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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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So we all know China is the big bad economic rival of the US but what about India? I don't know much about them other than they have a fuck huge population, were pro-soviet during the Cold War, have historically been at odds with China over territory, and have had mixed relationships with the US in the past.

What is Bharat's future role in the world? How are they gonna shape up the game with regards to other nuclear powers (or at least the other big three)? What about their rule in multi-polarism? Relationship with other third-world nations?


Sounds like somebody hasn't read their Samir Amin.


America's cannon fodder against china


Mods, it's time to define the term you came up with through procedural generation.


Practically this.
India thinks if it adopted the economical model the US is promoting it would be some world economic power.
Unfortunately, the US model is all about speculative financing, and nothing tangible to create any real value out of, and also opens the door for US companies to take over.


Marxist Leninist geopolitics adapted to the material conditions of combatting finance capital in the 21st century


19th century-era capitalist development of poor countries.


That's just Trumanism the kind of developmental ism, which is the idea that poor countries can develop in the context of the imperial system. That's just US development policy since 1950. NGOs use the same language as Truman inaugural address when talking about the need to bring regulators abroad to combat lead poisoning issues. Why would you say this. That doesn't even fit the definition of how you guys have used it.
All this "anti-multipolarism" shit strikes me as asinine. Reminds me of "against antifa" rightoids.
Let's talk about how India and Turkey are going to try to ride developmentalism by exploiting smaller countries, and China has essentially forced Russia into based foreign policy by showing them it actually develops loyal trading partners outside the western financial system. Not like Pvtler cares about integrating trade networks between African countries, but by breaking them out of the debt trap both Russia and China indirectly do this.
I'm gonna throw you a bone, no reason for me to be a dickhead just because I haven't had my coffee. Look up the pogroms in Manipur and ask yourself why nobody showed them to you before. It's hideous, especially understanding how may Muslims in India convert to escape the caste system.
World systems guys are really beyond me, anon. Didn't Amin argue that South Africa was economically a core country at one point? Because of how it positioned itself in the value chain? I genuinely have a hard time getting through people like Amin and Andre Gunder Frank. I'm just trying to guess what you're getting at.


>>1826445 (me)
Another really great comparison (other than the travesty which is Indian agriculture, holy shit you could write 5 books on it, which is why I'm not using it as an example that's too hard lol) is the nuclear & semiconductor industries in China and Russia versus India.
India only wants to "play second fiddle" to Intel, Nvidia, Amazon, and other "virtual chip fabrication" companies, not by getting into foundry, but by lowering the cost of testing and packaging. They truly do have phenomenal ass-kissing abilities and legions of wage slaves.
Meanwhile Russia makes so much nuclear fuel they export it like mad, the Euros are too dependent to sanction it for real, and they have domestic production of perfect high quality xray mirrors that are also used in semiconductor foundries.


>Meanwhile Russia makes so much nuclear fuel they export it like mad, the Euros are too dependent to sanction it for real, and they have domestic production of perfect high quality xray mirrors that are also used in semiconductor foundries.
To be fair, none of it was created by the capitalist government. The only technological production Russia is growing now is the drones and smart artillery.


According to me, as of now, India's position is heavily dependent upon the position of the gulf monarchies. They're the biggest suppliers of oil (after Russia) and foreign remittances to India. It's an arrangement that benefits our bourgeoisie immensely. It is also the only reason for our government's nominally pro-Palestine stance, which is pretty disingenuous on top of the very disingenuous stance of the gulf monarchies except Qatar. Within the current state of things, India taking an explicitly anti-west stance can happen only if both Russia and Saudi Arabia pressure us to do so. I think this is one of the many reasons why Putin and Xi have been trying to court MBS.


Turkey may be the final boss of sub-imperialists. Something about India, SA, and UAE seems ready to crumble.


The problem with India is that it's fundamentally Black–i.e, its politics are essentially fascist.

Otherwise, most things seem to be going well. It has a developing manufacturing sector (only 3% of GDP) that will probably hit 9% by 2035; it's growing faster than China, and birth rates are declining in a poor country.

The political stance is that India is both a member of the Quad as well as a member of the SCO; i.e, it's playing both sides. That has to be remembered–they will play each side off the other to extract maximum concessions, they will try to extend the Sino-American conflict as long as possible, hopping to the side of the weaker party, and they will eventually hop onto the side of the winner when they can no longer play balancer.


I think it’s pretty obvious that the US plan here is just that India will taken China and who gives a fuck about Nepal/Sri Lanka/pakistan/bangladesh, and if it works and China declines then they will turn China against India. The rise of hitlerism in India is really actually pretty well known within the U.S. they just don’t care because they see India as presently weak and easily permanently made weak.


All countries are economic rivals of each other under capitalism.


That's a non-definition. Explaining terminology in terms of other terminology is cheating.


For some information see the Indian history thread I made in /edu a while back >>>/edu/7482


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ah yes xi famously known for not being in cahoots with the bourgeoisie


He's busy buying ropes, give him 4000 years.


This but unironically. You people just refuse to read Chinese own laws and prefer rumourmongering Westoid press instead. For example, it's still believed that Jack Ma is/was a billionaire owner of alibaba


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