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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Let's talk about boba liberals. That name is so funny to me it sounds just like boba tea. Boba liberals, drinking boba tea, and being stupid ignorant liberals just as they always are.



They’re basically Hanjian but they’re collaborating with (or are) Burgers


boba liberals are literally just liberal americans of east asian descent. thats it.


Reminder that "inclusion" is inherently supremacist - "It's the white man's world, and he's just allowing you into it." Equality between peoples is incompatible with cultural hegemony. Boba liberalism is simply what a cultural hegemon will convert any subcultures into as it integrates them into its larger whole. Basically, you have to exist in a sort of tension with the "other" culture in order to be on even footing, neither one dominating the other. From there, the cultural cross-pollination can take the form of equal exchange and mutual benefit. Otherwise, the dominant group will "sanitize" any subordinate groups of elements they find undesirable. And along with that, the members of subordinate groups will be turned against each other - separatists vs assimilationists - further weakening their position.


Just American liberals with standard American liberal positions have a very acute, hostile foreign policy edge because they tend to weaponize their ethnic identity against "authoritarian" countries of their ethnic origin. But really just China.


I mean it IS a little interesting because it exists because modern US culture FORBIDS sympathetic allegiances to your homeland while at the same time FORCING your race and ethnic background to be a central part of your identity. So you end up with this schizo shit where you are like taking cultural ownership of this eclectic collection of "Asian" foods but only special ones that have already been accepted within US culture (milk tea, hot pot, anything Japanese), but are also ashamed of the "weird" things, and are also regarding people back home as infantile and backward or unsophisticated despite yourself. The super rapid intensification of racial hostility from the "West" (white people) towards China has made these things sharp. During the time this article was written, a lot of AsAm communities were experiencing a purge of sympathetic views towards China (no matter which nationality you were) with these "boba libs" acting as gatekeepers/whips keeping everyone in line.


>value assimilation with white culture over authentic solidarity with one’s ethnic roots
neither position has anything to do with communism, who cares


idiots who write garbage articles and the idiots who read them to feel smart love their political euphemisms for every little thing


< But it is also beyond doubt that the pseudo-Marxist who heaps abuse upon a Marxist of another nation for being an “assimilator” is simply a nationalist philistine.
< No one unobsessed by nationalist prejudices can fail to perceive that this process of assimilation of nations by capitalism means the greatest historical progress, the break down of hidebound national conservatism in the various backwoods…


Burger hands typed this post


What's/leftypol/'s favorite boba flavor? Mine is coffee


What is boba? Has it anything to do with boobs?


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>The [Adjective] [Verb] of [Noun]
Oh god it's spreading from video essayists to actual essays.


the more important question is where the fuck did boba come from and why is it so popular suddenly? shit is fucking nasty


at least it's written instead of being a 4 hour long video where a zoomer with glasses talks into a microphone in front of their LED-lit bedroom wall


It started in Taiwan and spread around the world after that.


>[noun] and [noun] of [noun]


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of course


This article is idpol incarnate. Disgusting.


I don't live in the americas and I frankly can't understand what these people aim for.
Normal everyday interaction with people outside of your own community produces integration and cultural exchange


>Normal everyday interaction with people outside of your own community produces integration and cultural exchange
It depends on social context what outcome we have in regard to the seemingly same actions. OP is referring to a stratum in the Asian American community that tries to elevate itself on the social hierarchy by cozying up to white supremacy. They disown aspects of their culture that is rejected by white supremacy and attack China to appeal to the current imperial sentiment of the West.


>lynbrook high school's official newspaper


assimilation into a socialist country = good
assimilation into the US capitalist empire = bad


didn't even realize that it was that i just put it in randomly




All of Taiwans products are fucking garbage. Most milk tea is just vegetable oil mixed with thickeners, sugar, and flavorings. Don't remind me it's spread beyond Taiwan!! Makes me nauseated


Makes sense you like an even shittier version of soy horchata


>The one thing that everybody agrees upon is that the name “boba” is a reference to the 1980s Hong Kong sex symbol Amy Yip, whose nickname, “Boba,” is also a Chinese slang term for her most famous pair of physical assets.


Mix in a bit of xenophobia. It's an easy way to point at any group someone already hates but cover it in a way that makes it OK to hate them, as if they're somehow more egregious. Remember our class enemy is the BOURGEOISIE not some asshole that drinks Starbucks or bubble tea.

I'll help the author write their next 20 articles
>white women liberals -> Karen liberalism
>white men liberals -> white bro liberalism
>queer liberals -> rainbow liberals
>black liberals -> house liberals or some other racist label
>Indian liberals -> curry liberals, or tika masala liberals
>Korean liberals -> kimchi liberals
>Japanese liberals -> sushi liberals
>Jew liberals -> bagel or capo liberals
>Mexican-american liberals -> yonosabo liberals
>subsaharan liberals -> safari, Serengeti, antelope liberals

I love Taiwan style bubble tea. Tapioca balls. A little sugar. Black tea of any type. Milk. Might go for one today just because of this post lol.


Yeah I didn't even consider that. I'm also going to try some more boba tea soon.


Boba liberals are basically cops. They serve the bourgeoisie


the author is a literal child.


Oh shit you weren't kidding.
I actually didn't read the article. I have no motivation for it.


>Makes sense you like an even shittier version of soy horchata


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I only know about boba due to Amphibia

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