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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Basically, why does everyone on this board, and people of the West, and people of the modern world in general, see the world as so fucking mundane when it's so fucking profound?
Modern scientific theories have revealed that all humans are family and in fact all living things are family, that Gaia essentially exists in the form of the Earth System but is a blind idiot god like Azathoth with no sentience and isn't living in the sort of dualistic western understanding of life, the theory of the Big Bang and its combination with chemistry and physics has revealed that everything that exists is in fact a single aspect of a single encompassing unity that existed at the beginning of everything, science has revealed that Life and Death as dualistic states is in fact an illusion and that Death is the individuals unity with the Universe and end of individuality.

This isn't Hindu or Buddhist spiritualism or even philosophy, this is modern scientific theory. Mathematics is tantamount to spellcasting, allowing humans to invent planes and tanks and electrical infrastructure, a series of fucking symbols and ideas that nevertheless uncovered much of nature's patterns and assemblages.

Why do people see this shit as so mundane when it's all literally more fucking insane than the shit claimed by most religions? And unlike those religions it has actual evidence?


>smokes weed once


highschool pothead ahh thread


lovely post, anon. thank you for seeing the beauty in the universe


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Are westoids really capable of being nothing but slaves that consume products at the behest of machines?

How can a people that scorn thought, introspection, and any significance to the world around them ever amount to anything but violent cannibalistic rape orcs?


yes it's good for OP to feel this way. materialism truly can be fascinating and beautiful, we shouldn't let mysticists have a monopoly on wonder


:/ don't you agree with OP a bit?
Pretty crazy world we live in and have made for ourselves. In terms of the biblical God, science has proven that the world is too big and too complex for an entity so hilariously small and limited. Greek gods don't even figure into it.

Unfortunately, it is hard to see this when living under neoliberal capitalism. It's like we live in a sort of dystopic Matrix, our heads are filled with trash and drama that don't let us be present. Meditation does wonders but it's very hard to keep up.


>Are westoids really capable of being nothing but slaves that consume products at the behest of machines?
Ah, you are talking about China? The consumerist society, which is under control of a party which adheres to atheism and a western ideology (marxism)?


Didn't anti-intellectualism pretty much spawn in colonial united states like the moment the boats hit land? Think tanks would kill to have those conditions these days.



also soy


>you're either "bro have you ever really looked at your hands" or you're a cannibalistic rape orc
>there is nothing in between and no third option
uigga you are the one bringing up the crazy violent fantasies


So one day in 2020, I was a little freaky and was trying to watch Aluyna r34 on leftybooru for some reason. Then I got so hard that I felt like I was gonna nut but I got scared and hold it in. I was scared since I didn’t want to nut for some reason (idk why) then I lied to my parents that I had a pee sensation and had anxiety. Later then I told them it was because of Covid and they believed it. My dad scheduled a appointment with the doctor for the pee thing. I lied ofc and basically I was holding in my nut for like a year. My dad tried to help by putting pads on my waist which was supposed to remove the pee sensation even thought it wasn’t pee. I finally nutted this year and kinda broke my edging streak for years. I never told it to anybody besides now on Reddit.


congrats anon, now stop edging, it's bad for you.


this answers your question OP. to people who have time to think about these things, theyve become so jaded and ironic that they associate emotional detachment with intelligence. outside of that i think much of it is simply that whatever the profound implications of empirical theories, our cultural understanding of the world is still firmly rooted in old ideas of dualism, divinity, and individualism, and that understanding is reinforced by the simple fact that regularity inevitably becomes mundanity if a sense of wonder isnt actively cultivated.



No, it’s definitely psychedelics.
Possibly shrooms


marx looks like dagoth ur


Anon, we live on a dying world which is kept that way by the greedy, stupid and apathetic. If you aren't detached by now, you'll quickly go insane.


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>see the world as so fucking mundane when it's so fucking profound?
The working class is struggling to survive and not die unhoused in the streets, no one has time for new age hippie shit. If you want euphoric armchair philosophy, talk to the satanic Jeffrey Epstein class of dorks at MIT or at the "Edge Foundation"


goon foundation when


Unironically read Ian Stephenson. Best study on reincarnation outside of cultures that have it as a spook.


very materialist



Misremembered his name. That's the guy.

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