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File: 1692976436366.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.57 MB, 5760x3840, 6.jpg)

 No.442493[View All]

Asshole thread.

post booty holes. male or female.
144 posts and 92 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1704787356904.jpg (441.25 KB, 2316x3088, n.jpg)

Of course, she even has a Nausea tattoo…


She will be 30 this year.


wtf are those shoes? flipflop boots???


The photo is from her 20s

Open-toed platforms I think


File: 1706414108266.png (Spoiler Image, 1.8 MB, 1280x853, ClipboardImage.png)

This would probably not even be in the runner ups then?


File: 1707153320306.jpg (47.58 KB, 588x585, LOL horse (2).jpg)


I find it distateful how we have so many images of women prostrating themselves, asshole and vagina on display, on the internet, and posting such pictures is considered normal.

Yet the only examples we have of debased male sexuality is memes like AMBASING, GOATSE, nicocado asshole, and bigben3-01_chunk_1
I think for sexism to be defeated, pictures of naked females should be banned under socialism for 75 years (enough for 1 full generation to pass) and only available porn should be that of men gaping their assholes to the camera.


Consider watching more gay porn maybe?


Because women are better and sexier. But yeah the current era is a bit over-sexed


I'm straight


You clearly have no idea what you're talking about if you think there isn't a near infinite amount of images of men showing off their assholes in the exact same way as women on the internet. Men gaping their assholes to the camera is already just as plentiful as women.


The difference is that if you are gay you can just go on grindr and literally ask for pics of assholes and out of every 50 requests you'll get 49 asshole pics.


It's not a competition of how many pictures there are of X.
It's the matter of which depiction is more publicized & culturally accepted.

It's not about what there is, but about what is shown, reproduced, publicized, repeated, reproduced through public consciousness, etc.
In that sense, pictures of women gaping their assholes are normalized on the internet, while pictures of men doing the same are marginalized, treated as a joke and shock content.


So you're saying cis heterosexuality is the normative sexuality and the cis hetero male patriarchal gaze is the dominant mode of sexualization?

I would've never guessed!




I'm asshole-shy, and I'm gay 🥺 I don't like getting my asshole eaten by strangers.


>The difference is that if you are gay you can just go on grindr and literally ask for pics of assholes and out of every 50 requests you'll get 49 asshole pics
I'm relatively attractive and don't get much attention on that god forsaken app.


I'm not ending up in the CIA anus database



the CIA can see your anus from outer space. size don't matter to the CIA


File: 1707424577108.jpg (120.95 KB, 1280x853, 2004582653.jpg)

How does the poop not just fall out? Does she have to wear diapers?


What do you mean by much attention? Oyu only get 5 dick picks a day instead of 10? Lmao


I hope so, that's hot

But seriously poop is solid it's not like it just drips out


is she supposed to have her holes "destroyed"(?) at a later age or something


Anon it's just horny talk, don't overthink it


Preferably never, but it just speaks to her either
A) starting at a very early age
B) Taking a LOT of dick
C) Both


… Go on grindr, tell me which of those people just sending you pics you'd like to fuck.


File: 1708478143759.png (561.23 KB, 500x509, ClipboardImage.png)

>I hope so, that's hot


File: 1708968957473.png (606.66 KB, 569x720, ClipboardImage.png)

This right?




File: 1710022393252.mp4 (2.6 MB, 480x852, slenderman.mp4)





No scat but still pretty gross IMHO


File: 1710375032630.png (1.09 MB, 1170x1071, anal rail gun.png)

Nothing new image wise to post but thought this was funny


File: 1711309967548-0.png (9.69 MB, 3000x2000, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1711309967548-1.png (4.64 MB, 2100x1400, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1711309967548-2.png (7.68 MB, 3000x1999, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1712031092008.webm (2.38 MB, 1920x1080, Fishing for Gold.webm)


File: 1712031874911.png (82.67 KB, 335x269, ClipboardImage.png)

hall of famer for sure


I mean, I'm on the side of the fox here.
>anal ray gun
Lol, best object description in any court case, change my mind.


This reaction is a hidden gem.
Perfect for the brain rot of wojack strawmanning.

>Music enthusiast are the worse group of people on this planet
<Strawman responds as imgrel.


File: 1712262758590.png (1.74 MB, 3000x2815, ClipboardImage.png)

>Fishing for Gold.webm


Is she doing an anorectal violence?


>anorectal violence?
Now that's a leftypol shitpost I haven't thought of in a long time.


File: 1712267064733.webm (Spoiler Image, 1.7 MB, 1280x720, 1711547061206391.webm)

Toy Riders are in a league of their own tbh


where are all the MANholes?


File: 1712268563228.png (339.06 KB, 490x343, ClipboardImage.png)


i do :(


tin can bralt


File: 1713252383300.png (602.23 KB, 720x720, ClipboardImage.png)

>tin can bralt



File: 1715468309782.gif (981.18 KB, 500x278, googly eyes on an ass.gif)

Eldritch Ass

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