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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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To socialism
I'm promoting a theory people here don't know of, it was promoted by a heterodox Marxist from the early 20th Century, named Karl Kautsky
Basically, the most viable path to communism is for western liberal democratic institutions to spread throughout the world, for western financial institutions to unite the world under a single transactional system, and then, push as hard as we can for reforms
Once the bourgeoisie realizes that imperialism and capitalism and fossil fuel extraction is literally more expensive than internationalism, socialism, and autonomous energy infrastructure, the capitalists will realize there is no stable foundation to their economic system and politicians will realize upholding capitalism is pointless and that war is unwinnable, at which point we use the democratic mechanisms gained from the example of western democratic governance spread throughout the entire world to simply vote collectively on a global scale to end capitalism and fossil hegemony, global NATO will become a reality and with the world under one banner imperialism will dissolve since empires only make sense with an exterior to itself

Reject tradition, embrace modernity


the most viable path is OP not being a faggot but there's no way reality is moving in that direction


You mean literally the world after 1991?
Im not seeing any socialism buddy


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> we use the democratic mechanisms gained from the example of western democratic governance spread throughout the entire world to simply vote collectively on a global scale to end capitalism and fossil hegemony, global NATO will become a reality and with the world under one banner imperialism will dissolve since empires only make sense with an exterior to itself


>we just need to sacrifice a few more generations of the workers of the world bro
Griffith ahh logic


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I dont consider western liberalism to be democratic at all.


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Not every country became a democracy in 1991
This is the opposite of sacrifice
Democracy is the voice of the people


lamest bait yet


>global NATO will become a reality…
Both Stalin and Putin asked to join NATO. They were not allowed in.
>…and with the world under one banner imperialism will dissolve since empires only make sense with an exterior to itself
Exactly why not everyone can be in NATO. A gang of robbers cannot allow the rest of humanity to join it or there wouldn't be anyone left to rob.


According to V@ush every country should be jn NATO


who is this semen demon


Lol did not know STALIN wanted to join NATO


If capitalism ever became unprofitable then the bourg would just revert to corporate-feudalism.


>Democracy is the voice of the people
No that would be Michael Caracciolo AKA "The Kid From Brooklyn"


There's nothing "democratic" about western liberalism. The west doesn't live under democracy but under republicanism, a form of oligarchy. The total opposite of democracy.


a republic is a representative democracy,


>Once the bourgeoisie realizes that imperialism and capitalism and fossil fuel extraction is literally more expensive than internationalism, socialism, and autonomous energy infrastructure
they don't care if its 'more expensive' they just care who its expensive for and what their status would be given any alternative.
it would be worse for them so it won't happen that way


Representative democracy is an oxymoron. It's like saying anarchist statist.


ok prove it


A republic is just a country without a monarchy


that isn't what a republic is though


It is thoughever, the Republic of Korea was a military dictatorship for decades, and Ba'athist dictatorships are also republics. So are People's Republics. So was the Italian Social Republic.


ok so?


So a republic is not necessarily a representative democracy. As an aside representative democracy is a meme considering their approval ratings are pretty much always in the toilet


no a republic is a representative democracy nothing you have said disproves that


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Prove every republic is a representative democracy then


Prove what? What I'm saying is not exactly hidden knowledge. The words 'republic' and 'democracy' had a concrete meaning for 2000 years until liberals started making up their own definitions in the 19th century.


it fits the definition of representative democracy


ok so what? we don't use only 2000 year old definitions in discourse



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there's more then 1 definition retard


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So if there's more than one definition, the definition that covers both yours and the other definitions is the correct one isn't it you dweeb


Yeah sure, let's use some words some rich liberals made up to justify class domination.


okay reddit


not really



>Democracy is the freedom to elect our own dictators
This is true


And you fit the definition of a moron my stupid little friend.



It's wrong in any case, since modern republics are largely modeled after Rome, aka not a democracy.


>communism can be voted in when the majority of the world is NOT proletarian
>communism would have to be voted in in most countries of the world in somewhat quick succession
>this is viable according to OP
fucking retard


but a republic is a democracy as per your definition


How is the majority of the world not proletarian lol


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For most leftoids communism is a dick-measuring popularity contest about growing some sect or the other by attracting people to it, hence their engagement with interclassist positions as opposed to strictly proletarian ones.

It must strive to preserve its theoretical and tactical rigor and work on strictly defined classist terrain, even if this were to put it at odds with the majority of the proletarians (who are a minority of the pop in their own countries often) at points of time.

If a majority is won over to the programme it will be a by-product of communist work within proletarian organizations and strikes that aims to unify scattered worker initiatives in a centralized, coordinated manner - not because said work is be explicitly aimed at 'mass' support.


>not muh REAL democracy
youre ironically doing that liberal thing where you hold real existing phenomena against an abstract ideal inside your head. the publics power to determine political reality in every sphere is already a reality, democracy how it exists means the free participation in the running of the state on the basis of majority consent. 'the masses' and 'the people' are exactly the kind of abstract phrases which lend the democratic formula its bourgeois character. the proletariat is not the majority in most of the major capitalist nations and is diminishing relatively even in others. majoritarian consent is not a principle for communists

tldr democracy is a regime of capital because society is organized around capital, thats the only possible thing it could be under the circumstances. any alternative would be a breach of democracy cuz it relies on the suppression of opposing interests

this is why communism thus really is antidemocratic, it is the violent enforcement of proletarian interests and requires the disenfranchisement of the bourgeoisie and middle class


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lol also fucking kautsky lmao

the tendency to opportunistically misdefine and hence overestimate the size of the proletariat was well marked in the 2nd International. kautsky, liebknecht, jaures etc fit all small farmers, artisans, petty merchants, traders, shopkeepers and intellectuals into their definition of 'proletarian' and even dismissed the notion of the proletariat as the sole revolutionary class. this distortion was carried onto burger circles as well which led to even more absurd ideas such as "we are the 99%", an even more laughably over expansive definition

as one writer admits in 1909, every 'intelligent socialist' (!) was 'quite as liberal' (!) in the matter of definitions.


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Meanwhile, in the eyes of many countries, NATO is like this:


Nah, it's an oligarchy as I stated from the start. And you clearly just want to waste people's time with le epic trole.


You'd think after reading marxist theory people would realize it's silly to ascribe some transhistorical function to any element of society. They behave one way under some circumstances, another way under others.


Hey Louis i accidentally become a demon sovereign


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