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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Is anyone old enough to remember these guys? A lot of anons on here talk about groups like the CCRU which largely got popularized by meme culture, but does anyone remember the AAA?
It was largely made up of Marxists and Anarchists from various countries.



Two zines about them


Meme shit, who cares.


Here they were blasting music in a squat in Paris post 9/11
>Meme shit
It was mostly an art project.
>who cares
Whoever is interested.



Eight-minute excerpt from:

In search of the constructivist moment: from Russian Futurism to South London Speedcore (via 1975)"It's not freedom that I want but a way out!" So proclaimed the ape in Kafka's short story 'A Report to the Academy'. This talk takes this ape's proclamation as a reference point for the construction of a map that could be used to locate potential points of escape. The first part of this talk identifies what exactly it is that we may be seeking to escape from. We will then embark on an exploration of a series of problems, some of which may involve us asking: what is the meaning of Mayakovsky's "our''? what is a sonic community? and how exactly did the world change in 1975? Jason Skeet is currently completing a book about contemporary poetry. In the last years of the previous century he was involved in the Association of Autonomous Astronauts (AAA) and this talk may, or may not, build on a certain number of exit strategies previously put forward by the AAA.


File: 1714064003476.jpeg (312.18 KB, 1437x2048, AAA leaflet.jpeg)


They were involved in launching 3SF alongside other situationists, so they're cool in my books. Space communism now!
Posting link instead of retyping a buncha stuff: https://nuclearchange.net/social/thread/310.html#311




File: 1714093918733.png (429.24 KB, 410x526, AAA ZINE 1996.PNG)

A lot of them have praised the soviet space program as seen in the first video reply 1:07 >>1835514 (praising Valentina Tereshkova) and refuted or challenged a lot of the lies about the America 'winning' the space race in their various published writings.

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