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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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The Muslim brotherhood are coming back aren't they? El sissy destroyed the country and every year he leaves fewer options than revolution.
The Muslim brotherhood are strengthened by the sheer fact that their constituents have tripled in number since 2013, because they breed like rabbits and they're the only ones willing to defend Palestine. Also they're effectively organized like a Leninist party and their persecution by the hands of the government gives them more legitimacy


The thing about the Muslim Brotherhood is that they are smeared constantly and vilified, and have no real experience in politics. Perhaps aside from in Turkey.
Most of their successful regional organizations focus more on associations and societies that provide community service.
They are also constantly fought against politically because they threaten the ruling monarchs/regime.

I doubt they will come back in any feasible way. If anything, the last attempt showed that oligarchs own Egypt and have the military under their influence.


>The Muslim brotherhood
Are they just religious fundamentalists?


islamism will never have meaningful political content
it only functions as sacrificial boogeymen for justifying heavier state surveillance and restriction both in the west and MENA region
even its "popularity" is just spongeing up vague discontent and not doing much about it


someone call the houthis and let them know


It really doesn't matter. And I disagree. They're quite savvy politically and have managed to win every democratic election. They're a poplar movement just like the communist party. And no matter how long the oligarchy and military tries to hold things together eventually they'll collapse


No, they just larp as religious fundamentalists but deep down they're just republicans.


Egypt is the country with the pyramids.


Republicans as in "we must have a democracy" or republicans as in "yee haw make Arab world great again trust the plan Allah anon"


More like freemason crypto trotskyist larping as maga islamists


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Looks like Lego. Meh


Army will do a civil war before letting Morsi sharia guys back


>leaves fewer options but revolution

okay but why come it have to be a muslim revolution, why come it cant be communist?

anyways, america needs egypt to have a functioning government, so america will just install another dictator


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Bah. Everyone's a critic. A critic, I say.


Nah, they are practically reformist.
Their founder believed that they can achieve a new form of a united states caliphate democratically rather than going back to the traditional empire-like caliphate via revolutionary(?) methods the way previous caliphates emerged.

However, in terms of politics and economics, they have quite a diversity in views per member/regional organization, but generally I'd describe them as a mix between milquetoast socdem with Islamic characteristic and anti-Western. They advocate for social welfare and economic justice, albeit within a religious framework, in some countries more progressive than others. I guess a somewhat of a comparison are the Christian Democratic parties in Europe, but the Islamic version.


Who says the army will be able to install another one?
99% of reservists are civilians who hate the army and will defect if given a chance lmao


The Brotherhood has been decimated and I really mean it. They've been destroyed the way Suharto killed off the PKI. There's a lot of internal conflict within the Brotherhood between the younger rank and file and the elderly, aging leadership. Turkish rapprochement with Egypt and the Gulf monarchies could see them evicted from Turkey and they're all but banned in Europe so the West isn't safe for them. A potential deal with Iran, which would have seen them join the Axis of Resistance fell through, probably over Syria. So now they have virtually nowhere to safely operate from.

It depends. The different regional political parties associated with the Brotherhood are quite distinct. Ennahda has effectively separated itself from the Brotherhood and has remodelled itself on the German Christian Democrats. The Egyptian branch, the Islamic Socialist Front, definitely is revolutionary but to curry favor internationally they've dropped the socialist elements of their platform and even Islam too and now their just anti-Assad Muslim liberals. In Jordan, they are conservative party that leans left on some issues.

The problem with Islamist parties is that even if they are popular enough to win elections they face too much pressure from liberals, leftists, and foreign powers intent on sabotaging them. So they try to appear moderate, which usually means dropping the Islamic and social welfare elements of their platform, becoming neoliberal democrats, and marginalizing the left wingers within their own ranks. This attempt at currying favor doesn't please liberals and secular leftists (who were never going to like them anyway) and it alienates their poor working class supporters who voted for better welfare and social policies. The libs and the leftists will then pin every single problem in the country on the Islamists and use it to drive them out of office or soft coup them like Tunisia.


They're not decimated. They're literally everywhere. Go to any mosque in Cairo
They can easily restructure themselves again.
I agree with you they're in a bad spot but they're still leagues ahead than any other political faction in Egypt.
The problem is the army's current government isn't sustainable and the only remaining to pick up their shit will be the brotherhood. They're simply biding their time.


The brotherhood will just ally with Iran. As long as they have some state backing they'll reemerge


True, but as a political force they are decimated. Many of the rank and file organizers are in prison or dead and there's infighting within the movement. Its a mess right now. Knowing the Brotherhood, they can and will build themselves back up but that could take years even a decade or so. In many ways, the Islamist wave of the 90s and 2000s is pretty much over. Hamas is the last really Islamist government in the region (outside of Iran) and both NATO and Russia are determined to beat them back and keep them down.

Doubt that. The Ikhwanis and Iran are on the opposite sides of the political spectrum and Syria is a huge sticking point. Negotiations with Iran fell through years ago.


What's done is done anon.


Either that or something worse will emerge.


You're ignoring that a significant part of would be mb members are in cahoots with the military right now. The entire administration of Al Azhar would switch sides the moment the military collapses.


Lmao that was in 2015.
They've moved passed that and have restructured.
They've gone through an ideological shift. The latest strategy by hamas is proof of that .
Even in 2013, when the brotherhood was in power during the Syrian revolution they had reinstated diplomatic ties with Iran



>99% of reservists are civilians who hate the army and will defect if given a chance lmao
Just like they did last time?

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