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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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"What is certain is that [if they are Marxists], [then] I myself am not a Marxist" - Karl Marx to Paul Lafargue

was this book onto something though.. i AM interested.


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>Paul Lafargue
The predecessor of Bob Black without the cop snitching and technology hating


> Bob Black


LaFargue was based but marx was mostly right in his critiques of him


any chance these critiques of marx make me more motivated to go back to work? lmao


of course not


What is the context of the quote?


Iirc according to Engels, Marx said this in response to french socialists at the time who didn't understand historical materialism but still called themselves marxists.


The Right to be Lazy is a good read, I felt very connected to what it said.


what readings?


if youre asking for lafargue, this is a fun one: https://www.marxists.org/archive/lafargue/1900/xx/horse.htm

as for marx criticisms of him im pretty sure they were mostly about lafargue doing a lot of radical sloganeering, a lot of which would be perfectly at home on /leftypol/ but marx & engels were of the opinion it was needlessly provocative. cant remember the text off the top of my head, i think it was a letter from marx to engels


>marx & engels were of the opinion it was needlessly provocative
I can't believe Maex & Engels were so fucking gay


bunch of liberals!!!

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