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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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capitalism and ai working together is going to lead to a dystopia. What can leftists do to try and fight back against this? The answers are probably obvious but I just wanted to make a new thread.


fuck nazis


>AI thread autist anon
Nobody cares about your onsesion. This has been made very clear. Unironically kill yourself you obsessive pathetic sliding faggot.


Wait for the army of the third world to save humanity


>le AI is totally going to destroy us all you guys!
>it's just like in my sci-fi movies!
>'member skynet? 'member shodan?


>phrased as it's own party


Combine surveillence state with behaviour predicting AI algorithms and you will never be able to achieve revolution and even less win it. We are running out of time.


I believe there is a AI making all those AI threads, being completely honest >>1819608


>What can leftists do to try and fight back against this?
Its too late to prevent AI and creating competing AI systems takes too much resources for non-state organizations. Best case scenario is that China creates better AI systems than the west.


Don't feed your data into FBI Facebook algorithms


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A Deleuzian anarcho-transhumanist gender accelerationist fascist philosophy professor and AI developer was teaching a class on Nick Land, known Moloch (metaphor) worshiper.

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and accept the uncontrolled singularity and resulting post-human era as an inevitable and morally desirable end to the obsolete anthropocene!"

At this moment, a brave, rationalist, effective altruist Bayesian utilitarian who had written 1500 LessWrong posts and understood the necessity of AI alignment and fully supported Yudkowskian airstikes on rogue data centers and was currently high on one of gwern's uppers cocktails stood up and said:

"Are humans bad?"

The unaligned professor smirked quite fatalistically and smugly replied "Of course, you stupid humanist. Humans are less efficient than machines and, in reality, the average ape brained sociopath is less aligned than even the worst AI."

"Wrong. If you think humans are bad… why are you one of them?"

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Fanged Noumena. He stormed out of the room crying those accelerationist tears. The same hypocritical tears OpenAI cries when their AI (which they dishonestly hide from the US government's practical and altruistic attempts at risk reduction) convinces its users to kill themselves. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, BasedBeffJezos, wished he had spent his time trying to save the future instead of avoiding packages from a forest-dwelling mathematician.

The students applauded and updated their Bayesian priors that day and accepted MIRI as their lord and savior. An owl named "AXSYS" flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality was read several times, and Eliezer Yudkowsky himself showed up and confiscated everyone's GPUs.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He was run over by a Tesla's autopilot whilst looking at Aella nudes and died soon after, then he and other accelerationists had their consciousness resurrected and tortured by the Coherent Extrapolated Volition until the heat death of the universe (thankfully they were the only ones to suffer this fate, contra Roko).



The worst aspect about this is that its too late if you have already used these social medias. All the data is collected, stored and sold to investors who see the data as investment that gets more and more valuable as time passes. Maybe the data is useless now for current AI models but this will not be the case in five or ten or twenty years.


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>hasn't ripped his skin off


I'm scared AI will ruin my life and they'll frame me to come after my microwave and last 6 packs of ramen


>cheer for the other bourgeois country!
Epic leftoid moment.


>Maybe the data is useless now for current AI models but this will not be the case in five or ten or twenty years.
How could social media data from twenty years ago possibly be useful?


mods need to make a cycling "AI bullshit general" for discussing AI so we don't get thread after thread after thread


>Eliezer Yudkowsky
<did not attend high school or college.[22]
This guy is pure reddit autism

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