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Can someone explain to me what the difference between Strasserism and National Socialism is? Apparently, the distinction was great enough for Hitler to murk one of the brothers but what was it?


For the same reason hitler got rid of Feder. Schacht was running economic policy for nazis and was link between them and the industrialists. Strasserism was more akin to OG national socialism before Feder was dumped.


Strasser's brilliant idea was to set up a new class of capitalists and call them not-capitalists and pretended like it was some amazing revelation which unfortunately was somehow STILL less retarded and openly dick-sucking of CEOs than Adolf "Industrialists and Bankers are my best friends" Hitler.


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>what the difference between Strasserism and National Socialism is
the Hitlerites understood the nature of the game. Strasserites didn't


Strasserism is more social democrat and nazism is more liberal.


strasserites represented the petit-bourgeois part of the nazi party as opposed to hitler's finance capital enjoyers


gooning to hyperborea vs edging to hyperborea


Strasserites were the actual fascists while Hitler was a liberal imperialist like America during the manifest destiny era, it was just less organic and therefore more authoritarian than the Anglo-American expension.
Every decisions made by the Hitlerite branch of the NSDAP was an attempt at speedrunning german expansion.


All in all if the NAZIs had won WW2 the world would not be that much different aside from having no brown people, jews and slavs in Europe.


To win Hitler would have to not be retarded and stop before invading Russia. He probably could've taken Britain. Better yet would be to stop before war with Britain. That would be the real alt-history what uf the nazis won.


>To win Hitler would have to not be retarded and stop before invading Russia
The supermajority of german of the time had such an irrational hatred for the slavs that it would have been impossible. And Hitler also hated communists on top of it, there was no way for it to happen.
The slavic-communist was just an existential danger by it's mere existence, which is why NAZIS even went around doing massacres on non-aligned/potential allies in conquered territories.


It's funny the Strasser brothers became a widely used shorthand for nazbols when their version of corporatist guild socialism was even more idiosyncratic and bizarre even by the standards of fringe nazbols. If anything, the nazbols who do exist nowadays should be called Bismarckists, or people who were expelled from the KAPD at the time for arguing that Germany was a "proletarian nation" and should ally with the militarists for a war against the Entente.


strasser wanted to kill the jews but also the capitalists, they are seen as crypto commies by right wingers, and crypto facists by left wingers. Basically no one likes them. And their proponents got killed off during the night of the long knives. Strasser once said that hitler only did half a revolution, as he killed the jews but didnt kill the capitlists

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