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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Hello comrades. I am a long time psychic and practicioner of various spiritual and psychic arts. I have read many books on the topic and have completed numerous seances and exorcisms. I am also a devout communist, having read numerous works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, among others.
Recently, I have thought of a brilliant plan, brought forth to me by my associates when I was relaxing in the mountains of Montenegro with them. Seeing that communist thought is no longer practiced by any real major power on the world, we had decided to contact the spirits of past communist leaders in an attempt to seek advice from them.
After contacting demons from the lesser key of Solomon (Ars Goetia) and consulting them on the dangers and possibilities of talking with dead communists, we came to the conclusion that the best idea is to astral project to them during sleep. We picked Lenin, as he was old and frail by the end of his life, so he would be least likely to react aggressively should we invade his spiritual domain.
The plan was all set up and I volunteered to become the one who would talk with Lenin. We prepared the entire ritual, after which I went to sleep to finish the projection. Finding Lenin's spiritual domain proved somewhat difficult, but after about 30 minutes of a back and forth between different corridors within the spiritual network I have managed to find the intended goal.
I entered somewhat stealthily, but that did not help as he quickly caught onto me and confronted me. Turns out that within his spiritual realm, Lenin was not frail at all, and worse of all he was angry over the intrusion. I tried to explain myself, even citing some of his works to prove my loyalty, but he went on a rampage and threw me against the wall, and started to wreck everything around. He then used a giant sickle and pierced my leg with it, throwing me around once more. With my last breath I managed to escape and return to the real world.
Outside, my leg was fine, however the bone was broken, and I spent the nearest couple days lying in hospital bed.
At home, I frequently hear Lenin's demonic voice call out. I might have messed up. I will, however, still try to use that to my advantage, and try to get his spirit to help bring about a new revolution.
Cheers, comrades. Do not astral project to important communist leaders, they're much stronger than they appear.


>Ars Goetia

yooooo wtf is this a helluva boss reference???


this fanfiction fucking sucks go to whatpad and do more praxis you masterbaiter


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Its real schizo hours


ascended Maoist masters, Maoist semen retention, revolutionary celibacy, maoist meditation and super powers.


You probably need specifically communist pentacles


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this is what tukachevsky would have wanted
the soviets probably found agartha in the antarctic expeditions


he beat you up because you're a liberal


Gem alert


How do I talk to Bordiga?


mmmh I think have seen a similar or identical shitpost before


>Ars Goetia
<helluva reference!?
This is genuinely embarrassing to see, read a book.



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