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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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What's your assessment of Eurocommunism, and of other Communist parties such as the Japanese Communist Party that largely share similar positions to Eurocommunism?
Obviously Eurocommies themselves support it… but it seems overwhelmingly leftists, at least in the spaces I've frequented, dislike it with some intensity.

According to ML-ists that I've read discussing it, it's revisionary, because it encourages coalition with the bourgeois parties and also supports peaceful coexistence with the bourgeois capitalist world outside the borders of the Socialist state.
Hoxha himself famously quoted "Eurocommunism is anti-Communism".

According to Trotskyist theory, it's bad because it's a "national movement", in that it wants to install socialism in one state, and like Soviet Communism abandons the idea of encouraging revolution beyond one's national borders.

If I had to defend Eurocommunism? Well, those who look favourably about it seem to often point out how it is progressive on so many social issues and environmental issues - supporting legalisation of homosexuality, broader LGBT rights, and environment protections and so on.
Although it seems Eurocommie enjoyers forget that Cuba and a large number of ML-ist parties today are also cool with gays, the CPC and KKE becoming more and more outliers.

Anyway I'm a dumb zoomer, that's just what I've heard so far.
Do you agree with my understanding? What do you think about Eurocommunism?
Can you educate us in this thread as to why you believe it is bad, or good, for the general leftist cause?


>Eurocommunism is anti-Communism


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>What's your assessment of Eurocommunism
Its important to understand and not just disregard it as 'anti-Communism' because it highlights a major problem that Marxism needs to fix, which is that of tactics & strategy. Marxism has a philosophy that is light-years ahead anything else, it has a excellent political economy, but what it doesnt have and desperately need to develop is advanced strategy & tactics capable of bringing Marxist-Leninists to power anywhere in the world and defeating our enemy. Eurocommunism was essentially the Communist parties falling back to SocDem tactics rather than go through the hard and difficult work of developing new ones capable bringing Communists into the position of power in the first world and keeping them there. As for Hoxha himself he was just a sectarian who offered no solution to the problems they were facing.

As far as judgement of the major figures in Eurocommunism the best was Georges Marchais who recognised that it wasnt going to work, he then reopened links between the French Communist Party and the CPSU/Brezhnev. He also travelled to Italy to warn Enrico Berlinguer about Eurocommunism and not to turn his back on the Soviet Union, but he wasnt listened to sadly.


It's easy to say that Eurocommies are bad because they weren't pro-soviet enough, but we have to remember that from like 1920 to 1970(?) almost all western communist parties were just M-L shill parties that took their marching orders directly from Moscow even when it was incredibly detrimental to their own country's movements


it's spicy social-democracy
basically stalinist parties after ww2 started becoming class collaborationist nationalists and toning down their economic demands



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