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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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From Nazi newspapers printed in USSR in 1942-43. Turns out, Nazis were the final source for the mass repressions of 1937-38. Newspapers include every bit of the myth, from repressions of "formers", from secret troikas, from the absolute idiocy of a secret order to capture 700k people (how do you even detain 700k people with a secret reason for detainment? How do you imagine policemen explaining people why have they detained those people, lmao), to Yezhov carrying the reppressions out in secret from Stalin, to trials sentencing people to death and hiding the extent of repressions through saying to relatives that the repressed were actually sentenced to "10 years without the right to correspondence (write and receive letters)"

Do you feel like an idiot for believing that USSR killed 700k people in 1937-38 yet? That's literally Nazi propaganda, you know. And Soviet dissident myths came out from Nazi newspapers found in formerly occupied territories, given that to this fucking day nobody has ever found even one corpse out of those 700k


File: 1713464490775-0.jpg (112.67 KB, 406x600, 00447-1.jpg)

File: 1713464490775-1.jpg (123.98 KB, 600x447, 00447-2.jpg)

File: 1713464490775-2.jpg (56.8 KB, 600x437, 00447-3.jpg)

This is 00447 fake in question, btw. The one they've printed out in the 90s, supposedly found in the newly opened archives. Note how the secret order was printed on multiple typewriters from the same source on the same date


Newspaper clippings are from these posts:


In short, Nazi propaganda project "Vineta" was responsible for those newspapers and myths. Last link btw contains Nazi fakes about orders of NKVD to destroy paper trails of mass murders

Interesting quote:

>In the fruitful summer of 1937, the Bolsheviks had a "harvest" for the prisoners. The Soviet government decided (in case of war, to completely and thoroughly cleanse the country of unreliable elements and to this end, the then former Commissioner of Internal Affairs, Yezhov, gave appropriate instructions.

>Yezhov issued an order for the arrests of everyone, even if easily suspected of hostility to the Soviet government. The Bolsheviks began to isolate all suspicious people in prisons. When all this was done, the Soviet government tried to quietly remove Yezhov from his post. The government could not issue such an order on its own; it was inconvenient and illegal to arrest people on suspicion alone, without facts. In such a case, Bolshevik state banditry would be completely naked, like an awl out of a bag. By passing the order through Yezhov, the Soviet government stood aside from complaints. And there were rumors among the people that Yezhov was guilty, who had overstepped some line. Of course, he will answer to the people no less than the rest of his brethren, but the main culprit here is the Soviet government and the Communist Party, who carried out such shameful arrests in history.

>Who was arrested and what happened to them afterwards? Imagine a person at any job, an engineer or a stoker, a foreman or a collective farmer, a locksmith, a conductor, a miner, a driver, a teacher, a carpenter, a blacksmith, etc., etc. Many of them turned out to be in the language of the Bolsheviks or "saboteurs", or "spies", or "agitators", or "wreckers". The investigative bodies of the NKVD, having the order of the NKVD (as far as I know, No. 00447), came up with a reason to arrest a suspect. The prosecutor who worked with us at the same time, on the same order, put a visa on the arrest warrant. Often, the victim was called under various pretexts to the production where he worked and where a policeman or a security officer was now waiting for him.

>They also called directly to the police "for a minute, on a small matter," and there they put their clawed paw on an unsuspecting person.

>There were many such cases when those who had just been released from the camps at 6 p.m. at 12 a.m. were arrested again.

>The chekists threw people recruited in a variety of ways and under various pretexts into cramped, overcrowded investigation cells, from where the investigators summoned them one by one for interrogation. The interrogations were conducted in well-isolated rooms so that no sound would penetrate outside and would not be heard by people. A terrible scene is the Bolshevik interrogation carried out by the "friends" of the people, the Communists.

I demand reparations from people who kept calling me schizo for saying that Soviet archives are fake


>correspondence (write and receive letters)
Anon. Explaining basic words in brackets makes you look either insufferably condescending or legitimately retarded.


File: 1713466142025.jpg (237.88 KB, 923x2000, USSR1938Almanac.jpg)

I just don't know if this word bears the same idea as the one in Russian. "10 лет без права переписки" is a very common propaganda myth in Russia and it may not bear the same weight for people living elsewhere


Furthermore, Katyn was done by Nazis


cool. you have our attention. now explain this to the hordes of liberals and conservatives living in the imperial core who believe every single anti soviet myth


It starts with purging our own ranks of those myths.

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