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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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How can I be a good leftist if I'm scared of going to jail? I already have a caution for vandalism, and I don't have rich parents so it's not like I will be able to walk away if I get arrested with no consequences. I am an autistic shutin with ARFID so I think I would suffer horribly in prison. Even if I got out a criminal record would make getting any kind of decent job a lot harder. But at the same time it's pretty much impossible to make any systemic change without breaking the law or at least bending it. Am I just a pussy? I don't know how leftism can get beyond this problem. Most ordinary working people especially with families are gonna be too scared to do anything truly subversive. What is the solution for this?

new thread check etc etc etc


Sage and report and etc.


how is this bait. it's my genuine feelings and i'm not asking you to self report crimes FFS


fuck off faggot pacifivist


Strategy 1: OpenStreetMap
Help Protestors and everyday people living their lives.
-Buildings: Map all of the jails, police stations, religious buildings, court houses, and defense contractors in your area.
-Pedestrian: Add all of the Sidewalks, Marked Crosswalks, Unmarked Crosswalks.
-Transportation: Add all of the parking lots, parking isles, and roads in an area.
-Barriers: Add all of the fences, walls, and rivers in an area.

Strategy 2: Media
Make everything a corporate firm would never dare touch.
Guidelines: Find a media type you are good at. Use generative AI when you can. Use games, video games, music, and art.
Themes: Mock hierarchies of power (religious, discrimination, law), make people familiar with the methods of oppression (WAMI, Robots, Criminal Databases, and Financial Costs of court), and promote liberation.

Strategy 3: Infrastructure
"The moment capital R Revolution happens, food, water, energy, and communication get cut or limited" - Podcast
What does decentralized infrastructure look like? What open source infrastructure and hardware projects exist? How can you help with Meshtastic, Vertical Farming in apartments, Solar Power, and design.


Dont be lumpenproletariat. Dont destroy the machines used by capialism, destroy capitalism.
Organize, join a union. Join a Coop. Fight for workers demands. Improve the life of the people around vou. Go to church every Sunday. Donate tô me and the poor. Soon you will go to red heaven


This is based


>join a union
what a meme

> Fight for workers demands. Improve the life of the people around vou. Go to church every Sunday. Donate tô me and the poor. Soon you will go to red heaven

nice troll, red fed


honestly these are good suggestions. I still think SOMEONE will need to break the law at some point to make any impact and it makes me feel bad to not make that sacrifice myself but I guess I can help the people who do instead


Simply do not get caught


You literally glow


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dont think you know what that means


no seriously becoming a gymbro would greatly help your confidence it mentally helps you it makes you look far far better and you would intimidate most rightists as for getting arrested….idk m8 there not going to like put you in a cell with a 6,7 black man your just going to be put in a room for like a day and they sterntalk you


yeah I should, i'm just too depressed and lazy, sigh

I'm gonna try go to bed since it's 5am, at least that's one positive thing


There's other ways of organizing than direct action, and not all direct action is illegal anyway. Besides, if enough people take direct action they can't arrest everyone.

Safest / cheapest option I'd say is get into art. Read some theory and keep tabs on how other people organize.


>Safest / cheapest option I'd say is get into art. Read some theory and keep tabs on how other people organize.


If you want to do the "fun" stuff, then regular organizing comes first.


but I don't wanna eat my veggies!! you're a glowie mom!


>regular organizing comes first.
nice meme fed


You already do crime don't tell me lies. Just keep that up and undermine the state and capitalism wherever possible, and having a job isn't worth it no matter how much they pay you, you can find a better freer life than that.


Where do I get money from then


>How can I be a good leftist if I'm scared of going to jail
That's stupid.
The thing is how to make it without going to jail or so the revolution sets you free immediately.


I'm on welfare


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you can't live on welfare here unless you manage to get disability


There's always drugs. How hard is it to get on disability?


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From talking to people i have an understanding that paradoxically, jail is in a way scarier when you are sentenced to lesser time than longer. You sort of get used to a longer sentence and initially its scary until you can manage that. For me it was too short to be either scary or to get used to it as i was there for like 10 days until my lawyer got it changed to house arrest, but considering half of the time was spent in a holding cell that is essentially 24/7 solitary, it wasnt honestly that bad. Of course the US is probably a lot worse and I understand why people kill themselves to avoid jail there and the American penalties are much longer. To be honest with you, if there's one thing legaloids have said it well, its "don't do the time if you can't do the crime". Limit yourself to stuff that will get you a sentence that you can bear. If you are in college, dont do anything as it will ruin your studies. Best limit yourself to small actions while unemployed, if you are inclined to break the law. If not, then support people who have, write to prisoners, join anti death penalty/anti solitary confinement campaigns even if they are liberal if you are an anarchist join a black cross.

Protip: assaults on low importance fascists who dont live near you after taking into account opsec that can be found in a certain /AKM/ thread will rarely be solved, even now, a majority of assaults are not solved. This is purely theoretical of course and in real life you will be arrested and also punching people makes you a fascist yourself. So don't do it.


ehhh i dunno pretty hard I think? I mean I am currently applying but don't have great hopes for it


It's a lie when people say you get along with anything, you just forget it when it stops and when it doesn't it's a constant suffer. Jail is the slowest torture.


The goal of a communist is to see how they *can* mobilize the proletariat, not whine about how they don't want to smash random windows
Join a party, read some practical theory, start organising renters unions, regular unions, give lectures, produce media, discuss strategy with your comrades, think about how you can most effectively work with what you got to achieve your goal.

What you're doing now sounds like larping. Vandalism on its own isnt revolutionary.


someone recently posted a little text explaining the nature of the Lumpenproletariat, i am unable to find Marx more precise analysis of the subject. Already looked in the "The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte", the communist manifesto, but not a cool quote to copy paste. So instead, look at those memes.


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the best way to deal with laziness about exercise is to keep it simple. simply doing pushups and chinups each for 3 minutes everyday will get you decent gains and is very easy to do. running can also get you really good leg muscles if you know what you are doing (run on your toes)


I break the law regularly and have never been arrested. This includes blocking roads to industry, I don't just mean petty shit.
That's not to say I have done as much as my nazi-punching comrades, or that other people lying on roads weren't arrested. But building a mass movement requires actions where you have a low risk of arrest, because being arrested every action isn't sustainable. Just ask PotD anarchists.


dawg we're going to be in the fucking trenches getting bombed and shot at in the future


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Lifestylist thread. Unless by "vandalism" you mean organized rioting with your fellow proletarian then you're doing jack shit.


>mentioning "renters unions" before actual unions
>mentioning "renters unions" at all
Fucking lol.




I made an edit of your meme to try making it less idpol. Hope you like it.


Renters unions are easier to start off with, and more intuitive to those who don't know how employee unions work. Obviously one should work on both.


yes lets address interclassist concerns instead of matters that are exclusive to the proletariat. i love communism!!


this is the democratic brainrot in action - lets help the petit bourgeois because its easier and attracts more people. its all about bigger numbers baybeeeeeeeee


>make prole think "union = good"
>prole okay with employee union because unions good


>communism is about convincing, or in this case, fooling the proletariat
im trying to tone down the insults lately but its so hard
whatever happened to material interest


Undoing the damage done by think tanks isn't "fooling" the proletariat.


wasting their little extra time by peddling petit-bourgeois reforms just so they might end up supporting proletarian unions in the long run is a very stupid idea


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>breaking the law


Publishing a list of vacant properties that can be used by people who need housing has done far more damage to the 1% than a riot ever could. This is the kind of thing that makes them sit up and take notice , because it is not a problem with a quick fix like collecting insurance and calling in tradesmen to repair the damage and replace the stock of a store after it gets looted . Evicting an established squatter can take months or even years and if they are not paying attention they may even lose their property to adverse possession laws.


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I have you now?


Basically all of this. Not everybody's build to be the front line, and there's no shame in admitting it.


Okay, are you glowanons purposefully trying to make the board as unpleasant as possible just because?

Seriously, OP had an honest question, and you're acting like a bratty teenager. Piss off ya cunt

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