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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I'm not a communist, but l want to know why a bunch of kkk rednecks can't form their own white commune in the the deep south in a world which achieves a communist utopia. Every time l ask l get complete non answers. The incompatibility of racial tribalism and communism seems to have never been established, yet communists tend to sperg out about it more than any other group of people. Even tame things tangentially related to racial tribalism such as autism score and the biological reality of races. You all would be a lot more based if you embraced it


Communism is when you have state mandated interracial relationships.


It’s kinda ironic how reactionary forces have doomed the mayorace to extinction when you think about it. Coups against left wing governments, sanctioning communist countries, proxy wars, assasinations, direct military action, without the reactionary western mayorace the world would’ve been fully communist already, doing away with nationalism and race.

But it is all to their own detriment! As the empire weakens, as the global south stays capitalist thanks to the empires involvment, sooner or later imperialism will arrive, southern imperialism. Against whom? Against the now weak imperial core.


We live in a globalized+industrialized world, there's no going back. International supply chains factor in to nearly every basic thing we consume, take the device and internet service you are currently using to make this thread. Communism is bigger than some hippie dippie commune in the woods, it requires the shedding away from an old contradictory system of political economy into a new revolutionary one in which the means of industrial production are in the control of the working class. The more proles throughout the world that control their means, the less the global bourg has to fight against communism and the quicker we can reach post scarcity. This will require international cooperation. Racialism will ultimately get in the way of that and bring ruin to its practioners.

All that being said your faulty beliefs about autism score and race are uncritical, spooked, corny as hell, and would in most circumstances lead to a society inferior than even the current liberal one.


>another thread about Merican far-right
Obsessed blog posting faggot


Ah a correction. Upon looking at your question more closely, I see you proposed the tribal commune in question comes *after communism has been sufficiently established so let me correct my record:
At that point we can only speculate about the societal structure, but as long the group isnt jeopardizing society then I dont think anyone would really care.


Great, now l have to delete the message l typed out explaining how u gave me a non answer, lol. Either way, there are very big possibilities of things going back. Hasidic jews, amish, russian mennonites and groups similar could be the demographic future of a lot countries. Those who embrace and use technology the most are not having much kids, which will only get worse.
Why don't you like white people?


>kkk rednecks
>their own white commune
By all means any group could segregate themselves and endeavor whatever enterprise they can materially achieve. No lightning-bolts would rain from the sky. But their identity is predicated on the non-segregated living. And hate to break it to you, but the world outside is not segregated and reality does not care about their racialist feelings.

So sooner or later they would have to co-exist with a world that they disapprove of and depend on. They, regardless of their supremacist beliefs are part of a larger system. Why should that world system of socialist economies allow for their special snowflake reactionary bullshit?

Not that I believe they would succeed, even if provided with all the material means to do so, free of charge. I bet they would quickly descend into a purity death spiral, trying to find an outgroup within themselves, or antagonize the outside to find the outgroup that justifies their identity that way.


>And hate to break it to you, but the world outside is not segregated and reality does not care about their racialist feelings.
l don't get the point
>So sooner or later they would have to co-exist with a world that they disapprove of and depend on
l know l said kkk, but to have an all white commune they wouldn't really need to isolate themselves, living like the villagers from outlast 2 isn't necessary for them to have an all white commune
>Why should that world system of socialist economies allow for their special snowflake reactionary bullshit?
So that people have the freedom to live the lives that they want to, of course
>I bet they would quickly descend into a purity death spiral, trying to find an outgroup within themselves, or antagonize the outside to find the outgroup that justifies their identity that way.
You should look into a town called orania


You dont *nose* why black nationalism is good but white nationalism is bad?


>Either way, there are very big possibilities of things going back. Hasidic jews, amish, russian mennonites and groups similar could be the demographic future of a lot countries.
Its possible, but its also possible that th3se communities' growth reaches an equilibrium or even descent as new generations may choose to leave said communities. or hell even the reverse could happen and the communities begin to accept outsiders and proselytes of different races. I know for a fact that there are black mennonites.


Both are bad, because both of them advocate for class-collaboration and an invention of fake nation. The only reason why people prefer black nationalism over the white one is because black people have been oppressed, but I don't see why that changes the inherent reactionary nature of racial-nationalism.


l mentioned russian mennonites, not mennonites. You definitely do not know for a fact there are black russian mennonites. The point of me mentioning these groups isn't about race but about technology. You said the genie is out of the bottle with the industrial revolution, true. But that doesn't mean that most people won't go back to a pre industrial life. l mentioned these religious communities for their rejection of technology. The amish and russian mennonites live lives with very little technology used. Some sects within these groups don't even allow in door plumbing, and they grow the fastest among them


I would have asked you a trick question about lenin's doctrine of self-determination (especially concerning the building of the ukrainian nation), but every tankie is a duginist now.


I see, I misread. I was referring to US mennonites, but like you mentioned the main point was about tech anyways. Regardless, I still believe that these communities would have a difficult time holding onto their population even despite higher current birthrates and they will most certainly eventually stabilize given their material limitations if they're forgoing technology.
Given a higher stage of communism and the fruits of industry being freely enjoyed there are big incentives for new generations to leave these more insular communities as well.


Well the fruits of industry is a tough sell when the amish have half the suicide rate of the normal population in america. The limitations materially are not comparable to extreme rigid traditions and a lifestyle which makes kids a non financial burden but a financial plus. Industrialisation and further progress in technology will just decrease birthrates. Maybe one day they'll things here will be too good for them to deny, but so far they have denied tractors, internet, phones, computers, and more. From simple things like aspirin and all the way to toilets. So it's hard to see how anything will change these communities to en masse give up their way of life


Because you'd have to kick out the black people that already live there.


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>Why don't you like white people?
>age like piss
>bland food
>poor sanitation
>boring asf
the only interesting whites were the ancient greeks shitty states


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Race is an insufficient criterion for social cohesion. Even if that was surnountable, which it isn't, they'll just fine tune harder until they're back to their regular state of unhappiness with how diverse the whiteopia is.
>Every time l ask l get complete non answers.
Because it's a non-question. You haven't explained the logistics of such a setup.
>The incompatibility of racial tribalism and communism seems to have never been established, yet communists tend to sperg out about it more than any other group of people.
It's moreso just debate addicts getting annoyed by a non-question with no logistical explaination.


>racially-homogenous areas are de-facto ghettos with poor economic conditions and crime (compare eastern europe to western europe, or scotland to england); and big cities are the same, but in proportion to their ethnic diversity.

Worth emphasizing that in contrast to the liberal "diversity is strength" meme, this is primarily because more successful capitalist countries/regions tend to attract immigration for a variety of reasons, and within that dynamic big cities tend to attract internal migration of the poor (including foreign immigrants) because theres more jobs. You see this latter dynamic shifting in the US though as most big cities are realestate & finance traps, so poorer immigrants are filling out meat packing plants etc in rural areas


>The incompatibility of racial tribalism and communism seems to have never been established


>the only interesting whites were the ancient greeks shitty states
what about stirner?


Yes i agree, im including the citys periphery as part of the city. "Inner city" ethnic ghettos used to be big in anglo north america but the recent trend has certainly been the emptying/gentrification of those in favor of city outskirts, banlieuization


because to achieve it they'd have to exclude other people.


>Why don't you like white people?
It's not about liking, it's just the reality of what the future holds. White countries supported reactoids while opposing progressive forces on the periphery, what comes from this behaviour is the the end of white countries because those periphery countries will just copy what white countries have done, and with white countries becoming weaker economically, demographically and culturally they will be on the receiving end of imperialism, the highest form of capitalism.


>what comes from this behaviour is the the end of white countries because those periphery countries will just copy what white countries have done, and with white countries becoming weaker economically, demographically and culturally they will be on the receiving end of imperialism, the highest form of capitalism.
this makes no sense


You think africa, the middle east, and latin america is going to politically and economically dominate/colonise europe and america? Are you smoking crack?
Little chinletdy is so me
But white people built the modern world and invented the things we need to talk right now.
This is ironically another non answer. l never mentioned anything about social cohesion yet you bring it up. You can have a functioning society without homogeneity. The answers l get very rarely attack the question head on. Don't know why you will give an answer while also saying that my question is a non question
Are you saying that eastern europe being poorer than western europe is because eastern europe lacks diversity? That's a reason you're giving for why homogeneity is bad?
l don't get the point. The scenario l painted was after a communist utopia is achieved
So, does everyone have a right to other people's spaces when they're created?
The third world isn't going to do imperialism on the west, be real


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>This is ironically another non answer.
Yes. Non-questions get non-answers. You fundamentally don't understand what you think you're asking enough to form a coherent question. Hint: It is a matter of logistics.
>l never mentioned anything about social cohesion yet you bring it up. You can have a functioning society without homogeneity.
The only purpose of a purposefully heterogenous community would be the belief that it is a sufficient factor of social cohesion. Weather or not you explicitly acknowledge this in the OP doesn't make acknowledging it off limits.
Also, moved goalpost. Heterogenity on it's own is insufficient at creating social cohesion, and the closest you get is if the factors that are sufficient to create It align, and the community is only heterogenous by matter of coincidence. It would never be a fundamental factor, and would inevitably homogenize over time. If the community considered their heterogenity to be a fundamental factor to their cohesion, it would mean they have lost sight of the true fundamental cohesive factors and would thus collapse.
>The answers l get very rarely attack the question head on.
Criticism is not an attack.
>Don't know why you will give an answer while also saying that my question is a non question
<This is ironically another non-answer


Do you mean homogenous when you said heterogenous all those times?


Probably, I'm spotting a few times where I mix up the two, didn't eat much today so a little drowsy.


>>1811843 (me)
alright yeah invert each instance of hetero- and homo-. I'm functionally drunk rn.


Okay. l can still understand what you're saying knowing that. The reason why l mentioned how what you said was a non answer was because you're still trying to answer my question while pretending like you are not. The question isn't about purpose, or whether or not it's better than a diverse commune but whether or not an ethno commune would exist in a communist utopia and if it wouldn't then why not. l get answers from there will be absolutely no racists in a communist world, to all other diverse communes will just invade the homogenous one to kill all the inhabitants because racism is le bad. But a lot of the time l get answers which do not directly engage with the question. Like how l see you are doing. For example, if we were to pick a non controversial thing like a bunch of klingon language learners wishing to start their own commune where you only speak klingon because they simply desire a lifestyle where they are surrounded by that language. Would it be permitted? Possible? If not then why not? In a communist utopia are we all mandated to not preserve or revive languages, and to speak a global pidgin language? Is it logistically impossible to have communes which gatekeeps outsiders from joining in order to preserve the uniqueness that the members appreciate and love?


>You think africa, the middle east, and latin america is going to politically and economically dominate/colonise europe and america? Are you smoking crack?

<Rome will never be conquered by those filthy barbarians living on the periphery!

<Those steppe yoghurt eaters will never breach the walls of Constantine!

<Albion, Gaul, Germania and Hispania dominating European history in the future? I visited those provinces, only sheep herders and tin miners live in those swampy places!


Yeah but those are white people. Turks are half white and asian. Amerindians,indians and black people are going to be the benchwarmers of team human. It's always been and will continue to be that way


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Why would the communes not be interconnected? Logistical chains would be the unavoidable diversifier.
There would be no need to invade the racist communes, they'd just starve lol.


> why a bunch of kkk rednecks can't form their own white commune
> but whether or not an ethno commune would exist in a communist utopia
Not really the same thing


>why wont you bulkanize your own country for me?
lol no


non socialist national determination? could never give be me
unless youre a socialist seeking to establish a socialist nation get fucked


White race was a meme anyway.
Nothing of value was lost.


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Stirner was German and wasn’t white because Ben Franklin said so


Why do you need a diverse commune to economically interact with other communes?
What do u mean?
Germans are white, no matter what ben said


Germans are swarthys.
That’s just facts


The other communes would not want to share resources and infrastructure with some hostile race cult in the woods, and visa versa. Shared logistics means shared workers.
If anything they'd just be concerned the race cult might try to expand and cause logistical problems.


Who said they were hostile or a cult? It's just a group of white people who want only white people in a commune. Workers aren't city bikes passed around from place to place, they themselves are tied to a community and space of people, would be no different in a communist world


>ship worker makes trips between [normal commune] and [totally not a cult but whites only pls]
>gunthette, daughter of skyrim, smitten for ship worker, who brings her favorite species of fish every tuesday.
>the two settle down where?
>If at gunthette's, they'll be met with _???


With rejection of the ship worker. He wouldn't be allowed to live within the commune because it's for whites only. So they would have to settle down in a commune accepting of such relationships or split up


>l want to know why a bunch of kkk rednecks can't form their own white commune in the the deep south in a world which achieves a communist utopia
Maine and West Virginia exist anon.


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>Are you saying that eastern europe being poorer than western europe is because eastern europe lacks diversity? That's a reason you're giving for why homogeneity is bad?
I'm just bringing consciousness to the contradictions of racial homogeneity. Not that its "bad" in itself, but that it has its costs. For the record, most righties would willingly sacrifice material comforts for homogeneity.
But the snob in me also sees the general peasantry in the caste character of racists, who esteem an idiotic white trash lifestyle, and only hate it when blacks get their own share in the lumpen pie.
I think a contradiction thats been highlighted recently too is the spiritual weakness of whites who have utterly submitted to liberalism in their meek I.Q. Nationalism and shop-keeper lifestyles. Michael X (an english black communist figure in the 60s) also noted how when he was colonised by the empire, he found identity in the british nation, but in travelling to the imperial core he found the weakness of the natives who had no common belonging with blacks (even as their masters) and so felt very afraid of them. Here, he lost respect for whites when he saw our pampered passivity.
So basically, whites are castrated today by our own decadence, which leaves the space open for territorial disputes along ethnic lines (where the stabbings and shootings of blacks mimics the romance of a vital culture), where whites shut themselves indoors and get flabby.
It is just spengler's decline of the west epitomised, and we are seeing rising powers take its place.
The lie of homogeneity is in saying that if we just externalise our spiritual problems in racial troubles then we can fix ourselves with policy decisions. To have full perspective we must see the Spirit of our moment.
My solution is to have a negation of negation (or critique of critique) and invite the reality of diversity into the super-racial construct of "the nation" by a fascist leadership. So instead of banishing the low I.Q. africans, what we should be doing is drawing an ailiance with based black guys. This is an aristocratic way of doing things, as opposed to a peasant way. Think even of the concept of "honorary aryans" in reference to what im saying.




The mediterraneans saw northern europeans and steppe people as low autism score subhumans that poop in the streets, live in mudhuts and have sex with their horses (and are of course gay because they ride their horsies too much, teehee), just like you see the other peoples of the world.

<Those swarthy Arabs will never conquer the Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, North-West India, Indonesia with their language and religion!

History repeats itself. This is the end times of 500 years of european domination, before that other peoples dominated this world. Give way, anything else is reactionary and will be swiftly defeated in the coming centuries.


how about you stop being a race-cucked faggot?


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I'm sure they did, but they were wrong, they were just other white people living in colder areas which were not suitable for agriculture at the time. l hope you don't think i'm a sperg when l say this but even in prehistory, europeans really punched against our weight in worldwide influence. The country with the most people in the world today speaks a language that comes from white bronze age invaders who then proceeded to crreate a caste system a few hundred years later where the whitest of society dominated it. This idea that every people have their turn in the spotlight is just not true
I'm having a lot of trouble trying to understand what you are saying. Are you saying that the black communist who was disgusted by how english people were not hard enough since they didn't live in a hellhole? What exactly does pampered passivity mean here? Is it the virtues of living in a functioning society? Do we need mandatory bouts in the thunderdome for every citizen? You're identifying problems without really connecting the problems with the things you're talking about. Can you explain what spiritual problems are you talking about too, like do you mean the mindset of white people or something?

White people didn't submit to liberalism, we just allowed liberalism to do its thing and liberalise. I'm not against liberalism and i'm not a fascist, and tying liberalism with our own decadence seems very wrong. We are not decadent people, and in the past we were more decadent than what we are right now. In the past we killed each other more, raped more, oppressed more, constantly making decisions with lead poisoning etc. Only good thing was we had higher T. Do you mind specifically telling me which rising powers are going to overtake western powers like america for example? Could you also paint me a picture of how an alliance of based races are going to coexist in a fascist nation? I'm sure u know how many spergy white identitarians exist out there, as well as fascists, but black AFUN tier people are even worse


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arent hispanics white or atleast larpers they seem get all weird and sensitive whenever i mention spanish is a white language. it seems to trigger some damage to their pride or identity. its kinda of funny and annoys my mexican gf


>Are you saying that the black communist who was disgusted by how english people were not hard enough since they didn't live in a hellhole?
Yes, to put it succinctly. But "hellhole" here is a loaded term. The basic point is that even in domination, races can have mutual self-relation, where in a liberal society, people live by the rule of property and exclusion, not by any holistic principle of belonging. This happened after the american slaves were "liberated" too, where they were just left in the wilderness, and of course, so many went back to their masters. I'm not saying we necessarily need "masters", but we need a self-conception of a society; an identity.
>Can you explain what spiritual problems are you talking about too, like do you mean the mindset of white people or something?
Yes. While other peoples are developing a sense of political subjectivity by simulating their histories, whites have become nihilistic and cowardly. Complacent.
>In the past we killed each other more, raped more, oppressed more, constantly making decisions with lead poisoning etc.
Theres nothing wrong with these things in principle. Its the program of universal peace that makes us so hopeless. We are still violent, but we externalise it to imperialist ventures. It would be good to turn that tyranny inwardly so we are fashioned into the order we impress on the world.
>Could you also paint me a picture of how an alliance of based races are going to coexist in a fascist nation? I'm sure u know how many spergy white identitarians exist out there, as well as fascists, but black AFUN tier people are even worse
Think of a military. You have all races there who are made to conform to a common excellence. Thats my vision. Think of our artists today. We have all races making great things. Its already in process, this "aristocratic" class interest.
Like i say, the wignats are peasants, they like their trailer parks segregated. But a NATION must be built on higher causes. Think though of the bourgeois concerns about blacks. They say its about crime; its about protecting property. Its not an ontological discrimination, but a civil one.
I think most conservatives wouldnt care if blacks werent so lumpen, but this requires re-education, not deportation.

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