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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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If the Chinese, say, in 20-40 years, decided to go full Maoist again, but this time trying to refound the Soviet Union based off the Chinese Soviet instead, how would you feel about restoring the Russian Soviet and hopping aboard?

Sorry, you'd have to be a junior partner this time, but you'd get a planned economy again (this time operated by Chinese AI). Is this too offensive to your nationalist sensibilities?

Of course, you keep Vladisvostok, but you don't get to keep Moscow. :3


What kind of retarded post is this?
Are you just trying to rage bait regular communists who would jump on the chance to re-establish the ussr by saying china is going to conquere their city central to their ethnic cultural identity?


Westoids keep on spreading the meme that China wants Vladisvostok / RFE, but the only way I can see China getting Russian land would be…

My estimate is that the CPC eventually will have to take a hard Maoist turn (Xi Jinping is softcore) or see dissolution from corruption.

If such a thing happens, it should happen in 2030s / 2040s after China has perfected socialism / gotten average living standards up to the level of a Western European country.


If, however, China takes a hard Maoist turn, given China's effective power under such a circumstance, why not simply just refound the USSR? Adjoining Russia and China into a single Communist country, putting in at least one Korea, merging the spheres of influence into a single Union of multiple Soviets, maybe even dragging the Indians in, is this not the final victory of Socialism over Capitalism?

The only problem is that unless the Indians jump in, any refound of the USSR would effectively be dominated by ethnic Chinese given their numbers, unless the Indians joined in.


So, I'm generally asking the Russians whether refounding the USSR would be acceptable to them, if the cost is that they, as a nation, would simply be reduced to a single Soviet within a full multi-ethnic USSR that'd have them as an ethnic minority.


I actually dont understand this thread. Wtf are you talking about. I try to bait everyone all the time, and this is not the way.


Most comprehensible thread on LEFTYPOL so far


Better then the "marx invented trans people" thread?


Also, this isn't some weird ethnic bait. If Russians are seriously not okay with actually realizing a single Union of Soviet Socialist Republics that comprises Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, etc, but also China, Vietnam, Laos, and North Korea, as subordinate Soviets, then I'll drop it. But if you guys actually like the idea (even though it has attendant costs), I'll keep it in mind, except I'll be damn well aware that there'll be angry Russian nationalists aghast at it.


China and Russia are best friends forever, they respect each other. No one is gonna subjugated the other. That is not how China and Russia deal with geopolítics. The friendship will last forever


The Five Principles of Peaceful Co-Existence are: mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non- interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. These ideas were first put forward by then



Ur dumb. I'm talking about having a full Communist reboot in Russia / CIS, and also having all the Communist countries join together into a single USSR, with the Chinese Soviet as its core.


>with the Chinese Soviet as its core.
Not gonna happen, because China is not imperialist, never was imperialist, and will not be imperialist. The same can be said about Rússia. And by imperialism i mean not what lenin identify as imperialism, but the "metropole dictates what the colony does" kind of imperialism.



I mean I guess you're a Fed so you wouldn't understand, but Communism is supposed to transcend nations. This isn't about narrow nationalisms a la Samuel Huntington, it's about World Communism (limited to like 30% of the world's land mass and 25% of its population, unless the Indians came along, then it'd be like 40% and 40%).


>Of course, you keep Vladisvostok, but you don't get to keep Moscow. :3
This is some border gore a la hoi4 style.
>but Communism is supposed to transcend nations.
>it's about World Communism
1) communism is not possible without total world domination.
2) comunism is not a state of affairs to be established
3) Communism as the positive transcendence of private property as human self- estrangement, and therefore as the real appropriation of the human essence by and for man; communism therefore as the complete return of man to himself as a social (i.e. human) being — a return accomplished consciously and embracing the entire wealth of previous development. This communism, as fully developed naturalism, equals humanism, and as fully developed humanism equals naturalism; it is the genuine resolution of the conflict between man and nature and between man and man — the true resolution of the strife between existence and essence, between objectification and self-confirmation, between freedom and necessity, between the individual and the species. Communism is the riddle of history solved, and it knows itself to be this solution.



FFS, you sound absolutely sound like a Fed bot.

For readers:


Point is merely, if the Chinese categorically defeat the West by 2040 (not necessarily through violent means), why not form an actual Internationale.

The entire point is that a Sino-Russian-Indian USSR made out of ethnic and regional Soviets would have enough economic, technological, and demographic mass to outmuscle the rest of the world and slowly absorb it into the USSR.

Also, as long as the Indians sign up, rebooting the USSR would have enough economic (China), demographic (India), and technological (China again, but let's pretend the Soviet technological inheritance hasn't totally fallen apart) heft to effectively have achieved global dominance, with at least 55% of global population (by virtue of dominating Asia), 30-40% of global GDP (China + India, some Russia), and probably a 5-10 year lead on the West in terms of technology.


>The entire point is that a Sino-Russian-Indian USSR made out of ethnic and regional Soviets would have enough economic, technological, and demographic mass to outmuscle the rest of the world and slowly absorb it into the USSR.
I think I get you. A precondition for social revolution is that there is some kind of long disruption or even destruction in the production and reproduction process - the proletariat, because of its position in the production process, has the possiblity to take productive (economic) power by way of organizing in this situation - if the proletariate takes economic power, then it can also exercise political power, and if it has political power, it can reshape the relations of production (this is the moment when the revolution actually occurs) - after the social revolution, the proleteriat has some state structure that resembles only superficially an imperialist state while the relations of production are fundamentally changed - in the long run, these relations develop into communism, the state withers away



Let Germany hop in too, rename Berlin to Marxstadt, make it the capital :Oo


sounds based. Stalin denying the Chinese communists' application to become part of the USSR was one of his biggest mistakes. they should start by absorbing Vietnam, Laos and the DPRK though. there should only be one communist party, and only one socialist state
>planned economy operated by AI
<let's replace one black box (the market) with another black box (AI voodoo)
linear planning is more than enough, and has the benefit of being understandable


You're fighting spooks you made up in your head.


File: 1714680113568.png (312.22 KB, 525x592, Bordigga.png)

>Liberal russians, what would you do if liberal chinese conquered you?



>he doesn't know that Maoism is Gonzalo thought, and that Mao Zedong Thought is not Maoism


>how do I feel about something stupid that will never happen

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