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Judeo-bolshevism conspiracies are so 20th century, now we blaming communism creation on Islam homies 😎


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al-Qassam Brigades







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Simply stating you support the PFLP OR DFLP is a criminal offense in my country.
I love living in the democratic free world!!!


Infestation of hasabra distraction shitposts ITT.
>Thred is about a western-sponsored mass slaughter of defenseless civilians that is exposing the entire western rules based order.
>Thred is about a genocide.
They want you to forget that.


Good for you. Go shout about it in the street and stop pooping up this place.





>So kill every Jew or almost all of them?
Beyond fallaciously conflating Judaism with Zionism, why is it implied that the resulting group is some protected class? It reeks of Jewish supremacy/exceptionalism.

Currently the choice has a clear winning side in Zionists, so the supremacist settler ideology is self justifying. Zionism will become less attractive once it's no longer the west's darling pet project or it no longer has the material support to avoid entertaining defeat.


Sounds like somebody already pooped on you, huh?
Western regimes outlawing any signs of solidarity for anti-imperialist, anti-genocide, anti-colonialist resistance is a real issue in terms of spreading awareness and funding aid for those facing famine and genocide in Gaza.
I could go to prison if I did anything that could be interpreted as encouraging support for the, despite resistance to occupation being legal under international law.


What do you want a medal? You want us all to pity you for not being able to protest like a cool kid? Get a hold of yourself.


I never said that or implied it. But I am now certain someone did in fact poop on you this morning.



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>When will the IRGC and their braindead supporters stop bathing in the blood of Palestinians?
The only ones I see claiming that Al Aqsa Flood was concocted by Iran are Israel and the rest of the West.


as much as I want the zionists to get fucked, hurling your country into war is not a decision to take lightly, especially when you clearly have no military advantage and it will cause the burger empire to carpet bomb your people
we can do cheerleaders, but we wont be the ones to get bombed, so I'd refrain from insulting the ones who are actually actively arming the resistance while most of us cant even stop our government from actively aiding israel


Mujahideen Brigades spokesman Abu Bilal during his speech today, April 10th, 2024:
As we celebrate the blessed Eid Al-Fitr, we remain at our posts of jihad and resistance, confronting the enemies of Allah, His prophets, and His saintsβ€”the zionists and their alliesβ€”for more than six months, armed with our faith in Allah Almighty and our certainty in the inevitable victory of Allah for His united fighters.
We welcome Eid Al-Fitr while engaged in our battle against the criminal zionist enemy, supported by all the devils of the earth, with steadfastness and power despite the loss of loved ones among the leaders and soldiers who join the caravan of martyrs of our noble movement and the righteous martyrs of our people.
The enemy, through its treachery and unprecedented brutal crimes against our patient and noble people in the Gaza Strip, tried to claim a fictitious victory at the expense of the blood of women, children, and the elderly, after our fighters humiliated its army in the sands and alleys of Gaza. It tried to break the genuine popular cradle for our resistance through its fascist crimes against it and to make Gaza uninhabitable by targeting hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, and shelters, yet the original popular cradle of our people remains loyal and strong, embracing its mujahideen and fighters.
In the seventh month of the Nazi aggression led by the terrorist zionist government, supported by the U.S. and the West, our fighters continue to be active in the field, inflicting heavy losses on its defeated army, blowing up its vehicles, crushing its soldiers, and striking its settlements and gatherings.
- Our fighters have carried out more than 580 military missions in this battle
- Our fighters have engaged in more than 130 direct clashes with enemy soldiers and vehicles along the advancing fronts.
- We have targeted and destroyed more than 70 zionist vehicles.
- We have bombarded the zionist settlements with more than 154 rocket barrages in addition to 140 mortar and rocket operations targeting gatherings and vehicle groups of the enemy.
- Our fighters carried out 14 targeting operations against enemy aircraft and naval vessels, resulting in the downing and capture of 13 zionist drones.
- By the grace of Allah, we successfully sniped at least 21 zionist soldiers and officers in 15 qualitative sniping operations in addition to other qualitative operations.
- Our fighting cells in the West Bank participated in our battle against the criminal zionist enemy with qualitative operations, executing more than 25 military missions.
- One of our latest operations in the West Bank was targeting a zionist bus with a locally-made explosive device southeast of Bethlehem, which the enemy admitted resulted in the injury of three zionist settlers.
We send our greetings to the honorable members of our nation who have supported our Palestinian people, the fighters, and the sanctified path of the most noble Messenger [Al-Aqsa], peace be upon him, in every form of support, whether through prayers, words, demonstrations, financial contributions, and every appreciated effort.
We thank everyone who responded to the call of the Brigades and offered from their wealth, even a little, for the sake of Allah and in support of His fighters and the sanctities of the nation in Palestine, and we invite them to continue giving and sacrificing for the sake of Allah and in support of His sanctities.
We call on the masses of our nation and the free people of the world to continue to exert popular and economic pressure and to continue demonstrating against the interests of the zionist enemy and its supporters until the end of the genocidal war being waged by the zionists in the valiant Gaza Strip.


you mean a fucking glowie moron using that flag has been shitting up the place


>immediately denied by everyone and attributed to a "misunderstanding of the statement"
>massively reused by the "lets bomb the axis of evil" crowd
>all report indicate everyone including hezbollah was fucking baffled and kinda annoyed they didnt know about it
yeah I dont buy it


Iran missile status?


>you can't conflate judaism and zionism
I was curious about this so I found a study from november that found support for isntreal amongst aussie jews at around 90%. admittedly this was at the start of the genocide, not six bloody months later. it still means that jews for peace etc are marginal at best. the data was collected by a reputable university but the reasearch body has zionism as one of it's goals. up until the slaughter in rafah I was seeing stand with isntreal flag stickers all over jewtown and the neighbouring suburbs. now they're rare in the neighbouring suburbs and I don't go to jewtown. anecdotal I know but if there's been a big swing against isntreal in the jewish community it's equally likely to be driven by public opinion as it is a spiritual crisis at the palestinian cost of their free holiday and/or house.

also, the IHRA (defacto western) definition of anti-semitism is complete bullshit. it has its cake and eats it too by stating all criticism of israel and connecting jews and israel are both anti-semitic. pick one dipshits, either zionism and judaism are separate or inseperable, nobody calls out this hasbara propaganda that has been adopted as official policy because zios only cite half of the hypocrisy at a time.


you're alright nu pflp anon


Any numbers on this are going to be mega sus, partly because a lot of the pollsters cook them, and partly because the whole narrative and way the questions are asked are extremely loaded. If you ask people "does Israel have a right to exist" or something, it tends to come across as if saying no would be tantamount to saying "kill all ze juden!"


Irgc status? Still cucked?


I get you, lies, damned lies, and statistics. no matter how shit the survey it's still an unassailable majority.
>"does Israel have a right to exist?" comes across as if saying no is saying "kill all ze juden!"
I wanna nip this in the bud right here and say it emphatically does not have a right to exist. its constitution codifies apartheid, its judiciary have approved apartheid, its parliamentary system trades in aparthied, and the majority if its MPs are guilty of genocide (in lieu of ICC trials), and its military enforces apartheid, and commits genocide. its foreign policy of encroachment and provocation has caused untold destruction and loss of life and made accomplices of its allies and intergovernmental bodies. the state of israel is a colonial relic 300 years past its sell by and must be dismantled. I doubt this requires ethnic cleansing, I think the occupiers will ethnically cleanse themselves with plane tickets just like the boers did. speaking of which, any zionist lurkers: I can't reccommend perth enough, very racist, lots of butthurt saffers, you'd fit right in.


>I wanna nip this in the bud right here and say it emphatically does not have a right to exist
Yes but the reasons you give are unknown to most people who instead think "holocaust" when asked about Israel's existence.



>Biden warns Iran: our commitment to Israel’s security is ironclad


>most people
I'm discussing adult australian jews. pleading ignorance to how zionism operates is ridiculous. over here anyone who is even remotely curious can read a book or google it. some people choose to say they were brainwashed or lied to to recant. that makes sense for children, but there's an age past which it beggars belief it isn't just internalised and accepted. because of this I'd argue surveys on support for isntreal form a sick approval rating for genocide.

honestly I'd expect it to be high just based on the zionists sponsoring religious schools but 90% is jaw dropping. I'm eagerly awaiting the next study, but the links between the ECAJ, ACJC, monash university, and the entity's hospitals and universities suggest that won't happen until there's another uniquely advantageous opportunity.


>pleading ignorance to how zionism operates is ridiculous
Is it though? You could say people ought to know better, but what is the reality? How familiar is the average Australian Jew with what's happening in Israel? Unless it's something you are actively paying attention to, your knowledge of it would be limited to whatever you passively absorb from around you.


Anybody else expecting Iran to strike in the early morning?


you're conflating knowledge and opinion to plead ignorance. I'd say knowledge of apartheid and genocide is near universal and not because oct7 and the genocide in gaza changed a fucking thing. I want to underscore that this is in australia: meaning they'd have to be ignorant of two countries they have a connection to to not know how colonialism works and how brutal it is.


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Hezbollah operations 04/10/2024:

19:00: targeting the Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with artillery shells, hitting it directly.
19:30: targeting the Zebdine barracks in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.


I hope Israel or Iran doesn't cuck out. We need another world war! It's good for the economy.


Maybe it's my burger biases talking but I don't have to imagine how the population of a settler colonial country that mostly wiped out the indigenous people can have a population that is generally ignorant of settler colonialism and genocide, having been taught a whitewashed version of history. That's just how it is here.


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>Anybody else expecting Iran to strike in the early morning?
I expect something because every official explicitly mentions retaliation when speaking publicly instead of dropping it.
It would be going against type for Iran to walk in to the trap of Israel like this though by explicitly missiling the entity from Iranian soil.
Honestly best outcome for everybody would be a repeat of the 83 Beruit Baracks bombing IMHO.


My research has been si.ilar to what you see in aus.
Basically how I understand it zionists have captured all civil and political Jewish organizations in the West.
The problem as I see it in our world the jew who is not religious or zionist really has no reason to call themselves a jew and so simply stop being Jewish and assimilats into the dominant culture, this has the side affect of further ceding ground of cultural ownership to the zzionists.of course this is different in the USA where they like to claim a long lost ancestry to prove they are white and not of slave stock but always remember that the disgusting slovenly Americans are a minority, do not let those vile beings browbeat you with localised soundbites to detract about most zionists being Christians and other progandistic nonsense, the truth after all; one should not be affraid of facts, the truth is revutionary, etc.


>do not let those vile beings browbeat you with localised soundbites to detract about most zionists being Christians and other progandistic nonsense
I am once again reminding people that there are over 100 million evangelical christians in the US and only about 15 million Jews on planet earth.


also worth noting that in nearly all opinion polls I've seen evangelicals are more supportive of israel than jews, sometimes by a not insignificant margin.


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Wtf is this gun? Every time I see the now famous ambush vid I think I'm loosing my mind this gun looks literally made up wtf is going on?
Yes but it's in some fucking flyover state in America that the rest of us can't even prenounce. Your weird freak mid states cultists with their mobility scooters, no passports and dead at 53 of diabetese are Wholely irrelevant to the rest of us no matter how delusional and main character syndromed you 'people' are.


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In addition to directly materially supporting Israel, the "flyover states" are also electing the most rabidly pro-Israel politicians who ensure that the US sends as many billions of USD in aid to Israel as possible.


The people of Jordan send a message to Gaza and to all of Palestine:
β€œWe are the sons of Jordan,
The ones who head down at all hours and all cities since the 7th of October up to today,
so that we may grant victory to our family in Gaza.
And we'll uproot normalization and the zionist project from every inch of our Arab land.
We've been suppressed and arrested,
but, still, we shout with all our throats.
And even with all this, we are falling short, and we promise you, we will persist.
The victory of the resistance is our Eid, so there are no celebrations while Gaza is subjected to genocide.


>Wtf is this gun? Every time I see the now famous ambush vid I think I'm loosing my mind this gun looks literally made up wtf is going on?

it's just a bullpup



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Wow. Shame on hamas for having such overengineered faggotguns I guess..


>shame on Hamas for having captured Israeli guns


Anon this should be legally haram or something.. its quite literally both fake and gay.


it's a little different here, celebrating australia day is basically admitting you're a racist.
mostly agreed, the labor party here also has historic ties to the bundt movement and there was an overlap between wealthy immigrant labor party donors and idf donors.
I don't think the evangelicals are all that powerful in australia. there's hillsong and some regional groups canibalising the liberal party since covid. australia's been mostly cath, anglican prot, and salvation army. but aussie christians may be radicalizing as they consoom american propaganda and normies have left after pell died in disgrace. maybe I should look into that tho.


Aus does have a history of fundamentalists iirc but it never really took hold with them failing to ever secure political power, AUS had another kind of Christian insanity out of Queensland which culminated in Joh Bjelke-Petersen and the Nats.
Different flavours of the same insanity.


Us are moving the Eisenhower aircraft carrier close to Israeli coast to intercept potential Iranian incoming missiles.
Needless to say no such thing as an IRGC launch on Israel will happen




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>This just in…

Zionism is Kosher Fascism


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This is actually quite accurate.
MENA communists literally flipped 180 degrees after the USSR fell to support US liberalism. Only a tiny bit didn't.
From one political idol to another, without the capacity to read and think for themselves mostly.

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