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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Why must we be contempt with Putin to oppose Neo-Nazis in Ukraine?
>Putin blamed Lenin for “creating” the Ukraine.
>Putin says he has no plans to revive the Soviet Union.
>Putin keeps the CPRF on a leash, treating it like other rightoid parties in the State Duma.
<In return CPRF desires a revisionist Dengist view for market socialism to appeal to Putin.
>Putin openly endorses social-conservative reactionary views as well as anti-communism whenever its in his favor.
>Putin subverts movements and allows abominations to come forth and synthesize (National-bolsheviks, Eurasianists, Liberal Nationalists etc.)
>In result Orthodox Church has been back in influence, now no one has to give a shit about materialism, just pray and hope Christ will fix everything.
>Odd factions and contradictions begin to take place between nostalgia for the USSR and the dead Russian Empire.
Why are we swallowing the shit trail of the Perestroika & Gorbachev?
Obviously Ukraine's liberal-nazi-nato coalition are to be destroyed, but why the fuck should anyone be contempt with this bullshit? Is anyone fighting for the ideals of Marxism-Leninism?

Like seriously what the fuck is this shit? Just about 14-16 years ago there was a coalition called The Other Russia which had all of these bourgeoisie factions marching alongside Marxist-Leninists against Putin in an act of class collaboration and now most of them are all in favor of him? Was the Dissenters' March just a stunt? What will supporting Putin do in the long term? Because from what I see, it is no different from the liberals who say they vote for the 'lesser evil' canditate.

When did Marx and Lenin ever write or say that it is acceptable to choose between the 'lesser evil'? It appears that even fucking Trots understood that it was never the case as apparent by the writing of Hal Draper:
<Throughout his world-war polemics against the social-patriots, Lenin always emphasized another accompanying difference between the two epochs: Today, he argued, unlike yesterday, the struggle for socialist power is on the order of the day in Europe. The socialist working class is on the scene as a contender for power itself. This means: There may still be “lesser” and “greater” evils (there always will be) but we do not have to choose between these evils, for we represent the alternative to both of them, an alternative which is historically ripe. Moreover, under conditions of imperialism, only this revolutionary alternative offers any really progressive way out, offers any possibility of an outcome which is no evil at all. Both war camps offer only reactionary consequences, to a “lesser” or “greater” degree.


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>Putin subverts movements and allows abominations to come forth and synthesize (National-bolsheviks, Eurasianists, Liberal Nationalists etc.)
This happened way before Putin got into power. The National Salvation Front started most of this collaborationism during the Anti-Yeltsin protests of 1993. And before that there was the National Patriotic Front Pamyat (NPF Memory).


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Russia checks the US, and the fall of the US already in progress is hastened by this. this would ease pressure on countless liberation movements worldwide


Russia decommunizes the relevant communist structures (electoral, democratic, organized), yet conserves the idolatry and cargo cults (statues, traditions, aesthetics).


Nazbols predate Putin and are in fact very oppositional towards him, even if they support the operation in Ukraine (they routinely do activism against United Russia and state officials). Thinking of Putin and Dugin as the singular masterminds behind all politics in Russia is giving the Russian state way too much credit. It's much more ad-hoc than that.


This is a dumb zigger narrative, as the liberation movements of 40 years ago where heavily communist, whereas the "liberation" movements in the wake of Russia are often just retarded, or are outright boot- and windowlickers like those in Donbas.
What started basically out from local communist and workers movements is nowadays just United Russia cucks, worst communist election turnout in the history of Donezk, labor unions outlawed in 2016, communists barred from their elected seats in the same year…

Russia stated that they want to decommunize and denazify Ukraine. There is not one without the other and both are Russian internal objectives aswell.


this is very dangerous in the long run because it turns communism into a mere set of symbols, which is what christianity has become, for example. someone wears a cross around their neck while behaving the opposite of what jesus advocated. In the future people will wear hammers and sickles but behave in a bourgeois and reactionary manner.


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i've seen this guy in a lot of lvov pics. he has a fam too


I watched that whole insufferable interview and do not recall him saying "we've become bourgeoisie". but maybe I am just forgetting because it was boring. or maybe the translation was dogshit. I do not disagree with your point btw, just saying.


>Why must we be contempt with Putin to oppose Neo-Nazis in Ukraine?
because wtf are you gonna do about it?

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