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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I've been rereading Lenin's What is to be done, Where to start and Letter to a comrade and it got me thinking. How many existing socialist organizations actually try applying the rational organizational kernel cleaned from autocratic circumstances Lenin posits in the texts? By that I mean: how many organizations actually try establishing a unified organ whose sole purpose is to connect all these disperse organizations and fights?

Setting up a server whose only purpose is to host an email service which informs everyone of existing sturggles and give a clear, broad picture of the movement? It is no secret that most leftist organizations are sects - kruzhoks. Even if it comes to cops busting this set up, you just need a cheap PC to set up another.

Imagine getting a weekly update what is happening in your country when it comes to leftist sturggles from people actually struggling. Imagine the theoretical and tactical texts suited from local conditions that could develop from this broad and encompassing picture of the struggle.

Why hasn't this been done?


The Internet and Alternative Media, my guess.



>Imagine getting a weekly update what is happening in your country when it comes to leftist sturggles from people actually struggling. Imagine the theoretical and tactical texts suited from local conditions that could develop from this broad and encompassing picture of the struggle.

>Why hasn't this been done?

Lets assume that this has not been tried before. How much resources and personel would be needed to do this "Iskra for the 21st century"? Like, as you implied, it would only be needed a single "cheap PC" to do it, and i assume a single person. What is stopping you, OP, of doing this Iskra thing yourself?




Map showing Foro de São Paulo members as of 2023:

The following countries are currently being governed by leaders and member parties of the Foro de São Paulo:

Bolivia – Luis Arce (Movement for Socialism) (2020–present)
Brazil – Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party/Brazil of Hope) (2023–present)
Chile – Gabriel Boric (Apruebo Dignidad) (2022–present)
Colombia – Gustavo Petro (Historic Pact for Colombia) (2022–present)
Cuba – Miguel Díaz-Canel (Communist Party of Cuba) (2018–present)
Dominican Republic – Luis Abinader (Modern Revolutionary Party) (2020–present)[25]
Honduras – Xiomara Castro (Liberty and Refoundation) (2022–present)
Mexico – Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Morena) (2018–present)
Nicaragua – Daniel Ortega (Sandinista National Liberation Front) (2007–present)
Panama – Laurentino Cortizo (Democratic Revolutionary Party) (2019–present)
Saint Lucia – Philip J. Pierre (Saint Lucia Labour Party) (2021–present)
Venezuela – Nicolás Maduro (United Socialist Party of Venezuela) (2013–present)




Is this what you want >>1811652 ?


I feel like there's probably a lot of difference between the role of the Sao Paolo forum and the role of a communications hub like Iskra.


>how many organizations actually try establishing a unified organ whose sole purpose is to connect all these disperse organizations and fights?
Thank you. Leftoids think communism is about handing useless pamphlets about whatever stupid sect they belong to to all workers instead of unifying the proletariat in their struggle.


unions already have their own newspapers. what you propose also has the problem of providing enough news, and of not providing too much news. that is, you inevitably have to start selecting what to report on



This is the website for the IMCWP or The International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties.

They deliver news on many Communist and Workers Parties worldwide.


said socialist organizations dont actually follow shit and are disconnected with the people and make no effort

theyre just like fun little clubs atp



Take a look at monthly briefings by the progressive international, you can find out what is happening in left movements around the world



the tricontinental institute for social research, publishes a weekly newsletter on many struggles going around the world, this was founded by Vijay Prashad, a great marxist think tank.


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>Setting up a server whose only purpose is to host an email service which informs everyone of existing sturggles and give a clear, broad picture of the movement?
So, what, exactly?
>Mail server
>Give keys to trusted orgs to be able to post their weekly shit with a geolocation
>Mail the server with one or a few geolocations and a radius from which you want updates
>Weekly mail collection
This is rather simple to do, you just need a way to do some sort of moderation.


(Like, on the technical end, its piss fucking easy to implement a simple info forwarding mail list. The hard part is actually making it qualatively and preventing it from becoming useless by being flooded with useless spam from retarded cults or rogue individuals. And correct me if I'm wrong, but Iskra was more than just a pass-through means for other peoples articles and information)



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