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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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All of politics, at its very root, is just based on aesthetics.
Ethics are based off of aesthetic judgements. Ethics exists as an agreement between people and cannot exist any other way, whereas aesthetics exist the moment you perceive an object (whether physically real or even an object of the mind).
Pragmatism likewise is directed towards some aim. This aim, which when you are really honest with yourself, you will find to be derived from nothing other than aesthetics.


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dont care this is a fish thread now look at this menhaden guys


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Nah, it's a margays thread


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Here's a lion fish, very pretty looking




Bryh this fish looks like Andrew tate that's uncanny.


You know what feels good? SEX


i solicit the mods a rule in which every thread with fascist imagery should be deleted if its not explicitly critical or scientifically analytical about fascism


First time i can agree with you


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Genius, you are truly the Karl Marx of our time.


There is no difference between national socialism and socialism-in-one-country. Bernie Sanders is a fascist.


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I'm more and more convinced Marx was right about philosophy being useless and only for bored well-off people with too much free time.


Human beings are philosophical creatures
If cannot then be useless


Humans rather play video games and have sex.


>human nature


I like this fish.


< One of the most difficult tasks confronting philosophers is to descend from the world of thought to the actual world.


This is philosophical though. It deals with purpose and value.




You call it philosophy.
I call it getting my dick sucked


It’s religion for people that would rather think than have sex.


By who? Other men? Thats faggoty crap.


I’m going to put the world spirits lips on my dick.


Unreal amount of samefagging in this thread. Dont you ever feel embarrassed? Fuck dude


>figuring out how to distribute resources for survival is feels

Lots of politics is feels.
Not all politics is feels.


We used to make fun of Hitler's physique in allied propaganda to this day but he was actually good looking. I often see other pics of him with his fellow nazis and everyone but Hitler look ugly as fuck or straight up difformed.
I guess Goering was handsome as a young man too but he became Nikocado for some reasons.


The leftoid to fascist pipeline always espoused by the Republicans of the USA might be correct.


What does it have to do with what i said?


>All of politics, at its very root, is just based on aesthetics.
It's not, try reading for once. Politics is fundamentally based on very real relations of production and balance of power between different bourgeois groups. The circus you think is politics is nothing more than a way to waste time.


>All of politics, at its very root, is just based on aesthetics.
Chill anon, masculinism little dark age edits aren't that much of a threat.


It's true, but nobody will ever openly admit it, because of obvious political reasons.


Capitalist revisionism. Humans are fundamentally social creatures and behave as such. It is only under the current regime of productions that humans are turned into atomized individuals kept alive through visual stimuli and phantom voices of social media.


God dayum, you should be a writer.


Feels is deciding resources even need to be distributed and yes which methods of distribution are on and off the table to begin with is also feels


Normative politics, retard, also what you choose to do with power once you have it


what a dumb fucking post, literally every single sentence is completely wrong


Your lack of elaboration leaves me rather unconvinced. What, I wonder, was the purpose of your response?


responding aggressively to blatant stupidity in the hope that person stop posting stupid shit so that it stop taking up space on the board instead of better discussions.
There are stupid talking point that are worth refuting because it brings interesting thinking or knowledge in response. And theres shit so dumb that its only worth insults.


>in the hope that person stop posting stupid shit so that it stop taking up space on the board instead of better discussions.
This seems rather contrived.
I am left with the impression that I have struck a nerve.


okay if politics is feels than what feels good?




pussy, which is the main drive of politics.


The wannabe autocrat may cry


Tribalism. Almost by definition, if you think about it.

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