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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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i feel like /leftypol/ has been caught in a slump for some time and i think its mostly in part because everyone here has kinda fallen into the same four or five writings from the same four or five people so post some shit that usually isn't posted here or anywhere else for that matter


Perhaps. I'll use this moment to ask: What do you guys think of Mozambique and Machel? Is there any good books to read about Mozambique economy during this time? And what do you guys make of his writings here: https://www.marxists.org/subject/africa/machel/index.htm ?


Really good and underrated intro to political philosophy from Althusser.


PDF related is a good book for beginner organisers, or as basic organising theory for new marxists. You can skip the interviews with the cubans, mozambiquan and the article of study vs presentation and just focus on the rest.

Recently read this article which is another very good critique of the modern movement (even if its a bit salty)

Right now I am reading this:



>Enrico Uselesspasta


File: 1712832879184.pdf (1.82 MB, 180x255, Shanghai_Commune.pdf)

Charles Bettelheim is a contrarian asshole, but I find his contrarianism interesting as a thought experiment.
I've also been looking for writings on the Shanghai Commune, but so far only found this one. Seems to be written by a Maoist.


for all the memes of hoxha and the people who talk about how good hoxha is you never see people post his writings, frankly they're funny as fuck when you reach to the point where he condems china for meeting with ceausescu and then talks about how the ussr should've overthrown them like they did to hungary



I aint reading alla that


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umm,,, sweaty,,, yuo ned ot of into rael ot thoery



this is theory


can you convert this to pdf so i can see it in the browser? i dont like epub


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