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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Am i the mong?
How can communism be "left wing" if "left wing" means anti-hierarchy / anti-obedience (T/F?)(albeit, my understanding is as per Wikipedia's "Left-Right political spectrum" article SO I POST HERE and references and "Left and Right: A Non-Euclidean Perspective" where he talks ab similarities btwn "monopoly Capitalism and totalitarian Socialism"…a great line, eh? Etc)
Please be genital.
It's my first time.



Last and def least, DO YOU AGREE:
For forms of Government let fools contest;
Whate’er is best administered is best:
For modes of Faith let graceless zealots fight;
He can’t be wrong whose life is in the right.
>YOU MUST BLOODY FUCKING ANSWERING >(right fuck now!!!!)!!!!


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don't make me tap the sign


The top should be a pyramid (one point)?


>my understanding is as per Wikipedia's
Top 10 quotes before disaster



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So nobody answers the question I guess .

THEYRE is no difference.

LEFT = egalitarian=



>left-right spectrum
Absolute nonsense. Forget it exists. It is not a useful model of politics. Stopped reading there.


As a matter of fact, coffee is good for you.


At least they're honest instead of immediately giving it away after being pressed for sources like 90% of the people here who resort to 1.) page 1 google results (they couch this in terms like the classic "see how easy that was?" 😁) 2.) wikipedia greentexting 3.) msm sources like the guardian, bbc, reuters, al jazeera everyone's favorite uyghur genocide reporting qatar glowies


Didn't read whatever prior conversation this is about but yes if you get caffeine, b12, potassium, iodine, calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin D, protein, and fiber you have very high testerone and jizz tadpoles so big they plop when they come out


>Is it me?
Yes. It's you. Exclusively you and nothing else.


From all the utter shit threads we've been having lately this is the only one that made me laugh out loud. Thanks OP.


>if "left wing" means anti-hierarchy / anti-obedience
it does not


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Is anyone gonna suggest a feckin' book
Or are ya gonna sit there playin
witcher selves?
Fuck lvr. Just use a different term.
"Right", literally, I'm not sure really even exists. If you have to bend the definition a all ta fuck n back to explain them maybe just use a different fucking term
I dunno.
I dunno.
PhD in Wikipedia motherfuckers!!!
Fare thee well. I'm sure I'm right anyways…tra la laaa


>suggest a book
Good luck finding a decent book which plays into a worthless model like the left-right spectrum.

Seriously, I can suggest you a YouTube essay or a pamphlet, or even an infographic. You don't need a proper book to detail what even the meme-pamphlet Manifesto of the Communist Party covers.

>linking RAW

Just read the Principia and get into the typewriter shitposting rabbithole, shit's fun.




yeah, this dude is basically taking the same perspective as what you're thinking
In earlier vids, he gives good reasons as to why left-wing = socialism, freedom, democracy i.e. opposition to hierarchies


>Am i the mong?
>How can communism be "left wing" if "left wing" means anti-hierarchy / anti-obedience
Yes, anon you have never been more the mong. Left thought is not against governance, it is against unjust capitalist governance.


No U

The left predates socialist politics.

From when the parliamentary left started being a thing after the french revolution, "left" has meant opposition to hierarchy/centralised Power in government, economy and in social life.

What makes socialism left-wing is that power over the means of production is given to the working class democratically.


>"left" has meant opposition to hierarchy/centralised Power in government, economy and in social life

This is the one and only definition of "left" you will ever need in your life. Everything about different kinds of leftists is technicalities and strategies


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Youre right that the left begins in the french revolution, but the idea of opposing "hierarchy" is needless contrivance. The whole republican revolution in france (and america) was about capturing the state and instituting *constitutional* protections for the rights of persons in an attempt to procure universal political subjectivity (i.e. democracy). So i would say the left is concerned with justice, but a justice which is oriented around equality. Equality doesnt mean horizontalism.
>but america wasnt equal
Yes, because it modeled itself largely after the roman republic, with the separation of free citizens and slaves. Lincoln comes around later to give discourse to the case for an extended equality in citizenship, and marx was obviously a massive supoorter of lincoln.
My contention is that marx's major criticism with capital's internal contradictions is that it doesnt circulate commodities at a sustained rate of production, and so it's production is inherently tied to consumption, and while capitalists control production, they rule consumption too. So in my opinion, marx would be very happy with a capitalism that had a broader chain of distribution, or of mitigating the crises of overproduction through subsidies (which is largely what the keynesian revolution is about). The fruits of labour have greater reach to the masses. Thats why much of the left CAN support things like UBI or welfare, even though they are extensions of capital's contradictions.
The leftist impulse here in a consumerist politics is the flattening of distribution (even by the market), and so bringing equality by the formlessness of cosmopolitan life. But here see how a conservative will hate big cities and the welfare state. Conservatives are 'anticapitalist' in this case, and so their anticapitalism is in the name of a deeper political subjectivity, which i think is in the name of inequality (which is also why fascists are accused of holding back technology). Capital thus as our social relation contains a progressive and reactionary tendency. There is no formal anti-capitalist politics thus, but only a sublation of bourgeois society, as the communists understand it.
i believe it was zizek who said that marx wanted capitalism without capital. Its not totally untrue. The utopian socialists also wanted a sublation of industrial production while maintaining a mode of exchange


Its a weak and ahistorical definition
You can say that groups milennia ago were "leftist" by the same standard
As far as i can see, the left is just what the left says and does. Anyone who calls themself a leftist is "part" of the left, but the movement, is self-moved. By class antagonisms or whatever else.


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I usually find that people who want to abolish the left/right dichotomy are moreso people that are interested in abandoning left unity in favor of workerism and opportunism like "big tent" movements and populism than they are in achieving socialism. They are more than happy to use left wing slogans and talking points but are furious if you call them leftist. If i didn't know any better, i'd say that communism and socialism are not only left wing, but also that they have nothing to gain from obfuscating their goals and ideals by pretending we have things in common with the right, since the right is predominantly made up by lead-poisoned boomers who can benefit us most by choking on their oatmeal or falling down the stairs rather than contributing anything at all to the world of politics.


Yes exactly
There is the left, and then everyone else
The left is the agent of modern history


> if "left wing" means anti-hierarchy
it doesn't because hierarchy is a result of economics. left means economic control is more public/democratic which results a flattening of hierarchy over time as productive forces develop. republicanism is left of monarchy because it distributes economic control between more people making it more democratic and historically progressive

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