstrate that gender is socially constructed rather than biologically determined and that choosing your own gender is perfectly valid because intersex people biologically fit into neither of the two preconceived binary gender categories but still nevertheless end up presenting themselves as whichever they identify as. If you are born with XXY chromosomes or both sets of genitals, you will end up choosing whether you identify as a F/M. In this way every intersex person tends to be either trans or nonbinary. They either stay cis-nonbinary (i.e. true to their biology) or they transition to either a man or a woman. If you had read my post more carefully I was showing how the existence of intersex people is a "jumping off" point for explaining trans people in general, because if intersex people can choose their gender without any complaint from wider society, why can't everyone? The people who say "there are only two sex and there are only two genders" completely ignore the existence of intersex people, or just treat them as a statistical anomaly that can be ignored and permanently marginalized. It is important to consider them and how they relate to trans identity and nonbinary identity. You have not carefully examined the issue if you think being intersex is totally unrelated.


3. (forgot this point) education is so bad on intersex people that if you bring them up in casual conversation, ignorant people (like in that youtube screenshot) will think you're making them up or that you're just using another name for trans people. So even if they weren't related through marginalization and the other things I discussed, they're related by the fact that cishets often confuse these categories. Intersex people are often mistaken for trans people as well, and persecuted on the basis of being trans. Hell, cis women who fail to appear "feminine" enough and cis men who fail to appear "masculine" enough have often been attacked in hate crimes as they were mistaken as trans. So really the persecution of trans people affects everyone to some extent.



read >>524576 again. you misunderstood my post if you think I was saying intersex people and trans people are the same category. You also missed the entire context of the conversation starting with the youtube screenshots.


you dont know what youre talking about. saying sex and gender are universal transhistorical values would be stupid, just as saying they arent "real"


I think we should have separate threads for gender studies and bragging about how much dick we sucked (6" by 5.5" no sore throat)


It was hyperbole. I'm glad you agree with me though.


just post in LGBTQ general


Fav song of the queen of pop's most recent album?

Mine is this one



The kubrik kino was completely OK. You're over thinking. They're not gonna call because that's what these people do. Nothing to do with you.

I think you're fine dude. Who cares if you nutted too fast. Then you eat her/him out. I've had great sex where I couldn't even get it up, as a top, lol. I still receive messages from one such guy. Other good sex just stays like a one time thing.

You seem cool enough, just not confident in yourself for no good reason, which is also OK, just pointing it out.
Both are made up, you fucking moron. Do you think God came down from the clouds and gave us knowledge about sex? Are you religious? Don't call anyone "anti-material". You have no idea what the words you wield mean. Ask questions instead.


>>525337 (me)
Kinda crazy how Marx is like "bruh, science doesn't just come as objects inherited from the universe, it's a fucking human process lmao, so obvious once you see it. Shout out to a real one, Feuerbach!"

Then marxoids come and are like
>bro, sex is material, gender isn't. Don't be anti-materialist.

How do people "read" Marx and go from liberals to enhanced liberals???


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>"""""bis""""" thinking they're not straggots because they like femboys

Lol, lmfao even


<masc4masc eternally seething


I dont think you quite understand what is depicted in that picture.


Bing Chilling


Sex isnt binary but gender is
You dont get to "choose" your gender, you are given your gender (thats why its "socially constructed, not "personally" constructed).
Isnt this judith butler's whole point? That difference must be given as a contradiction to cisheteronormativity, not as a beacon to its own queer order, but as contradiction in the gender binary itself (which conditions difference as such)? Thinking otherwise is just inverted essentialism.
Almost like "materialism" is dogmatic nonsense?


It's a flat chested woman trying to pass as a man at the beach. It was a Twitter trend some time ago to draw these.


>How do people "read" Marx
They don't. This thread has a notch on the others in that posters don't claim they do while they obviously don't. So let's not start.

Hmmm, interesting… I wonder if there are ways we can influence this genderforming process… hmm……….


Gender roles can change but gender is still the medium of this change, and yes, it is still tied to sex in abstraction
And the point about difference is that you cant have the "queer" as such without norms. There will always be the ingroup and outgroup.
Thats why i say the project of a "queernormativity" is facile. To be "normalised" is to become un-queered by definition.


>Isnt this judith butler's whole point?

You can't be serious lmfao


If you manage to connect the dots, you'll be ahead of most of the retards ITT.


>glownonymous and nazi anon have a circle jerk
this place is going to shit


lol youre dumb as a brick if thats your take

>everyone on tor is the same person

oh youre actually this dumb


just spent a good hour tenderly stretching an unnaturally smooth skinny twink and he even asked for my name by text afterward. i'm so cum drunk i feel stoned and now i remember i have an excuse to smoke bc it's 4/20
did not suck his cock but made him cum twice reaching around. it's cute when a guy has a short fat dick i've decided. idk if i became dramatically more gay recently or if i just haven't had a truly hot dude respond to me online in a while but god damn. dude was really good at kissing but also really passive, i think i just still suck at taking the lead on anything


not what i said


Sounds like a great time, happy for you anon


>How do people "read" Marx and go from liberals to enhanced liberals???
They think they already know everything and are just looking for big words and mine-able quotes to support their opinions they're attached to.


>Desperately want to suck cock and swallow cum
>Go to Grindr
>Dudes either don't respond, or live with family and have no place to meet

I'm starting to become an incel


why? when I had gay séxo recently it didn't involve grindr I just searched my rss feed that covers a bunch of stupid websites
dating apps suck, become the dataminer. found an unnaturally smooth twink dating a tall redheaded woman. if i set out to find that in my life i'd never find it. i could have found a guy to fuck in like 3 seconds though on regular social media like just look for people who are so horny they're gonna die


I don't use regular social media except for fbi.gov, I have no choice but dating apps




I meant d1scord


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had to look that up, and the updoot downdoot ratio speaks volums


yeah urban dictionary really says a lot about our society, so true


lmao Espen Olsen Sætervik very popular concept artist for games went on a tiffy about pronouns and got instantly nuked on twitter. cheers elon


Gonna make myself vulnerable for a moment and admit to something: this is the only thread I check with any regularity. The rest of the site can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.


Okay /lgbt/ I need some advice as a non-homo. So I'm a loner autist with zero friends. I started college and one of my classmates is trans. I'm not bothered by her and we have a good work relationship. Other classmates (her friends) have told me she has a crush on me. I've started noticing she acts different around me compared to others. I have shitty social skills and I've never been on a successful date but I'm also pretty conservative and religious in my personal morality (aside from being a leftist). What should I do? It would be nice to have a friend but I don't know how to go about this without upsetting her or offending her by accident. How do you even date a trans girl? I'm 100% clueless.


>I'm also pretty conservative and religious in my personal morality (aside from being a leftist)
ahahaha lib moment


Just treat her like a human being you're actually interested in and value, that's like 90% of having any kind of romantic relationships


I've been a hiki until now. I've never been in a relationship or gone on a date in my life. I don't know how to act around a trans girl. I'm worried things are already getting awkward and I'll offend her by accident. I'm worried I'll say something that'll upset her. I've never had anyone have a crush on me and I've never interacted with trans people before.


Most trans people are hard to upset. Just worship her and you'll be fine.


Just act like you would with any other girl you liked, it's not like there's a special formula. Trans girls are usually easier to get on with I find because they're more sympathetic to a male kind of thinking.


A few weeks ago, I saw a girl wearing a handkerchief hanging from the side of her trousers. Tall, big hair like the ones being fashionable in the 80s, maybe trans because she gave me a slightly masculine vibe even though she was really attractive and overall feminine. I recalled the handkerchief is some kind of code in gay circles for what kind of stuff someone is into and after some research I could just conclude she must have been passive - she wore it on the right side - but I couldn't determine exactly anything else. It was some shade of pink or pinkish red, but it seems like it could be "blood fetish" or "anything goes" or I don't know what.
Also, if someone shows this hanky panky code in public - it was on public transport - are they fine to be approached or not?


>i think i just still suck at taking the lead on anything
Same. I don't like to feel I pressured someone for sex. I'd rather have them be very explicit about it.
Grindr fucking sucks. I have no luck on that fucking app. I have some luck IRL.
There's weeks where I only check this thread. Hard to keep up recently though.


I'm too autistic to get laid out of apps

My first time irl was like yesterday i sucked an uber driver's cock, it started because I kept looking at his bulge, he realized and kept grabbinh his cock then grabbed my hand and put on his, I wish I swallowed his cum but he asked me to stop sucking because he didn't want to get sticky and dirty, I wish I made him cum and swallowed it but too risky. It was the hottest sex encounter I had since ages


Why should I have to waste time and money on strangers for sexual/romantic phenomena that may not end well?
Its better to invest in imagination.
The problem with most people is that they lack discipline to actively abide with imagination for their aphroditic drive.
They feel entitled to romance and sex by virtue of age rather than ability.


I mean do whatever you want man but you don't have to whine at everyone else for having different opinions and act like you're better than them


fair pont.
but i tire of postpubescent folks always bringing their sexual/romantic deprivation into daily discussion.

I get tired of hearing feminists and incels whining about how society is fucked just because they didnt get the golden boy/girl of their dreams.

I especially get tired of listening to late vicenarian/early tricenarian having some premature miflife crisis due to their prolonged virginity.


Yes well I'm sorry but sex/companionship is extremely important to most people, even if it's not to you.


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dont 4get to save and repost this statistic anytime someone accuses trans people of being self-mutilators with neovaginas


I got a gay piercing done on my ear today :3

Don't be afraid of offending her or bothering her. Just relax and if it happens, which it likely won't, just apologize earnestly and move on. Most trans people don't mind "being offended" as long as the person isn't an asshole and genuinely didn't want to offend the other person.

I have a trans friend and I always misgender her and say problematic shit. She calls me out on it, I acknowledge it, apologize earnestly but quickly and we move on. Not a huge deal.


Well, too many adults dont know how to handle it and the worst is if they have children as byproducts.

I think sex and romanxe are oversold as adulthood entitlements.


If youre talking in terms in terms of looks, it depends.


Do you have grindr? If yes or no, why?


Yes, I do and it says "I'll kill you" in my profile


> I even heard a story once from ireland of parents giving kids to priests as rewards for his place in the community. I'm not really bothered by it. Its just the way the world works

Yet peoppe get offended about kids having Internet access to jack off to hetero porn?


Yes, but solely for straight women to hook me up with randos.


How do I free myself of brain worms


not a gay man so no


goon to porn


Cute. I'd tap you (in more than one way).
Bisexual men and trans-* people use it too.
Read Marxist literature, do exercise, eat well, sleep well. Do this for months on end.


okay, lemme rephrase that: I'm not a man, so I don't use grindr. the point I was getting at is that I think it's fucking weird that trans women use an m4m app. feels pretty brainwormy to me. I am intentionally baiting people with what seems to be a somewhat controversial opinion for some reason.


they're honorary men I guess. since they still have male sex drives and sensibilities they are allowed to be on grindr lol


"having a sex drive is masculine" amazing new queer theory being unlocked here


transwomen are generally speaking much more slutty than women, you know it to be true


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JK Rowling wins the support of the sex trafficking king of the incels. This is a huge win for True Feminism™.


does JK even acknowledge these people? last I checked she was still stuck around old labor TERFS


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I wrote a whole thing about how queer people are more ""sex positive"" for a variety of reasons, and why it makes sense for them to be on Grinder. Unfortunately it got deleted.

To summarize though, your characterization is quite limited and somewhat liberal in the sense that you're Pearl clutching over how people lead their sexual lives and explore their sexuality.

It's like that meme of the contrarian, pic related. In a way, you've become the opposite of the conservative gender police and have become the "queer" gender police, which despite being its opposite, is enforcing gender norms on people. In this case, how trans women must behave.

You're thinking too much into it. If anybody wants to use grindr, you shouldn't lose sleep over it. If trans women don't fit your idealized notion of what a trans woman, or a woman for that matter, should behave, then maybe it's time for you to queer up your shit and stop being a gender police.


They are going to make me go in.


Go in where?


Into the bad place.


Which is?




the thing is I'm an unironic radtransfem. there's nothing I can say that won't be construed as being prudish and sex negative.

that being said, I don't care what individual people do because it has no political relevance. I still think that trans women using grindr is kind of questionable, and probably doesn't usually come from a place of trying to be gender nonconforming or whatever and has more to do with there being a core of people with brainworms who normalize it being a thing for trans women to be in a space that is m4m. part of it is probably also because there aren't really any spaces left that are exclusively for lesbians, much less for trans women, because everything is all just "queer" now and we've just decided to pretend like even the most basic bitch intersectionality stuff doesn't have any material implications.

but again, individuals choosing to do whatever have no political relevance other than being a symptom of these sorts of things. I have no desire to police anyone. just stating my opinion that I find it all very sussy.


that's actually not at all how HRT works. estrogen changes a person's sex drive.


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Hey look some good news.

>probably doesn't usually come from a place of trying to be gender nonconforming or whatever and has more to do with there being a core of people with brainworms who normalize it being a thing for trans women to be in a space that is m4m
I get where you're coming from but trans women have a hard enough time fitting in so just let them have that tbh. It's not like grindr doesn't allow bisexuals.
>everything is all just "queer" now and we've just decided to pretend like even the most basic bitch intersectionality stuff doesn't have any material implications.
Well people are stronger together, so that's a big part of it. I think the best of both worlds is banding together but also communicating and enforcing boundaries within shared spaces so people can carve out smaller more exclusive spaces alongside the more inclusive ones.
>just stating my opinion that I find it all very sussy.
It's probably mostly a personal thing and maybe you could ask yourself where these feelings are coming from.


imagine hating yourself this much




also men who have like zero percent chance of doing the whole "what the fuck, I was attracted to a MAANNNN???" bit and potentially getting violent after finding themselves attracted to a trans woman


I am sex negative because I think sex is gross. Especially sex with men though I haven't had much sex with women so idk.


I think pooping is gross. Should I be pooping-negative?


Yes. IV tube transhuman socialism.


colostomy bags are kinda grosser


Many moons ago girl asked me if she could make a grindr profile for me (on my phone). I said yes, go nuts. She then used that profile to find rando's to hook me up with. Other women took over.
That's it.


Yeah man, there are totally less lesbian spaces than gay spaces.
Delusional retard. Go outside.


Feminists have fought for centuries so that women aren't reduced to their capacity to grow babies and now TERFs are undoing that in record time.


>Just act like you would with any other girl you liked
Not sure how to do that. Not like I've got much experience. I don't normally talk to girls that I like.

Should I ask her out or wait till she makes a move? I'm not even sure if she really is into me or if my dumb autist brain convincing me of something.

Doesn't going out technically make me a transhumanist chaser?


Make the move first, be brave. Otherwise you could both just be waiting for the other. As for what to say or how to act, just treat them like a friend I guess, if you have shared interests then engage in them together or go out on a date to somewhere to do an activity you both like.


I had no idea Grindr was for men, what do lesbians use?


Oh and don't worry so much about 'chaser' discourse, I find it's a bit silly, but the gist I get is that if you actually treat them well and aren't secretly transphobic then you aren't a chaser


>thinking lesbians would ever use a sex app

oh my sweet summer child…


I've never been out on a real date before. Is it okay if I take her to an arcade? What's a good location for a first date?

Her being trans does freak me out a little. She has a dick and that freaks me out. If things get physical its going to be a problem. Does that make me transphobic?


>le lesbian bed death meme


>She has a dick and that freaks me out. If things get physical its going to be a problem.
LMFAO then why even bother


Nobodys ever shown interest in me.


>I've never been out on a real date before. Is it okay if I take her to an arcade? What's a good location for a first date?

Yes that seems like a fine location. Though they can get expensive so make sure you can pay for some games lol. I like museums as a date location but obviously depends on the person. Going out to eat is also a solid option.

>Her being trans does freak me out a little. She has a dick and that freaks me out. If things get physical its going to be a problem. Does that make me transphobic?

Well I dunno, like, what are you expecting sex wise? Are you gonna be happy if she lets you put it in her butt? Are you just not wanting to play with her dick or bottom? I think that's fine, but if you're gonna be freaked out and repulsed in general then maybe it's not a good idea.

I mean I'm sure there are some lesbians that like casual sex with strangers but it's certainly not common.


>Guardian research found online pharmacies in places ranging from India to Hong Kong and Portugal offering hormone treatments without a prescription, typically ranging from around £10 to £30 for 28 days’ supply of a starting dose of feminising hormones.
>While some suppliers state their websites can only be used by people aged 18 and over, there appear to be few, if any, barriers to younger people making purchases.
>There is also an extensive array of online sellers, some UK-based, who prepare mixtures of hormones themselves – often for injection – in a process known as “homebrewing”.

the hacker known as 4chan-ass article


oh boy can't wait til they make hormones a class A drug, thanks for raising awareness of this scary issue guardian TERF scum


>What's a good location for a first date?
Something simple that lets you focus on meeting each other. Arcade is more second date material, because the bing bing wahoo games and other people walking around are going to get in the way of interacting with each other directly. It's still a good idea for a later date because you can see what they're like in a different social context. It's more like "hanging out" than a date tbh, so if you are more casually meeting someone then it would be more appropriate for your first time doing something together, but not so much as a "date."
>Her being trans does freak me out a little. She has a dick and that freaks me out. If things get physical its going to be a problem. Does that make me transphobic?
Ok well be respectful and tell her that's a new thing for you and you're not sure how to feel.


If its somewhere to eat it should be casual right? Nothing fancy but not some fucking taco bell slop right?

>Are you gonna be happy if she lets you put it in her butt?

Probably no not right away. Idk I'm a virgin but anal sounds extreme from what I've seen/heard online.

>Are you just not wanting to play with her dick or bottom?

Yes dicks freak me out. I don't want to see it/touch it. I've never had sex but the rest of her body doesn't bother me. It just takes me a while to get used to another person's touch. Hope that doesn't upset her. I don't know how I'd explain that without implying her body is bad.


What if I take her to the movie theater?


Yes casual is okay. McDonalds a bit low tier like you said.

As for getting used to touching someone I think that's okay but you're probably gonna have to live with seeing her dick, whether she will want you to touch it I can't say, the tgirl I've been with she didn't want me to but who knows. I don't think it's gonna be a good time for either of you if you are upset if she gets naked. Sorry if that's harsh, but I don't want you to have a bad time and she doesn't deserve that either. So I think you do have to think it over. It's ok if you have to get used to it but if you're just flat out repulsed it might not be a good idea.


Do women not like sex?


Lesbians are famously glacial in sex terms. There's no male horniness driving it forward so can take ages. yes yes 'not all' etc but there are generalities.


So I should just reject her? Seems kinda harsh if she's into me. Is there a way I can keep her as a friend?


Yeah and who says that, heterosexual men? All the testimony about lesbian sex seems to be about how much better it is heterosexual sex and such. If they do not enjoy it why would they praise it so much?


Well you said she never asked you out in the first place right? So just don't ask her out if you don't want to have sex. Just do friend things together and if she asks you out just say that you aren't looking for that kind of thing right now or something like that.

Not saying they don't enjoy it but for women sex is much more emotional (yes yes generally) and they generally aren't allured by the idea of doing it with someone they just met over a clinical hookup app.


Okay. I'll just do that. Kinda sad but I'll just do that I guess.


Sorry anon. Maybe you can try to get some more cis girls.


Nah I don't chase women. Bad life experiences. If someone's interested in me first than maybe but otherwise I'd rather just stay away from all that. Bit of a downer but I guess if your not sexually compatible your setting the whole relationship to fail. Thanks for the advice anyway.


There is minimal opportunity to interact with someone while watching a movie in a theater, compared to other options. That's more for if you are just hanging out platonically or for a later date after you have established a rapport and don't have to worry about misinterpreting signals vis-a-vis physical contact in a dark room where you can't verbally communicate much.


That's not a "no male horniness" thing as much as male vs female socialization and two lesbians typically both having it hammered into them to be passive and reactive rather than taking initiative or else you're a SLUT.


What's a good date location if you struggle with face to face interaction?


Some kind of activity where there's something to fall back on and not just awkward silence.


So if we're eating and there's an awkward pause I should just start drinking/eating food while I think of what to say next?


Yes I think that's okay as long as it doesn't go on too long, but something a bit more active might be better. Like idk maybe minigolf? Idk I'm kind of not thinking of anything right now, there's probably better things.


That might be part of a problem, but also, its silly to assume a queer woman living withing a liberal community, freed from traditional gender roles both in terms of day-to-day life and inner beliefs, is still shackled to them in this one very specific sphere.


It really only takes one shitty person in your childhood impressing this stuff on you making you afraid for the rest of your life.


cuz ur a chvd


It's a myth bandied around by misogynists and lesbophobes that lesbians have no sex ("lesbian bed death"). Anyone who knows lesbos can confirm this is comically wrong, as these sluts can't keep it to themselves.

Post proof you're not a cis man.


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bruh even musk is telling jk rowling transhumanists live in her head rent free


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are bottoms oppressed under patriarchy?


>are bottoms oppressed under patriarchy?
yes, and they LOVE it.



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