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 No.474612[View All]

ITT: Post the image(s) you came to every time you jerk off
324 posts and 144 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It's crazy how much better the diffusion has got at doing hands and feet, those are solid, only one extra finger that would be easy to fix manually.
I still find something offputting about 'AI' images aesthetically though, beyond the ideology of it all


Is she mimicking vomiting? It's so over :(


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>The head looks a incongruent
Just barely
>The artist is cooking
AI, but yeah


Aside from the left leg and forementioned head issue, kinda seems like the AI just honed in on a specific piece, you can tell it does that when the subject has less AI fog than the surroundings.


Sometimes I wish I was young again, then I look at pictures of teenage me and then I don't.


>left leg
That's mostly correct perspective, it's pointing almost towards the viewer and appears shorter.
The head I think is a matter of personal preference, I think it fits just fine.


I meant left leg anatomically, not in frame, but maybe it just looks too long because the other is foreshortened in perspective.


>maybe it just looks too long because the other is foreshortened in perspective.
That's exactly what I meant, if explained in reverse lol


Why is egg stuff hot? It feels primal but that doesn't make sense since humans don't come from birds.


>that doesn't make sense since humans don't come from birds.
our brains can perform abstraction


maybe it's about seeing someone debased into doing something inhuman? idk


Yes we did, you simpleton. Never heard of storks? Imagine not being homeschooled.


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We have egg laying ancestors. Birds aren't the only animals that lay eggs.


>It feels primal but that doesn't make sense since humans don't come from birds.
I mean we don't fuck animals in real life yet we're turned on by cartoony humanoid ones.


Is it really hot? Just a guess, but maybe it has to do with your repressed birth fetish or even scat fetish.


I usually cum to the face and specifically the look in the eyes. Ultimately it doesn't really matter how sexy or beautiful the model is, it's the look in her eyes that usually gets me.


I feel this. It's that or something they do/say that catches me off guard.


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very nice, you should use the furry topic we need more posts


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I think this post fits better in >>456918 lol


Always had a soft spot for Mogudan's Rei.



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séx with futa


Katie Halper


>Katie Halper
<ITT: Post the image(s) you came to every time you jerk off



Why are you being such a faggot about it? She's hot. Just admit she's hot.
Call me a white knight or whatever, you don't have to care but girls do pick up on this shit. you're only hurting yourself.


My brother, she is a literal 3. Men's standards are low enough as it is.


I shouldnt have said she's ugly but I wouldn't say she's hot either. my main point of contention was the weight -she's definitely past the scale of what I would find attractive in that regard but since she does a lot of teasing while fully clothed (which is my favorite type of porn anyway) I can look past it.
the rest of your post needs meds


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>Post the image(s) you came to every time you jerk off
lol no. will get the node banned. pigs delete our posts for no reason already, last thing I need is to give them an excuse.

I ain't particularly into larger women, but she's a 4 or 5 in my book. Wouldn't even be ashamed to fuck. And >>525369 is right.
I've fapped to Love Randalin back in the day. Apparently she's well-known now?



Stop jacking to illegal material glowanon


not illegal or problematic, just stuff many people find gross and/or horror. just like furry, you know????????????????????


No one's gonna turn off your tor node for being into pee, but probably a good call to keep things tasteful ITT.


i dont live in a country with retarded laws!


Yes, but leftypol has servers in countries that do.


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Got me earlier today.


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This is much better


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>tfw my occasional indulgence in femboys is explained dialectically and my heterosexuality is reaffirmed
Thank you, based anon.


i'm glad i'm not the only one here who goons to highly cartoony stuff


They're one and the same actually.



not really, i fapped to barbie doll aryan girls for too long, i don't feel it anymore, muscle redheads are my new opioid

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